Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: creeper386 on February 20, 2005, 08:15:20 PM

Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: creeper386 on February 20, 2005, 08:15:20 PM
Well, I myself have yet to play anything beyond what I've been giving karma for. I've never have been given the chance to play any sponsored role. And I find asking for a role that has been advertised is hard enough as it is yet alone special apping one myself.

Anyways, I think one of the main problems I have, is the fact that I don't even know if my emails ever get anywhere, or if they just haven't been read. If my idea wasn't what the staff was looking for or if I didn't even come close to getting acrossed what the staff needed to know.

I have never recieved any replies back. I'll admit I haven't tried for maybe five different roles if that. But not once have I gotten an email back, and I know at least once recently that I stated I'd really appreciate hearing back on it. Yes, or no. Great idea but fuck off or not. I don't care. Any sort of response and possibly some feedback would be nice. Even if it's a mass emailing saying, 'sorry but you don't have what it takes, try again next time.'

Perhaps I'm just a big baby like that, but I hate not having even the slightest clue about whats going on.

On top of that, I'd want to ask for other player/staff idea on what should be included in an email for a special role/special app. Should you include a full description, detailed history, a several page report on how your character acts and who he is? Or just the general idea for the character you have? As that's what I feel they ask for when they are posting for a role.

Do you include any past characters/situations that might have relevance in showing you can handle the role? Or ideas of what you might do with the character once in game?

Just what would you include in an email replying to a staff member posting a 'Role Available' post?


PS-It might even help if someone could write up a fictional email they might respond with? Or even a run down on past successful/unsuccessful app processes they've gone through, without the details of course.
Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: spawnloser on February 20, 2005, 08:40:56 PM
QuoteRe: Your post in Staff Announcements for a Borsail role
account: L337nessMcBoob
Name: Boobs Borsail
guild/sub: Psi/Con-artist
description: (lots of description stuff including large breasts and pale, flawless skin)
background: (lots of background stuff including breast augmentation surgery, raping people's brains in their sleep and my goal of raping more people's brains in their sleep and how I plan to use my underlings to help me)
Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: Naiona on February 20, 2005, 08:52:54 PM
When responding to a special role post, it is a good idea to remember that there will often be several people responding and it can take the IMM up to a month to answer, depending on how busy they are.  In addition to just reading the applications, we look at character notes, talk to past IMMs of the players in question and try to choose the best fit for the clan.

Responses should include your account name, your concept and a general character sketch in most cases.

I try never to leave a Borsail or AoD application unresponded to.  If you have sent one and received no response after a suitable period of time, please email again, as it may not have made it.
Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: da mitey warrior on February 21, 2005, 06:29:39 AM
Here's a made-up app for you.  I don't know if this is any good or not, but I think it would get the job done.

Quote from: "my special app for House Jal"To:

Subject: (House Jal) Application to play a Jal noble pc.

Dear Dorkus,

According to the weekly update you're the clan imm for House Jal.  I've noticed there haven't been any Jal noble pcs around recently and I hope there's an opening.  My account name is damiteywarrior.

I was hoping I could run a Jal noble pc.  My idea is that he would have been placed in charge of the sewer system in Allanak, and would be charged with the maintenance and security of it.  I could hire alot of guards and mercenaries and have them keep the sewers clear of rats and other nasties, I might even go there myself if need be.   I have some ideas for sewage based RPTs too, if you want to listen to them, it should be fun!

My last character was Lothar (the really-massive, muscular man), a T'zai Byn Sergeant (who sadly died yesterday).  
I've also recently played:
Larry (the short-haired musular man) a Tor Scorpion,
Moe (the mop-headed muscular man), a Winrothol Sergeant,
Curly (the bald-headed muscular man) a shady leader type with a really shady group.
and Fifi, (the massive-breasted petite woman) an aide to Lord Fancypants.

So I have lots of experience playing in leadership positions and in Noble Houses, so I think I could do a great job running a noble PC and setting up plotlines and keeping my underlings busy.

Anyways, please let me know if you're interested or not.  If you are, I'll send you the app I'm working on, along with some ideas I have for it.  Please let me know any special quirks I need to be aware of about Jal family pcs and such.  Also please let me know if you're not interested as I have a few other character concepts in the works as well.

Thanks for reading all this. Hope to hear from you soon, Dorkus.

Much Love,
da mitey warrior

If the imm takes a month to get back to you then you probably don't want to be in that clan.  Unless you are in a clan in which you don't need any player-imm interaction you'll want an imm who's responsive.  An imm who takes a month to email you back is an imm who'll never respond to you once you get the pc either.
Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: jstorrie on September 02, 2005, 09:03:39 PM
The only thing that puts me off special-apping, really, is how it takes so long to hear anything at all back. Even a simple 'I've received this, you're in line for consideration, hold tight' would be a lot better than feeling my emails have been fired off into limbo.
Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: RunningMountain on September 02, 2005, 10:25:27 PM
Why is there only one staffer that does special apps? Maybe it should be split into two staffers, one that does special requests for a karma role that the player doesn't have, and then one that does actual special characters who are truly special, like a 100 inch tall human who has R/W sirihish.

Title: What Makes Special Roles Difficult to App For?
Post by: ashyom on September 02, 2005, 10:31:44 PM