Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: moab on October 07, 2005, 03:17:00 PM

Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: moab on October 07, 2005, 03:17:00 PM
I just wanted to share an experience I had recently and why I love this game so much.

I've been playing awhile, so one might think that I'm fairly familiar with the world and have done a good number of things.  I think that's a good assessment of my experience level.

However - I was doing the simplest thing the other night - sneaking around trying (and succeeding) to get somewhere I wasn't supposed to be to do something I wasn't supposed to be doing (all IC and if you think you know what I'm talking about, you're wrong - no other PCs were involved that I know of).

Everything was going along normally for me, the player, as I watched the text dance across the screen.  As soon as my PC hit the critical stage of his adventure, though, (with a very real possibility of very sudden death) my RL heart began beating so loud I could hear it in my ears, my hands began to shake and I had to really work to focus on the keyboard.   I remember thinking - whoa, my heart is really pounding, but I gotta focus or I'm going to die....

Then, after everything was over, I was shaking and drained.

Once again, I attest - Armageddon can pull out of me what no movie or book or any other game ever has.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: sarahjc on October 07, 2005, 03:21:53 PM
Heh, I got that feeling a few weeks ago when my PC ran into someone who they shouldn't have in the middle of somewhere they shouldn't be.

Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Cyrian20 on October 07, 2005, 04:00:44 PM
Heh few things beat the time I made a character that was going to assassinate a guild member. I remember shadowing him for like 10 RL minutes with my heart beating, I knew if he lived I was dead. I ended up having my character chicken out. For ten or so minutes though I felt like I do after a good sprint. Also once I broke into a house, and the owner came home, unfortunately the owner was a gemmed krathi. Had my heart beating a little but I was hidden, nothing prepared me for what I saw next

<sdesc> looks up at you.

I couldn't even type for a good 30 seconds because my hands were shaking.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: RunningMountain on October 07, 2005, 04:57:51 PM
I really don't get that feeling. How you people can think you're defusing a bomb or something when you're just playing a game is beyond me. Now I admit I've felt 'adrenaline' rushes every now and then, but that rarely happens and only in death situations and with a character I really really like.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Vesperas on October 07, 2005, 05:14:47 PM
Maybe our imersive imaginations are just a little stronger than yours. :P
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: RunningMountain on October 07, 2005, 05:19:25 PM
Maybe yer a bunch of sheltered pansies that get excited over the littlest of things. I'm a cop so that might explain why I find it funny when people are sitting at their computer sweating profusely, hands shaking, heart racing over a friggin text game. It's so funny to me.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Sir Diealot on October 07, 2005, 05:26:35 PM
I'm a cop guys!! LOOK AT ME! LOOK HOW COOL I AM!!


Edited to add:  Aren't you the one who whined and tattle told to WotC about Arm using some stuff that was vaguely Dark Sunnish, Delerak?  Seems a little bit like what a pansy would do..  Getting your panties in a wad over on their forums back in '03, because of a little text game.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: flurry on October 07, 2005, 05:57:16 PM
Quote'adrenaline' rushes

Quotesweating profusely, hands shaking, heart racing

tomato, tomahto
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Gribble on October 07, 2005, 06:01:21 PM
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Maybe yer a bunch of sheltered pansies that get excited over the littlest of things. I'm a cop so that might explain why I find it funny when people are sitting at their computer sweating profusely, hands shaking, heart racing over a friggin text game. It's so funny to me.

I find it funny that a cop is playing a text game... shouldnt you be working out? Or arresting things?
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: amoeba on October 07, 2005, 06:06:16 PM
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Maybe yer a bunch of sheltered pansies that get excited over the littlest of things. I'm a cop so that might explain why I find it funny when people are sitting at their computer sweating profusely, hands shaking, heart racing over a friggin text game. It's so funny to me.

Do you -intentionally- try to insult people?  I enjoy the game, many of us have invested a lot of time and thought into our characters.  Often for many months or longer. These characters have become very familier and comfortable to us. This leads to an intimate, personal experience when all is played well.  Feeling anxity and the side effects of adrenelane (i.e. shaking palms, fast beating hearts, etc.) is a perfectly natural reaction to the very real likelyhood of our characters demise.

This "sheltered pansy" feels a tinge of sorrow for one so jaded that they can not reach that same level of enjoyment as some of us have experienced.  Well, not really, but at least I am trying to be polite.

To Moab, ya it's cool when that happens.
Title: Cop?
Post by: williamson on October 07, 2005, 06:07:10 PM
If you were really a cop, you would have a cool Magnum PI mustache.

Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: LauraMars on October 07, 2005, 06:23:41 PM
Don't Haterade.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: halfhuman on October 07, 2005, 08:03:03 PM
williamson's right. I want a pic before I believe you.

Anywho, I get that feeling sometimes. Though I've never heard my own heart beat, sometimes when I'm excited, or angry (and my character's feeling the same way) I start to type really quickly and often have to backspace because of various typos, which is kinda cool because it makes my character a little more instinctual and I tend to act before I can think things through too much. I have had suspensful moments when my heart gives one big thud, and my mind goes blank, but I don't think I've ever began to sweat or anything.
Title: Re: Cop?
Post by: Halaster on October 07, 2005, 08:07:10 PM
Quote from: "williamson"If you were really a cop, you would have a cool Magnum PI mustache.


I can always count on you, Williamson, to make me just die laughing.  I mean really - holy crap that was funny.

However, you're behind the times, dude.  Magnum PI is out, Miami Vice is in.  I think to be a cool cop, RunningMountain needs to wear one of those cool blazers with the sleevs rolled up and call himself Crocket.  In fact, LOOK HERE HE IS!! (He's the guy on the top-right).
Title: Re: Cop?
Post by: Rhyden on October 07, 2005, 08:10:04 PM
Quote from: "williamson"If you were really a cop, you would have a cool Magnum PI mustache.


Hahahahaha, now I'll think of RM as Farva from Supertroopers.
Title: Re: Cop?
Post by: jmordetsky on October 07, 2005, 08:23:44 PM
Quote from: "Halaster"
Quote from: "williamson"If you were really a cop, you would have a cool Magnum PI mustache.


I can always count on you, Williamson, to make me just die laughing.  I mean really - holy crap that was funny.

However, you're behind the times, dude.  Magnum PI is out, Miami Vice is in.  I think to be a cool cop, RunningMountain needs to wear one of those cool blazers with the sleevs rolled up and call himself Crocket.  In fact, LOOK HERE HE IS!! (He's the guy on the top-right).

If I wasn't so lazy, I definately would have just photoshopped a big mustache onto Crokett's photo and labeled it Prokett or something.

I love hybrids. I only sweat when I play half-elves.

Edit: Oh, and to all those who scoff when I refuse to call this a game, and instead refer to it as literature. This is why.

This as in....Moab's post..... not Magnum Pi.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: RunningMountain on October 07, 2005, 09:15:51 PM

And honestly, I think SOME people on these boards need to grow up. Just because I am a badass law enforcer that keeps his cool under stressful situations doesn't mean all of you Information Technology folk out there have to hate.

I would put a smiley face here but I am too badass.

Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Maybe42or54 on October 07, 2005, 09:18:26 PM
My last Warrior Pc is when I had the most adrenaline rushes because I only trained with him when I had to. Which was like once or twice a Real life week throughout his life and I never knew if he was strong enough to beat anything until that day I killed a bunch of shit in the Arena and Oh my god damn shit. That was a scary experience.

As for Running Mountain, Every time I see a cop, I think Reno 911!'s Lieutenant Dangle.

Since he wears the really short shorts so that he can chase criminals down like the panther. His big shades, and his crush on the big black guy.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on October 07, 2005, 09:36:45 PM
Damn, I totally can see where RM is coming from.  Myself, I'm this hard-core criminal and I basically just kill everyone that I see.  Whenever I see a cop, I KILL HIM.  Just like that.

I'm going to go drink some beer and have sex with three women at the same time.  Bye bye weakling Arm players.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Cyrian20 on October 07, 2005, 09:39:24 PM
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Maybe yer a bunch of sheltered pansies that get excited over the littlest of things. I'm a cop so that might explain why I find it funny when people are sitting at their computer sweating profusely, hands shaking, heart racing over a friggin text game. It's so funny to me.

LOL I am a club promoter, but only as a night job, I train under frank shamrock so maybe I can go pro late next year as a UFC fighter (have a good amatuer mma record right now)  also am currently picking up work at the santa clara prisons as a guard. I fight guys on a daily basis. And my upcoming job my roomate gets in a fights once a week. I can still get excited when I play the game because I am totally immersed in it. The same way I hold my breath when Musashi fights the final fight in his book or when maximllion morrel tells Edmond Dantes (count of monte cristo) his father's last words. The ability to totally lose yourself in a book, movie, or painting (the latter I am not articulate enough to do but I wish I was) is sadly a dying trait in modern generations.

At work right now and this keyboards sucks ass, please ignore horrible typing.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Arabian Nights on October 07, 2005, 09:49:53 PM
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Actually.

And honestly, I think SOME people on these boards need to grow up. Just because I am a badass law enforcer that keeps his cool under stressful situations doesn't mean all of you Information Technology folk out there have to hate.

I would put a smiley face here but I am too badass.


Don't lie. That's really a picture of your mother.  :lol: <---**Note the smiley face because I'm too badass not to smile.**

Besides, how do we know you're a badass law enforcer? You could be a desk jockey, meter maid,....etc...
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: RunningMountain on October 07, 2005, 09:50:40 PM
Since both my posts were thickly laced with sarcasm, perhaps I should be clear now that I WASN'T BEING SERIOUS.

There we go.

Honestly however I do think that my training somehow detracts from the game now, any other LEO's care to clarify? My palms don't get sweaty, my heart doesn't race, I can get excited here and there but it has to be a certain situation.  Then again my blood pressure is like 70/90 when at rest.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Maybe42or54 on October 07, 2005, 09:53:11 PM
Back onto topic. I remember a lot of tense times as a previous character where I didn't know if I was going to see my IG 27th Birthday.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Arabian Nights on October 07, 2005, 09:54:55 PM
*shrug* Dunno, I'm just joking around.

Actually in RL situations most of the time I am completely calm and collected. I get amped about games though, I always have and probably always will.

Not sure why that is actually. It's probably rather odd.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Cyrian20 on October 07, 2005, 10:26:56 PM
Mansa gives me a boner
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Halaster on October 07, 2005, 10:49:22 PM
Quote from: "RunningMountain"
There we go.

You tell 'em, Crockett.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: jmordetsky on October 07, 2005, 11:05:46 PM
Quote from: "RunningMountain"Actually.

And honestly, I think SOME people on these boards need to grow up. Just because I am a badass law enforcer that keeps his cool under stressful situations doesn't mean all of you Information Technology folk out there have to hate.

I would put a smiley face here but I am too badass.


You'd look better with a mustache. I'm not being a jerk, I'm just giving my opinion from a fashion point of view. Nothing say badass law enforcer like a mustache.

or a motorcycle, or both.  But in the absence of a motorcycle....go mustache.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: RunningMountain on October 07, 2005, 11:09:47 PM
I can't grow a moustache. My upper lip has always been hairless.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Forest Junkie on October 07, 2005, 11:26:54 PM
I'll lend you some of my Aunt Shirley's moustache. That upper lip is kickin'.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Cyrian20 on October 07, 2005, 11:38:00 PM
Has this post derailed or what?
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Forest Junkie on October 08, 2005, 12:02:50 AM
Oh yeah. Arm is cool and stuff.
Title: Re: Cop?
Post by: amoeba on October 08, 2005, 12:07:30 AM
edited: Got really old, really fast. Deleted.
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: RunningMountain on October 08, 2005, 12:15:48 AM
Haha. Now THAT is funny.

And here's an older pic of
amoeba (
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Lohan (being lazy) on October 08, 2005, 12:26:51 AM
/me watches the train derail and go carreening into a fireworks factorty next to a retirement home.


I get excited about making buisneiss plans...OH and sex..
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Gribble on October 08, 2005, 12:40:50 AM
can we send this post away?
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Cyrian20 on October 08, 2005, 03:16:28 AM
Title: Why I love this game (again)
Post by: Halaster on October 08, 2005, 10:13:03 AM

Ok, locked this thread for degenerating into madness.  MADNESS I TELL YOU