Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: creeper386 on December 23, 2002, 07:32:58 AM

Title: Weight
Post by: creeper386 on December 23, 2002, 07:32:58 AM
Well I'm sure it's been brought up before, but haven't seen it mentioned since the new GDB has been brought up is the problem with weight. From what I've seen it seems everything weighs at least a stone which to my understanding something like two pounds or so(Even though a RL stone is 17 or so pounds  :twisted: )? Now I'm not completely sure if it's true but it is for alot of MUDs of things weighing strictly a pound, which was rather short sighted of some of the original MUD coders to think everything in a MUD would weight that much.

Now the only thing I can think of is to convert everything to a smaller weight have have it just switched over to a stones weight... Like 6.5 stones or something like that, and the only way I can think to do this would be a whole lot of number crunching and probably alot of code changing, then also alot of people wading through area codes updating stuff, I must say that part well probably go quicker then most MUDs with the players actively using bug/idea and such like that as well as the staff actively changing the things, but would still be a whole lot of work.

Would there be any some what easy way to do this? At least something that would cut down on the work? I know it wouldn't be that hard on an undeveloped MUD base and doesn't have much area files, but seems like there'd be alot of work.

I personally think it'd be worth the effort but I'm not sure anyone would agree with me. From my understanding of other MUD codes everything weighs at least one of something or it doesn't weigh anything, letting a bag be filled up with an infinite amount of them. Now it isn't realistic for things like arrows or small stones/rings/bone or any of the such to weigh two pounds now weigh anything, but again who I am to say it'd be worth the work if it's as hard and time consuming as I think it might be.

If it was to be changed I'd say ounces... Or maybe have bits of seven ounces, which would be roughly 1/5 of an Arma Stone or a half pound which would at least be better then 2.5 pounds give or take alittle bit, although changing it to a pound for the weight would be a benefit it still causes problems for people who want to use arrows or, wear alot of gaudy things and not be drastically hampered by them.

Okay. Going over what I think would be done if it was changed to 7 ounces a bit instead of one stone would be all the weight related code would have to be increased by roughly five times, then a conversion added into everything that shows weight to change thinks into stones, and then all the area files being updated properly, but that might be the hard way.

Title: Tch.
Post by: lukie on December 23, 2002, 04:36:47 PM
How about changing 'stone' to 'pebble' or 'ounce' or 'whatever' everywhere in the game and multiplying all weights by 5 or 6 or whatever? That's a hard way if I've ever heard one.

I agree though. I've never seen a 2 pound feather and I hope I never do.
Title: Weight
Post by: Fedaykin on December 23, 2002, 04:57:45 PM
I like that idea.  I don't like seeing people penalized codewise because of the unrealistic weight of items people use to decorate and flesh out their characters.
Title: Weight
Post by: on December 23, 2002, 05:41:13 PM
Right, just to agree with Creeper, I'll note that a Quiver full of arrows weighs about... oh... 70 pounds IRL. That's like 25 arrows.