Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Jakahri on December 29, 2005, 01:47:46 AM

Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Jakahri on December 29, 2005, 01:47:46 AM
After mortally wounding someone or rendering them unconscious, you:

>hold rope
You hold the numut-woven rope
>tie man
You bind a length of numut-woven rope around a man's limbs, rendering him immobile.

1) This could be useful for bounty hunters and mercenaries who need to bring their marks back alive.

2) This could be -highly- useful for interrogations.

3) This skill could be based off of the wisdom stat, meaning the more intelligent you are, the better knots you tie, making it thereby harder to free yourself of the bindings.

4) The strength stat, as well as agility possibly, would be used to determine if one has the ability to break free of their binds. Remember, the better the knot, the higher the roll has to be.

5) No more spam fleeing victims! At helps some. Huzzah.  :P

Title: Hog-tie
Post by: jhunter on December 29, 2005, 01:55:19 AM

Perhaps add an "escape bonds" skill to certain guilds. (Burglars, pick-pockets...that sort.)

Make it so anyone can do it...but those certain types are more apt to get restrained for crimes. Maybe they work on escaping them in case of capture. After all, capture could mean death.

*shrug* Just throwing out an idea.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Agent_137 on December 29, 2005, 11:40:14 AM
we've needed this for awhile.

either two new skills, or put it under "subdue" and "flee" skills, for tieing and escaping, relatively.

Or just use the same code and rename them and make new skills.

but we've needed this for awhile.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Agent_137 on December 29, 2005, 11:41:08 AM
idea this in game, by the way. I remember it being said that bored Immortals always check the idea board first, and the forums don't always get checked.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Yokunama on December 29, 2005, 01:19:59 PM
Quote from: "Agent_137"either two new skills, or put it under "subdue" and "flee" skills, for tieing and escaping, relatively.

Yea, I think they should go under subdue and flee skills.

IMO, I think the strength stat should play a role in it. A half-giant or a mul could probably break a rope into.

And who wants to tie up people all the time? What about those scrabs and other animals that those slavers have to get after?
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Bluefae on December 29, 2005, 01:20:14 PM
Excellent idea.  It seems this bit of code could help ameliorate several problems that I've seen discussed in various posts (the aforementioned spam fleeing and problems with interrogation scenes being two prominent ones).

Of couse, there are a lot of... other uses for this skill, some more fun than others.   :twisted:
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Larrath on December 29, 2005, 02:31:26 PM
Bondage.  Kinky.

I think this could be used as a way to finish off a subdue - one person subdues the victim and then a second person can tie them up, allowing them to remain in a subdued state even after the person holding them Releases them.  Could work with Sap - I don't think it's very realistic to go to someone who's within one inch of their life and then tie them up.  You'd be likely to just kill them that way.

Different ropes could have Strength rating, so if an elf grabs you you might have an easy time to escape, but that completely changes once the elf's tribemate ties you up with barbed gianthair rope.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Olgaris on December 29, 2005, 03:34:01 PM
Being able to tie people would be really cool.

I'll try and make sure that it's at least on the to do list.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Jakahri on December 29, 2005, 07:17:23 PM
Great! Thanks Olgaris. =P
Title: When? Soon?
Post by: Skeetdiggitydaddle on April 10, 2006, 08:05:43 PM
Is something like this seriously happening??? I think this has been a much needed skill for a looooong time now. (*gleefully to self* Oh just think of the tortu-...I mean, interrogation opportunities this skill could bring!)
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: X-D on April 10, 2006, 10:20:40 PM
It has been discussed quite a few times in the past on the GDB.

And I really don't remember many who were against it.

I'm for it myself, I really can't count how many times I've been involved in a deal where somebody was surrounded, all exits watched, held by a half-giant who simply bolted the moment they were not held by coded actions, ignoring the setup of everybody around them.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: path on April 11, 2006, 12:36:03 PM
I'm desperately in favor.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Bebop on April 11, 2006, 05:08:10 PM
I really really would like to see this in.

But I think it should depend on a few things.  I don't think you should just be able to run at someone and tie them up.  I think it should be almost impossible if the person is not subdued.  If you want to tie someone up after you subdue them have some kind of rope in your inventory and then type tie soandso.

Is the person asleep or knocked out?  Then you should have no problem subduing them and tying them up.

This would make it possible to bring in people alive instead of just bringing in heads.  And if you wanted to bring in someone but have them go night night you can always just beat them until they pass out.  Being tied up they should be pretty helpless.  I think you should have the potential to break tie in the same way you have the potential to break subdue.

This would deifnitely provide some interesting RP and added realism.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Sir Diealot on April 11, 2006, 06:37:52 PM
If this is implemented.. I hope to god that there is some sort of incense or liquid that can stop The Way from being used (Or, at least, stopping the person from contacting someone else.. still able to receive.. etc.)  so that you can actually get someone to your sekrit lair before his friends charge in and stop the plot.

Title: Hog-tie
Post by: John on April 11, 2006, 06:53:36 PM
Quote from: "Sir Diealot"so that you can actually get someone to your sekrit lair before his friends charge in and stop the plot.
If they don't know where they are, they can't tell someone else. Also, knocking someone unconscious works just as well as tying them up. And taking them to some "room" where it's dark works as a blindfold. If they try to run, well you have to kill them, but even better if you can enter and leave the place you've left them with ease, while they are unable to leave.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on April 11, 2006, 06:53:47 PM
Quote from: "path"I'm desperately in favor.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: skeetdaddle on April 24, 2006, 01:44:46 AM
Um, just bringing this up again in the hopes that we can get some Imm word on this....I see a lot of code changes going in, and some of them seem (to me) less important than a much needed addition like this one. Is something like this being considered? I've been waiting a long time to see it added, and though most seem to agree that it's needed, there's little feedback as to whether it's going to be implemented or not.

Please? I want to tie people up!!!
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Tuannon on April 24, 2006, 03:53:45 AM
Club in the noggin stops the way just fine.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: John on April 24, 2006, 04:08:15 AM
Quote from: "Tuannon"Club in the noggin stops the way just fine.
You also have to keep clubbing them every so often which makes talking with them difficult.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: InsertCleverNameHere on April 24, 2006, 04:42:14 AM
I'm all for this idea myself, I can see it being highly useful in a variety of situations (though someone saying something about hogtying a scrab makes me giggle).

As far as the bit about position given away with psi, there's a prime example of why we need blindfold in addition to this! Without that, it's either sap them.. Or get them good and drunk somehow!
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Vesperas on April 24, 2006, 05:38:37 AM
I also don't like the suggestion of dragging someone off to a dark room.  Maybe dark rooms are in short suppy... and whether they are in not, well.. if they can't see, it's a possibility you can't see, either.  Then that just sucks.

You hear someone moving in the dark.
You think, "Oh shit, hes getting away!"
You blindly try to grab at someone.
You hear the creak of hinges behind you, and see a momentarily flash of light!
You hear the sickly sound of your prisoner locking you in your own hellhole.
You think, "Damn.  I knew I shouldn't have put that lock on there."

I'm all for tieing up someone.  So many possibilities... so many possibilities.  Blindfolding and gagging would be interesting additions, as well.  I guess you COULD get the other player to show good will and roleplay these things virtually (I'd be more than happy to!), but that could turn awkward very quickly if player-player communication fails.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: John on April 24, 2006, 06:32:59 AM
Quote from: "Vesperas"You hear someone moving in the dark.
You think, "Oh shit, hes getting away!"
You blindly try to grab at someone.
You hear the creak of hinges behind you, and see a momentarily flash of light!
You hear the sickly sound of your prisoner locking you in your own hellhole.
You think, "Damn.  I knew I shouldn't have put that lock on there."
If you can lock a door, then why not just close door and lock yourself in it with the prisoner? You'd have to be a pretty stupid and ineffective kidnapper to do that.

Quote from: "Vesperas"I also don't like the suggestion of dragging someone off to a dark room.
I'm pretty sure you can guard in a room you can't see in and still be an effective guard. But if you don't like that, simply sap them, take them somewhere you're fairly certain they've never been, wake them up. They'll see "You are in a cave." Now the player might have been there before, but hopefully the character hasn't been.

Also, I'm not saying don't add tying. I'm all for it. These are simply alternatives until we can tie people up.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Ghost on April 24, 2006, 07:02:54 AM
Blindfolding and gagging are awesome suggestions.

Not to mention how kinky the mudsexxx0rs can get after that is put in the game.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on April 24, 2006, 08:40:49 AM
Quote from: "skeetdaddle"Um, just bringing this up again in the hopes that we can get some Imm word on this....I see a lot of code changes going in, and some of them seem (to me) less important than a much needed addition like this one. Is something like this being considered? I've been waiting a long time to see it added, and though most seem to agree that it's needed, there's little feedback as to whether it's going to be implemented or not.

Please? I want to tie people up!!!

While I think all the changes were important ones and some of the upcoming even more important, I absolutely agree that this is a needed addition.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Angela Christine on April 24, 2006, 11:29:02 AM
It would be nice if there was a drug, poison, spice, or possibly just alcohol that interfered with psionic ability.  Being drunk seems like it should be incompatible with the mental disciplines.  It wouldn't affect stun, instead it would raise the difficulty of psionic skill checks.

Angela Christine
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Agent_137 on April 24, 2006, 01:38:57 PM
i don't know my drugs, spices, and poisons very well, but I'm surprised that there isn't already something inplace to immediately (as in upon application) interfere with psionic ability.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: John on April 24, 2006, 05:20:35 PM
Quote from: "Angela Christine"Being drunk seems like it should be incompatible with the mental disciplines.  It wouldn't affect stun, instead it would raise the difficulty of psionic skill checks.
Being drunk is already taken into consideration.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: FightClub on April 25, 2006, 04:53:12 AM
Quote from: "Sir Diealot"If this is implemented.. I hope to god that there is some sort of incense or liquid that can stop The Way from being used (Or, at least, stopping the person from contacting someone else.. still able to receive.. etc.)  so that you can actually get someone to your sekrit lair before his friends charge in and stop the plot.


I believe there are.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: path on April 25, 2006, 02:57:26 PM
Someone asked the staff not long ago about blindfolds. I remember as I was on the edge of my seat for the answer. They said someone is working on this.

I hope that they will next devote their attentions to binding people up and immediately follow that up with gags.
Title: Yes.
Post by: gfair on April 26, 2006, 08:05:02 AM
Great idea, I'm for it. The two alternatives are subdue and sap, and subdue is awkward when you are doing it for a long period of time.

This would be a good alternative to sap and subdue in city settings as a method that won't get you crim-flagged. It should only work on people affected by sap or subdue though.

A perfect way for city soldiers to prevent someone from fleeing.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: anon kank on April 26, 2006, 01:46:37 PM
Quote from: "FightClub"
Quote from: "Sir Diealot"If this is implemented.. I hope to god that there is some sort of incense or liquid that can stop The Way from being used (Or, at least, stopping the person from contacting someone else.. still able to receive.. etc.)  so that you can actually get someone to your sekrit lair before his friends charge in and stop the plot.


I believe there are.

You believe wrong...
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Delirium on April 26, 2006, 01:49:37 PM
There are ways to ensure someone doesn't use the Way.

In this case I think I have to be cliche and say "Figure it out ingame".
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: Anon Kank on April 26, 2006, 03:39:56 PM
There are ways.  However, there is not an herb/spice/alcoholic drink/poison that you can apply, in order to seriously block the way.

Yes, you can keep them at very low stun..  Or hit them with a sap, and KO them.  Or, you can get them -real- drunk, and its harder for them to Way,  but there is no effective way of temporarily taking away the inner cell phone of every single person in Zalanthas.  

Nor, without blindfolds, is there a way to stop them from bringing in their buddies, to beat your ass the second they awaken.  Or, at least, give away information critical to your plans.. or armaments or anything you might accidentally reveal.  Every Single Person on Zalanthas has an untappable (sans Templars, Sorc-Kings, and Psions) mental cell phone that can instantly, and near flawlessly put them in contact with anyone else in the world, its the way the game is, but it'd be nice if we could temporarily knock it out for the sake of plot, and to slow way-twinkage.
Title: Hog-tie
Post by: amoeba on April 26, 2006, 03:48:48 PM
Quote from: "Anon Kank"There are ways.  However, there is not an herb/spice/alcoholic drink/poison that you can apply, in order to seriously block the way.

Yes, you can keep them at very low stun..  Or hit them with a sap, and KO them.  Or, you can get them -real- drunk, and its harder for them to Way,  but there is no effective way of temporarily taking away the inner cell phone of every single person in Zalanthas.  

Nor, without blindfolds, is there a way to stop them from bringing in their buddies, to beat your ass the second they awaken.  Or, at least, give away information critical to your plans.. or armaments or anything you might accidentally reveal.  Every Single Person on Zalanthas has an untappable (sans Templars, Sorc-Kings, and Psions) mental cell phone that can instantly, and near flawlessly put them in contact with anyone else in the world, its the way the game is, but it'd be nice if we could temporarily knock it out for the sake of plot, and to slow way-twinkage.

Not entirely true, I can think of at least two ways not listed.  Just because you haven't encountered it does not mean it does not exist.