Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: TLo on February 28, 2006, 09:45:45 PM

Title: Flechery
Post by: TLo on February 28, 2006, 09:45:45 PM
Am I the only one who thinks the fletchery skill needs to be fixed so that it could be useful. It is easier to craft a violin then a freekin' arrow.
Title: Right
Post by: Desertman on February 28, 2006, 10:05:05 PM
Ewww...this one again. This came up a couple years back if I remember correctly and they did do something about it. In the days of yore you actually had to craft shards into arrow heads in order to use them...can you imagine how hard it was then? Get your feather, then manage a shaft, and an arrowhead, then you can finally start to make an arrow. I agree that it is still too hard but on the other hand, dosent it make you so much more proud when you finally get good at it?
Title: Re: Right
Post by: Anonymous on February 28, 2006, 10:08:43 PM
Quote from: "Desertman"dosent it make you so much more proud when you finally get good at it?

Think Finally I crafted one, I had to type craft arrow into arrow shaft fifty times!
Title: Flechery
Post by: Only He Stands There on February 28, 2006, 10:09:28 PM
Speaking as one who has had extensive exposure to the crafting system, fletchery is fine as is.
Title: Flechery
Post by: Cuusardo on March 01, 2006, 09:51:33 AM
No one ever starts out with a skill at a good enough level to be able to make things perfectly from the start.  It takes a while to get to be good at these things.

Imagine in terms of RL here.  You've got a bunch of knobby, crooked branches that you want to make into straight, smooth shafts.  How easy do you think that task would be when you first learn how?  It's going to take a while to succeed.
Title: Right
Post by: Desertman on March 01, 2006, 10:02:17 AM
Yes and I would like to add that most people who have a problem with the fletchery skill usually compare it to "how easy" it would be in real life. Ever made an arrow IRL? Currently we use a feather, a shaft, and shards in game. When IRL you would need feathers (Plural), a shaft, and an arrowhead (chipped from a shard of stone), sinew/leather, and most tribes used a type of finish to protect thier arrows from the elements mostly made from the boiled fat of other creatures. And they didnt just...."craft shaft" from a green piece of wood, they would find thier suitable branches, then clean them of bark and potrusions until they were straight as possible, then sit them to dry for a week or two in the sun (another step you dont have to take in game, imagine how long you would be waiting for arrows then)....then they would reshape them once they dried due to the fact that most of the time wood warps a bit when it dries...then if the wood didnt warp too bad they would finally have a suitable shaft....I will let you determine how hard it was to chip an arrowhead suitable to pierce the flesh of a creature but that is another step you currently dont have to endure. So actually makeing arrows in Zalanthas is a task that is extremely easy in comparison to how hard it would be IRL. As for playability purposes...that might be your only argument...becuase I do agree it is a pain to fail fifty times.
Title: Flechery
Post by: X-D on March 01, 2006, 11:38:13 AM
Since they changed it so you need not make the arrowhead any more I think that the fletchery skill is basicly in good shape.

Only problem I have with the system at all is that nobody seems to get a very high cap on the skill.

And though you can eventually make an arrow say one of 3 tries, that still really limits the usefulness of the skill and is specialy frustrating if you have a very long lived char who has made hundreds of arrows in his life yet still can't get better, cannot reflect mastering the craft, cannot reflect learning to be able to pick only the items that will make a fine finished product.

Arrows are hard to make IRL, but, I was watching a documentary on a tribe in south america that uses bows (rather then blowguns) and the people stated mastering the skill takes a few years but once mastered these guys were making 30 arrows in just a few hours and doing so without fail. it was neat to watch how deftly they did it too.

Course, I've always had a problem with arm crafting caps. Eventually, you no longer make mistakes IRL, you won't pick the shell that will shatter on you, you are not going to scrape the skin too hard and slice through it, etc etc, but in arm you can make flint daggers for 20 years, make thousands of them and still fail a large amount of the time.

shrug, oh well.

Still find it fun to make things in game, even if it is frustrating to have cooked 2000 duskhorn steaks in 2 years but still burn 1 in 3.