Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Synthesis on August 02, 2005, 06:42:03 AM

Title: Just Thought I'd Bring This Back Up
Post by: Synthesis on August 02, 2005, 06:42:03 AM
Title: Just Thought I'd Bring This Back Up
Post by: joyofdiscord on August 02, 2005, 11:43:55 AM
As someone who plays mostly stealth chars, I'll say that, although it would certainly be useful, there's something about the idea I don't like.  Hide is pretty powerful, and one of the things keeping it in balance is that you can't sit/rest while using it.  Making it easily detectable by scan is a nice step, but not everyone has scan.  While it makes perfect sense for someone trying to blend in in a tavern to sit at a table, I still don't think anyone should just be able to hunker down and regain stamina while hiding.  If one of the patrons my char is spying on happens to stand up and walk by the table, I need to move, and quick.  As it is now, I can roleplay all that out with thinks while hiding, simply forfeiting the stamina gain of sitting.  If I'm "concealed," and therefore gaining the sitting benefits, I'll have to roleplay it that I'm leaning over under the table or something wierd like that.
Title: Just Thought I'd Bring This Back Up
Post by: Synthesis on August 03, 2005, 04:52:26 AM
I'm pretty sure I included a caveat that the skill would be useless in a tavern setting, specifically, and in any area where it wouldn't make sense, generally.

Of course, it's easier said than done to ferret out all the places where using the skill wouldn't make sense, but hey...using backstab doesn't always make sense, and we rely on the players to distinguish between the appropriate and the inappropriate there, so why not here?
Title: Just Thought I'd Bring This Back Up
Post by: joyofdiscord on August 03, 2005, 08:59:16 AM
Quote from: "Synthesis"I'm pretty sure I included a caveat that the skill would be useless in a tavern setting, specifically, and in any area where it wouldn't make sense, generally.

Well then, that brings up the issue of having to add a new "conceal-able" flag to every room (every single one) to go along with "hideable."  Also, that reminds me of the fact that a tavern is one of the few city settings where the skill would make any sense at all.  Even a ranger who might be able to "lie down in some bushes" is putting himself at serious risk, and isn't really "hiding" in any meaningful sense.  What if some quietly-moving animal smells him and approaches while he's lying down with his sight obscured by the bushes?  Hiding isn't a passive activity.  You are actively moving and positioning yourself to escape notice.    Being able to rest at the same time?  No, sorry, I disagree with this idea.
Title: Just Thought I'd Bring This Back Up
Post by: jstorrie on August 03, 2005, 05:07:04 PM
I don't think rest is appropriate, but sitting while hiding doesn't seem completely out of line to me. Rather than create an entire new skill, why not just tweak hide so that at high levels, you can sit? Or that sitting 'rerolls' another hide attempt?
Title: Just Thought I'd Bring This Back Up
Post by: Mean_Old_Bastard on August 04, 2005, 12:16:05 AM
Quote from: "jstorrie"I don't think rest is appropriate, but sitting while hiding doesn't seem completely out of line to me. Rather than create an entire new skill, why not just tweak hide so that at high levels, you can sit? Or that sitting 'rerolls' another hide attempt?

I was about to chime in that hide is quite a powerful skill, bordering on overpowered, and this would only add weight to it's strenght. But...if your skill is that high, it should be more powerful. And of course, this wouldn't just add to the top of the list, it'd also add cons.

I'd support it with this suggestion, letting hide 'do more things' rather than just become more powerful. (which either case may or may not be supported by the original poster)

Thatd be great though.