Please do -not- private message staff on this board. Most of us do not read private messages, none of us reply to them and many delete them without ever opening them.
One of the ways we monitor ourselves as staff is to copy all communication with players and each other to the mud account and that cannot be done via private messages on the GDB.
Just a reminder to those of you who still try to send private messages to staff members. We aren't ignoring you. Feel free to send the same inquiries and requests - by sending to them the staff member directly with a cc to
I had to delete a couple of private messages without reading them this morning. Just a reminder to anyone who might have forgotten that staff do not read them.
Quote from: "Naiona"I had to delete a couple of private messages without reading them this morning. Just a reminder to anyone who might have forgotten that staff do not read them.
Actually, some staff do read these, but not many. Naiona is right, though, in that you should not rely on it as a form of communication. I have read them, a couple of times, in the past but I didn't even notice them for weeks.
I avoid them like the living death that they are, and would generally like the option to simply have sending such messages to me be unavailable. (Thankfully most people know this and I almost never get a pm, so by and large I feel like this is preaching to the choir.)
At any rate, it's not an "official" staff communication line -- that's reserved for the email addresses.