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General => World and Roleplaying Discussion => Topic started by: Only He Stands There on July 13, 2005, 03:45:16 AM

Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Only He Stands There on July 13, 2005, 03:45:16 AM
Quick question, and I assume I'd know this ICly.

I know spice is illegal in Allanak. Are things like sifters and pipes? Are all pipes used for spice, or is there legitimate reason for a 'clean' person to have one?
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on July 13, 2005, 03:49:36 AM
I don't believe things like pipes are inherently illegal (as in, I don't think they'll set off certain automatic crim-code things), but I'm not sure they're entirely legal, either. Confusing, I know. Let me try to rephrase my answer.
Let me put it this way. In Allanak, a templar's word is law. If a templar wants to arrest you, he is going to arrest you, and a pipe or sifter is a very good excuse to do so.
Kanks can be illegal if a templar says it is.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Only He Stands There on July 13, 2005, 03:51:03 AM
Right, that's what I wanted to know: if I was gonna get my ass kicked just for carryin' something I made/found/bought/stole unwittingly (and realizing my mistake later). I realize a Templar could gank me for it but I didn't wanna be shanked walking out the gates.

Thanks for the quick response!
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on July 13, 2005, 04:14:59 AM
You're welcome, but a warning: I'm not 100% on that. Never tried it myself. Just an educated guess.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Manhattan on July 13, 2005, 04:30:07 AM
Monkey man is right. Allanaki templars can arrest you for -anything-. My PC was arrested because he had a rope which the templar saw as a threatening weapon.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: moab on July 13, 2005, 08:14:20 AM
Here's the thing:  Like others have said, the law is what the templars make it.  As far as other things (code issues and stuff) try this:

Carrying around an ounce of pot is illegal.  If a cop were to search you with that in your pack, we both know you would get busted.

Now, imagine that you had a pipe on you and maybe your pack with a few seeds left over from some random spill - hey, you're not the neatest person, right?

The cop would still bust you down, and they're nice guys compared to the Allanaki militia / templarate.

In Allanak you can be arrested for anything.  It's better to avoid the appearance of evil.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Manhattan on July 13, 2005, 12:04:29 PM
codewise you wont be nabbed by the NPCs for having a pipe

editted to add: find out IC you noob!  :lol:
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Tlaloc on July 13, 2005, 12:07:02 PM
Quote from: "5DMW"Let me put it this way. In Allanak, a templar's word is law. If a templar wants to arrest you, he is going to arrest you, and a pipe or sifter is a very good excuse to do so. Kanks can be illegal if a templar says it is.

Quote from: "moab"In Allanak you can be arrested for anything. It's better to avoid the appearance of evil.

Not to derail this thread at all, but people seem to be under the mistaken impression that only Allanaki Templars can arrest you for whatever they feel like. This is not the case. All Templars, in all city states, can arrest you for anything they want, on any charges.

It should be known that the Templarates of both city-states are The Law. The difference is in how they (typically) choose to enforce The Law. To quote Help Templar:

Quote from: "Help Templar"In Tuluk, rule over the populace by the Lirathan and Jihaen Templar Orders is based more on loyalty than outright fear.  Tuluki Templars are typically less brutal than those of Allanak, viewing public executions and displays of violence for personal crimes as a vulgar Southern practice. Both Orders - but especially the Lirathans - find it preferable to simply cause the perpetrators of serious crimes and personal offenses to disappear.

In short: An Allanaki Templar may capture you during a crowded evening at the local watering hole, remove your eyes in front of everyone, and then toss you into the arena as a public spectacle before the brutal, bitter end. A Tuluki Templar will come for you in the middle of the night, when nobody notices, and quietly take you somewhere private where unspeakable tortures await you.

As far as everyone else is concerned, one day, you just dissapeared. As far as they know, you're still alive. The really scary part?

You probably are.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Manhattan on July 13, 2005, 12:17:13 PM
wait so are you saying those silk-clad lirathans practice torture too?!?!
whats the difference if you torture someone in the middle of the night versus doing it in public. does that make allanak more gruesome?
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Tlaloc on July 13, 2005, 12:26:53 PM
Find out IC.  :wink:
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: moab on July 13, 2005, 01:50:32 PM
Quote from: "Tlaloc"
Not to derail this thread at all, but people seem to be under the mistaken impression that only Allanaki Templars can arrest you for whatever they feel like. This is not the case. All Templars, in all city states, can arrest you for anything they want, on any charges.

There's another city?
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Bogre on July 13, 2005, 02:46:36 PM
Quote from: "Tlaloc"As far as everyone else is concerned, one day, you just dissapeared. As far as they know, you're still alive. The really scary part?

You probably are.

Tlaloc makes me whimper.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: spawnloser on July 13, 2005, 05:51:23 PM
First, let me say that I <3 Tlaloc.

I think moab had a good analogy, but to refine it more how I see it.

It's like simply having the pipe.  It is paraphenalia that is used for an express purpose, smoking spice.  They may not be illegal, but as has already been mentioned, it doesn't have to be.  Now, all you have to do is figure out how to get out of it.  I've been in this exact situation.  Getting out of it cost my character in some fashion, don't get me wrong, but I did get out of it and the experience was a positive one.

On this topic, I have an idea.  Having a pipe in Arm?  You can't tell if it has been used to smoke with or not.  My idea is this:  once a pipe is used, it gets a flag to let everyone know it isn't a new, fresh piece never been smoke through.  Maybe it changes from 'a glass spice-pipe containing whorls of color throughout' to 'a used glass spice-pipe containing whorls of color throughout.'  Then, when you look at it, as many conditions/stains to items show these too, it includes the longer description of the condition.  Any takers?
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Kalden on July 14, 2005, 01:06:10 AM
Not worth it. Let's code wounds onto corpses first.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on July 14, 2005, 03:17:29 AM
Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, spawnloser, if it can be done. Perhaps it can work something like the 'stained' code we currently have?
Maybe it could also work that way in the sense that you don't get the 'used' flag 100% of the time?
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Armaddict on July 14, 2005, 02:50:16 PM
It depends on how difficult it would be.  (It doesn't sound difficult, but you never know with coding.)

It's such a minor change, and it really won't have a vast impact on the game in my if the coding work to benefit ratio is low I wouldn't care to see it.

And as the other posters already said, the laws are there as guidelines for the populace on what they can and can't do.  There is no actual 'law' regarding pipes to my knowledge, and I know that occasionally pipes are brought in to be sold to those who are legally able to smoke spice.  However, a templar catching you with a pipe and no spice is just as likely to have you punished in some way (minor or depends on the templar and their mood) as to not care.  Probably more likely to punish you.  So it's a gamble that you have to decide whether your character would make it or not.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: spawnloser on July 14, 2005, 09:47:11 PM can be cleaned, but only by something that would remove stains?
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Mean_Old_Bastard on July 15, 2005, 12:46:47 AM
Well...boiling water? *snicker* Yeah right...

you could ...scrape...most of it out. with a lot of work, and the right tool..

but practically, no. Resin would collect. And you could clean it, but you couldnt effectively clean it to the point of erasing evidence.
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: Delirium on July 15, 2005, 12:32:14 PM
Things to clean pipes exist ingame.  Search around. :)
Title: Allanaki Law
Post by: ShaiHulud on July 16, 2005, 11:36:07 PM
I smoke bimbal and dung out of my pipe.  Oh, you have chemical testing of resin in Zalanthas? Yeah..that Templar says it's dirty.  
Good enough.