Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Halaster on July 07, 2005, 11:24:14 AM

Title: Unaffiliated Characters Staff
Post by: Halaster on July 07, 2005, 11:24:14 AM
Nechomacus has joined Tlaloc and I in helping out the Unaffiliated characters, with a special focus on non-mages.

So, currently the staff for Unaffiliated Characters is: - All Unaffiliated Characters - Unaffiliated Mages - Unaffiliated Non-Mages

So if you are an unclanned mage and want to have an Imm to talk to, email Tlaloc and myself.

If you are an unclanned non-mage and want to have an Imm to talk to, email Nechomacus and myself.

If you're unsure of who to email, as always, send it to and they can forward it appropriately.