Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: sjanimal on December 05, 2004, 08:01:14 PM

Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: sjanimal on December 05, 2004, 08:01:14 PM
On being laid back/A general critique

Hello folks.  I should like to say that we as players and as staff are doing a wonderful job, but I feel as though if I did not make a couple of criticisms I would be somewhat remiss.  In this article, I would specifically like to address gamer attitude and disposition.  For example, I feel that many of us who play this game are way too uptight.  While I generally endorse a lackadaisical attitude towards life in general because of the health and spiritual benefits to being relaxed, it is not my place to become preachy.  However even such persons as wish to be uptight out of game should recognize Armageddon as something of a diversion and an art form.  Surely they will understand both art and diversions to be more successfully accomplished from a tranquil and serene vantage.  Verily, I will argue that there are four player mindsets which will contribute to thorough enjoyment and maximum contribution to the gaming environment.  Namely,


I believe that holding one of those four moods can best prepare us for a gaming session.  Those are our targets.  By contrast


should probably be avoided during game play.  How many times have we heard one of those emotions used as an excuse for bad game play?  My personal experience is that if I find one of those moods creeping up on me, it is often better just to log off.  
Certainly we should all do our part to enter each gaming session with the proper degree of focus.  Also, we can do our best to contribute to proper focus in other players as well.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Tamarin on December 05, 2004, 08:08:36 PM
I fully and wholeheartedly disagree with you sjanimal.  Some of my best RP sessions have come when I've fed the entirety of my emotions (boredom, anger, etc) into my character.  This brought him/her more alive with color than I could have ever done while keeping a clear mind.  In fact, I would go a step further and say that the nearly-vulcan attitude you seem to be preaching here would lead to an extremely bland and stale game, void of any sort of emotional weight.

And as for you being laid back...I would probably say that you need to look at someone like mansa to define laid back.  I read your posts, and I see nothing but criticism.  You have some serious beef with how this game is put together, and how people conduct themselves within its structure.  I think you should take a few years to just sit back and enjoy things as they are without trying to fix them.  After all, having a criticism about people not being laid back enough is somewhat of a paradox, don't you think?
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Marauder Moe on December 05, 2004, 08:17:17 PM
All of my best performances in portraying negative emotions in my character were when I allowed myself to feel it (at least a little) myself.  I think it added a great edge of realism.  It also made those scenes much more memorable to me.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: ShaiHulud on December 05, 2004, 11:13:30 PM
Realism embodies all elements, even the ones you claim are -negative-.
If you want happy go lucky, I think there is a smurf mud out there for you.

Tamarin, you sum up what I would say..
QuoteI fully and wholeheartedly disagree with you sjanimal.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2004, 11:41:19 PM
Isn't it just a game to have fun and do whateer I want, all penalties included?
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: wizturbo on December 05, 2004, 11:50:58 PM
I love the emotional aspect of the game.  Its what makes it great.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: a dull black gem on December 06, 2004, 12:31:55 AM
Quote from: "Tamarin"I think you should take a few years to just sit back and enjoy things as they are without trying to fix them.

How long have you been playing Armageddon Tamarin?  You regularly assert that sjanimal is always trying to fix the game yet hasn't been playing long enough for his opinion to count.  I've been playing for around a decade, am I in any position to tell you to sit back for a few more years before you have the right to contribute your ideas?
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Tamarin on December 06, 2004, 12:51:56 AM
I've been playing for approximately 5 years.

But it seems to me that sjanimal like...-just- started here.  I have no problem with people having strong opinions about the game, but to me, his experience does not mesh with the kind of ideas he is putting forth.

A ten year player?  Yes, I would say that you do have the sort of experience to tell me to shut the fuck up.  I gave up a while ago in my attempts to change the game, largely because long time players kept shooting down my ideas, and with good reason.  They were sucky ideas.  Now, if sjanimal's posts were formed in a more constructive way, like "what do you guys think of this?" or "how do you guys handle this situation?" followed by "here's what i did...", then I might be more inclined to listen.  But from what I've seen, he does not do that.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: SwanSwanHummingbird on December 06, 2004, 01:19:17 AM
Let him have his strong opinions, it's a discussion board.  I don't see a point to discouraging discussion on a discussion board.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Hicksville Hoochie on December 06, 2004, 02:10:56 AM
Quote from: "SwanSwanHummingbird"Let him have his strong opinions, it's a discussion board.  I don't see a point to discouraging discussion on a discussion board.

Indeed, and not to mention...

-It's his opinion.
-People are different.

Quite a few people love to take the laid back approach, while others seem to take an emotional approach.. And well some, take an obsessive approach to the game.

I personally am in between on a lot of the approaches. I try my hardest to keep a laid back approach when playing now, because several ill-conceived feelings over an Imm with a character of mine in the past were drummed up while I was amidst an emotional approach to the game, and looking back on a lot of it now, especially after personally speaking with this imm over email concerning the problems, I realize that I let the wrong emotions get the best of me.

In the obsessive aspect of it, when I have a character who is doing well, I'll tend to play -endlessly- whenever I have a chance, and I pretty much get into the game more than I probably emotionally should. But then again, I realize just how expensive and quick soda comes and goes, hehe.

But yeah, I personally feel laid back is the better approach to the game myself, as most of my best times have came when I was feeling calm and just playing to have fun and perhaps escape. Do I think it's what everyone needs to adhere to when playing? It might be nice, but I'm not really one to tell another person who they HAVE to play the game, or that they're wrong in wanting to do it their way.

Unless you're a dirty dirty twink, then Imma yell at ya!  :twisted:
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: jhunter on December 06, 2004, 03:55:49 AM
QuoteI fully and wholeheartedly disagree with you sjanimal.

QuoteSwanSwanHummingbird wrote:
Let him have his strong opinions, it's a discussion board. I don't see a point to discouraging discussion on a discussion board.

Indeed, and not to mention...

-It's his opinion.
-People are different.

Yep, and as such if he wishes to post then is also subject to the criticisms of those of use who wish to respond with our own opinions.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Cavus on December 06, 2004, 04:43:20 AM
Importing thing here is the way you talk/the way you represent yourself. Your posts are like enforcing your own ideas to player base. Drop it. Don't forget:
Good presantation can sell even worst product.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Ayashah on December 06, 2004, 08:04:46 AM
Quote from: "Anonymous"Isn't it just a game to have fun and do whateer I want, all penalties included?

Okay, though you probably didnt mean it the way this sounded I am going to say this, NO. The penalties dont just hurt you but they hurt everyone around your character. It isnt about what YOU, the player, want, its about what the character your are playing wants. If you, lets say, decide that you feel like hack'n'slashing today, log in and just start killed people at random for kicks, yea, you will die but so will others whom were just killed to provide amusement.

That was an extreme scenario but you get what I mean.

Yes, playing a game is fun but as in all games, you dont always win or do great at it. Things might be crappy for your character. Things might be great for your character. The thing to remember is you are an actress/actor in a play and if in the middle of the play you broke character you would be boo'd off the stage for ruining the experience for the rest of the cast and audience that have invested their time in said play.

Just my thoughts.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Spoon on December 06, 2004, 08:33:34 AM
I think that if the player's emotions, such as boredom, anger, indignation and distraction interfere with the characters emotions, then you get problems.

For example, if a player is bored, they might act out their character being suicidally bored with life.

Try this metaphor: Dangle you character into armageddon on a very thin thread.

My current character is a pretty disgusting person inside, but at least when I RP being disgusting I know it's not me.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Cenghiz on December 06, 2004, 08:45:57 AM
I agree with Ayashah... People should think about other people, too.. So you're a killer eh? Make the other char have one last fun with his char. He starts walking 30 leagues without stop? Then enter a new replacement; sdesc -> sdesc missing the last letter(Twink) into your client so next time you see him, get right into the action and then emote, force him to RP using the code.
You steal the mount of another player in the middle of the desert? Make fun of him.. Shout how you would cook the kank to him from the next room. He may die of dehydration before he can get back to the closest settlement, but at least he will remember something.
You subdued someone? If he's not spamming 'flee' probably he'll be helpful OOC'ly in what the code can't support.. RP the situation.. He would probably earn back what he lost in time and he will have a sweet memory.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Krath on December 06, 2004, 09:01:05 AM
I am fine with Sjanimal posting...I mean come on now Tamarin, you were just as annoying
sometimes as Uberjazz, but we still like you :)

But I agree with most of the Above, when you -can- feel the emotion of your character,
it makes the game, that scene, and rp that much more satisfying.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: sarahjc on December 06, 2004, 09:35:20 AM
I don't know. I kinda like beating on Sjanimal and all his ideas.  :wink:

Heh, I'm kidding..But no, I think what people have said in reference to the question post is correct. Perhaps people should take a light hearted approach to playing a pc, however an emotional PC is well played one. But I don't think that was what Sj was getting at.

Maybe what Sj is trying to say is that feelings of anger, boredom, indignation as well as distraction by the player OOC can lead to bad Rp IC, and I can sort of agree with that to an extent.

Anger, like when you have lost a PC to P-kill and you make a new one.. looking to start a fight with the PC who killed you.

Indignation, holding grudges against the players of the PC's that do bad things to you, playing out your own Pride in your PC.

Boredom, playing a pc out of obligation while you have become bored or tired of the character.

And Distraction, playing while you have ten different things going on.

These are just examples of what I thought that Sj was getting at. That more people should take things in stride and remember that it's just a game. He does have a point,  but what I  think sj may be missing is that people get very attached to a PC and it can be difficult to separate ones self from the character. My PC's often portray a large amount of who I am in them. Be it my playful side, passive side, vengeful and spiteful side. And when I am playing my Character I often forget about the outside world and seem to zoom in on my arm world, and that person is in fact me for those 2 or 3 hours.

Now as for distractions, it is annoying when you are speaking with someone and you know they have about 5 chat windows open and go Afk to talk on the phone, or walk the dog, or the baby is crying. But real life butts in the way sometimes. A lot of players are not college/high school kids that can turn life off for the game. I know I can't. Real life must always come first otherwise you end up with social Detatchment issues. I think that most people try to pick a time when they can sit down and engross themselves in the game world. But sometimes it's just not that easy.

Also the Boredom issue is a valid one. Being bored with your PC and honestly strip the fun right out of the game. If you've tried everything you can to make your PC fun, a fresh start is always a good bet. Being Bored with a PC and playing out of obligation is not necessary. You can store your PC.

Anyway those are my views on it.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: Tamarin on December 06, 2004, 09:40:02 AM
Quote from: "Krath"I am fine with Sjanimal posting...I mean come on now Tamarin, you were just as annoying
sometimes as Uberjazz, but we still like you :)

Yes, yes I know.

Fine!  Let the man have his opinions!  See if I care!

*runs off crying to slit his wrists in the shower*
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: sjanimal on December 10, 2004, 06:23:32 PM
I think sarahjc said what I was trying to say, but said it better.

And I recognize that other people have different playing styles.
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: paramecium on December 11, 2004, 12:16:39 PM
Ayashah wrote:  Yes, playing a game is fun but as in all games, you dont always win or do great at it. Things might be crappy for your character. Things might be great for your character. The thing to remember is you are an actress/actor in a play and if in the middle of the play you broke character you would be boo'd off the stage for ruining the experience for the rest of the cast and audience that have invested their time in said play.
To that, I say, 'Bravo'!    :D

Cenghiz wrote:  I agree with Ayashah... People should think about other people, too.. So you're a killer eh? Make the other char have one last fun with his char. He starts walking 30 leagues without stop? Then enter a new replacement; sdesc -> sdesc missing the last letter(Twink) into your client so next time you see him, get right into the action and then emote, force him to RP using the code.  

To that,  I reply - Having lost a char to a random PK, not too long ago - I felt cheated at not being given an opportunity to play out the scene, because the other player had gotten their 'jollies', at my character's expense and mine.    

I only wanted to share this with everyone to show that no 'one' character, or player, is more or less significant to the overall theme of the game, and to respect the differences in RP that each person has to offer.  This in and of itself, is what keeps the game alive, for me at least.  In other words, 'can't we all just get along?'    :roll:
Title: On being laid back/A general critique
Post by: joyofdiscord on December 11, 2004, 12:44:40 PM
Quote from: "paramecium"Ayashah wrote:  Yes, playing a game is fun but as in all games, you dont always win or do great at it.

And, the great thing about Armageddon is that you can have a lot of fun being second-rate at whatever your character does.  You can have a lot of fun when your character is "losing", a lot of fun when everything is going bad for your character.  In fact, being second/rate on Arm is much more fun than being first-rate on any of the typical MUDs.