Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sanvean on August 18, 2005, 02:10:43 PM

Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Sanvean on August 18, 2005, 02:10:43 PM
Here's the current list.  Post other commonly asked questions that should be included.  If it's something that can be answered by pointing to an existing doc or helpfile, that's fine.  Player helpers - if there are questions you see commonly that aren't on here, please post them.  Newish players - are there things that bewildered you that aren't included here?  Post them.

                       How do I create an account?
                       Can I supply a fake email?
                       Can I create multiple accounts?
                       What if I'm playing from the same IP as another player?
                       What is karma?
                       How do I get karma?
                       How do I create a character?
                       Can I reuse a description or background?
                       How long do I have to wait for a character to be approved?
               City life
                       Why should I be scared of nobles?
                       Why should I be scared of templars?
                       How do I keep thieves from stealing from me?
                       How long do I stay in jail if I commit a crime?
                       How do I know the difference between another player and an NPC (non-player-character)?
                       How do I join a clan?
                       How do I know what clan to join?
                       What does being in a clan mean?
                       How do I get paid by my clan?
                       How do I know who my clan immortals are?
                       How do I get access to clan forums on the discussion board?
                       What classes are available to me?
                       How does a warrior earn a living?
                       How does a ranger earn a living?
                       How does a merchant earn a living?
                       How does a burglar earn a living?
                       How does a pickpocket earn a living?
                       How does an assassin earn a living?
                       How do I initiate combat?
                       How do I stop fighting?
                       Should I emote during combat?
                       What happens if I attack something in the city?
                       Where should I go to rest and heal if I get injured?
                       What should I do with my weapons when I'm not about to engage in combat?
                       How do I shoot a bow and arrow?
                       How do I talk directly to a person?
                       How do I talk at a table?
                       How do I attach an emote to what I'm saying?
                       How do I recognize someone?
                       What is my objective and how do I change it?
                       How do I know what I can make?
                       What use are tools?
                       What else helps when crafting?
                       Should I emote while crafting?
                       How do I use an axe?
                       How do I emote?
                       How do I attach an emote to an action?
               Getting Started
                       How do I select a starting city?
                       Which starting city should I pick?
                       How do I contact a helper if I have more questions?
                       Won't I just bother the helper or piss them off?
                       What do OOC and IC mean?
                       Where do I buy food?
                       Where do I buy equipment?
                       What kind of equipment should I buy?
                       How much of my starting money should I spend?
                       How do I see a map of the city?
                       Who can I trust?
                       Do I need to sleep?
                       Why did my stamina change?
                       How do I use the help files?
                       How do I learn skills?
                       How do I know if someone's a magicker?
                       Can I trust a magicker?
                       What is a magicker?
                       How do I walk?
                       How do I change movement speed?
                       Why am I lagged when I move?
                       How do I enter or leave a building?
                       How do I move when it's dark?
                       How do I attach an emote to my movement?
                       How do I know where to go?
                       Can I travel between cities?
                       How do wagons work?
                       How do I see what a shopkeeper has to sell?
                       How do I buy an item?
                       How do I haggle with a shopkeeper?
                       Why doesn't the clothing or armor I just bought fit?
                       What should I do if I can't sell something to a shopkeeper?
                       Is it okay to sell chairs taken from a tavern?
                       How do I give coins to someone?
                       How do I earn money?
                       How do I buy a mount?
                       How do I ride a mount?
                       How do I hitch a mount to me?
                       How do I stable a mount?
                       Do I need to feed my mount?
                       How do I use the Way?
                       A presence contacted me/someone told me something through the Way! Are they a psionicist?
                       What's the best race to pick?
                       What's being an elf like?
                       What's being a dwarf like?
                       What is being a half-elf like?
                       Why should I not make a half-elf for my first character?
                       How do I steal from someone?
                       What happens if I steal from someone?

Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Nao on August 18, 2005, 02:48:40 PM
how/where can I quit?
Can I quit everywhere?
How can I take a closer look/get more information about someone/something?
(thinking about look/examine/asses/asses -v here)

How do I know if I'll be able to use a weapon at a shop?
Is there a way to look at the exact description of items in a shop before I buy them?

How do I sell an item? (took me some time to figure out that the syntax is 'offer', not 'sell')
Where do I sell which items?

I'm moving inside the city, why did I start lodsing moves for this all out the sudden? (I didn't know that fleeing automatically sets you to 'running', so I couldn't figure that out)

When it comes to buying, make sure you explain the whole thing about coins in invenory and what th syntax is to get coins from containers/put coins into containers, i had some trouble with that at first.

Under getting started:

I'm starting to get hungry and I'm running out of coin, do I have to starve?
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Larrath on August 18, 2005, 02:53:23 PM
What are gemmers and why should I be afraid of them?
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: jcarter on August 18, 2005, 03:21:37 PM
I don't know how to phrase the question, but something along the lines of 'what are things I can do around the city to make money that don't depend on skills or players?'. This is in reference to the sort of "quests" like collecting salt or sid mining.
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2005, 03:57:31 PM
who's gonna write up the ansers to all these? I'd love to do a few, actually...
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on August 18, 2005, 04:09:36 PM
In the "Classes" section, I think it'd be important to mention that A) just because you pick the assassin class does not mean that you're in any way obligated to be an IC assassin and B) if you pick the pickpocket class, and start going around telling people you're a pickpocket, they won't be very understanding. People don't identify themselves by what guild they choose, unlike many other games.
Another suggested question: "How come I can't play a magicker?"
Some people enjoy magick-using characters. I know I do. Whenever I play a new game, the first thing I do is roll up a necromancer or wizard or elementist. It might be frustrating to some that they can't start spell-slinging right away. I think it's important that new players know that they can, one day, play a magicker, but the standards are higher in Armageddon. Here you could mention karma, Armageddon's focus on roleplay above all else, and the special application process, in case the reader didn't catch it earlier.
Title: ...
Post by: Asnoboy on August 18, 2005, 04:13:59 PM
How do i survive out of the city? (as you know, populated areas are a very small part of this gigantic world, this, i guess, could be very related to "how does a ranger earn a living", but not necesarily.

Also, there should be some questions regarding RPing, like:

Should i care about emoting and RPing when im alone?
What should my goals be RP-wise?
How do i get involved in deeper plots? (i know this is ambiguos, i leave the hard work to the IMMs... :P)
Should i care about emoting while in combat even if my heart is about explode and if i can barely handle the stress?
Is it ok to try to max out my skills?
Should i use ic sensitive info of my past chars to improve my current one?
I think an IMM is watching me while im playing, should i be affraid or play differently?

And perhaps.....

Can i try to hack the server and log in as Sanvean?
Why should i fear Halaster? :twisted:
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Bestatte on August 18, 2005, 04:29:58 PM
Some common newbie and not-so-newbie mistakes, written in question form to be answered.

1) I made a half-elf, and no one wants to talk to me. I KNOW the docs say we're abominations but I want to have fun too! What do I do?

2) I made an elf, and no one wants to talk to me. I KNOW the docs say that no one in cities trust elves, but I want to have fun too! What do I do?

3) I made a dwarven merchant, but everyone keeps trying to hire me to be a combat character. I want to be a merchant, not a combat character. What do I do?

4) My human character is in love with an elf. Everyone keeps making a big deal about it and I don't understand why. The docs say there's as many elves as humans in the city, and I keep seeing all these half-elf PCs around, so obviously the docs aren't meant to be taken THAT seriously. Right?

5) Whenever a templar walks in the room, EVERYONE bows immediately. The screen scroll is hard to keep up with. Are we really supposed to all stop and bow as soon as a templar walks in?

6) I want to be an assassin/burglar/thief, so I created an assassin/burglar/thief character. But how do I practice, if I shouldn't just tell people I'm an assassin/burglar/thief, and backstabbing rats/spam-picking the only building without a guard present/stealing from NPCs is frowned on?
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Nao on August 18, 2005, 04:33:59 PM
What are some posible backgrounds for a character?
(I know I wouldn't have started playing here if I didn't have a helper tell me a lot about what was possible for a background - it's very hard to write something up that fits into  the game settings if you don't know those settings, and the docs don't actually help much here...)
Some examples would be nice here, too, either as the answer to that question or on the web page, justlie we have sample descriptions (which helped me a lot at the start).

If my character dies, what happens? Is it permanent or can they be reincarnated?

What are some useful tips on how to stay alive?

What places are safe to go and what places should I better leave alone as a new character?
(Don't give IC info here, just things that would be common knowledge but that a newbie doesn't know... the rinth is dangerous, going outside is dangerous, exspecially when you don't stay near the city etc.)

:twisted: Do imms really eat my brains?  :twisted:
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: da mitey warrior on August 18, 2005, 07:01:56 PM
How do I use a torch?

How do I buy water?

Why can't I sheath my weapons on my belt?
(ie belt in wrong eq slot, non-sheathable belt, non-sheathable weapon)

Where is all the color?

How do I turn on the chat channels?

Where can I find a pick?
(don't have to give an exact answer)

My character died in the first 2 hours and now I'm naked and have no money.  What do I do?

How do I remember everyone's name?

I've killed hundreds of scrabs/gith/carru but today one killed me in like 2 hits!  Do the imms hate me and did they arrange my character's death?

Will the imms be mad at me because I get myself killed and they keep having to approve new characters for me?

What does branching skills mean?  How do I know which skills branch into what?

I don't have the ride skill, can I still use a mount?

How long is a game year in RL?

How many months are in a year?

How do I get the guards to open the gates of my clan HQ for me?

My stats suck, should I suicide my character and try again?

I've screwed my character up really, really badly.  Is there anyway I can start over?

Where's the newbie zone, where new characters can kill easy stuff to level up?

What's a good background to use?/How can I make a good background without playing the game first?

Whenever I talk to someone their words all seem garbled and confusing, what gives?
(ie they are a dwarf or elf)

Why can't I be a ranger elf?

Why are people so mean to me?

What are twinks and what is twinking?  

What is powergaming?

How much can I spam commands before I'm considered a twink?
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: bloodfromstone on August 18, 2005, 08:53:00 PM
Under money: What is a small/large? (I remember being confused on this when I started, even though it is something everyone would know.)
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2005, 03:23:18 PM
How can I walk across the room?
This question is so dumb you probably don't know what I mean.  But once back in the beginning I couldn't work out how to walk from my table to the templar when he said "come hither".
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: jstorrie on August 19, 2005, 07:38:46 PM
I want to be an assassin/burglar/thief, so I created an assassin/burglar/thief character. But how do I practice, if I shouldn't just tell people I'm an assassin/burglar/thief, and backstabbing rats/spam-picking the only building without a guard present/stealing from NPCs is frowned on?

This is, on the one hand, a great question, as when I play assassin/burglar/thief I often have to wrack my brain for a way and reason to branch/practice skill x or skill y. That being said, though, I'm not sure if we should be providing instructions on how to branch and ultra-max-out skill_instantpoisonydeath, you know?
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Sanvean on August 19, 2005, 08:39:12 PM
Lotsa useful stuff, thank you very much.  Keep it up!
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: Maybe42or54 on August 19, 2005, 11:24:04 PM
What is powergaming?
(include some non extreme opposite examples, such as..:
emote hits ~man in the face.
Instead use:
emote attempts to hit ~man in the face.
Hit man)

Why does the staff keep sending me messages?

Why can't I beat this "scrab"? I considered it and normally I can kill things fifty times in the newbie areas.

Why do I get hauled off to prison when I attack a guard? I just wanted their belt.
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: jstorrie on August 20, 2005, 08:18:58 PM
How stupid are halfgiants?

How stupid are dwarves?

How smart are elves?
Title: Things that should go in the FAQs
Post by: SpyGuy on August 20, 2005, 08:23:06 PM
Should the stats I rolled affect my roleplay?  If so, how much?

I designed my character to have a high Stat X but it's really low.  What can I do about it?