Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: sjanimal on December 05, 2004, 02:24:27 PM

Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: sjanimal on December 05, 2004, 02:24:27 PM
Hello Cats,

Borrowed a quote from Men's Health Magazine, whose circulation I recommend to any man as has interest in health, athletics and male gender topics.

"Men's Health Charm School

Lesson #307 Correcting with Class

Misinformation, mangled diction, and poor grammar are spinach in the teeth of conversation. For mispronunciations and malapropisms (the president says he's "misunderestimated"), employ passive critique. Properly use the term soon after, or admit that someone corrected you just last week for the same blunder. Let misteps on trivial details slide, but pipe up to quash slanderous rumors and untruths. When the big four contentious topics emerge (politics, religion, sex and conspiracy theories,) call out a blabbermouth who's passing off ignorance as gospel. Ask for a clarifying fact-check. If tempers spark, swich to talk of the weather.


Person one: Did you use duck tape?
Person two: Yes, I used duct tape."
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Tamarin on December 05, 2004, 04:15:33 PM
What's your point?
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: jhunter on December 05, 2004, 04:24:31 PM
QuoteWhat's your point?
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Dracul on December 05, 2004, 04:35:18 PM
Men's Health sucks. Buy one magazine of it...if you buy a second, it's the same thing.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2004, 05:14:17 PM
Quote from: "Tamarin"What's your point?
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Steel Leopard on December 05, 2004, 06:27:53 PM
*the female steps up and attempts to make a statement in the mysterious male-speak*

Maybe the point was to say that you don't have to be an ass.

This post does have some points to made in roleplay.  When you are
up late at night, or are battling a feverish confusion brought on by
anything from flus to intoxication, or simply not "with it," you can make
mistakes in your roleplay.  Or you could be doing it on purpose.

Doing what?  Saying stupid things such as "misestimated."  We, as
players, see text, and can recognize typos and mispellings.  But our
characters HEAR what is being said--letters could nothing to them.
In fact, most of our characters aren't even literate.  (As such, if some
one says 'bore' and 'boar' they can easily mean either one, in your
character's world.. know, Zalanthas has boars..)

Now, back to my original point.

If your character hears someone saying something as silly as
"misestimated," he/she could respond to this in a variety of ways.  They
could take the advice of the Mens' Health magazine, or they could
ridicule their subject, kick their ass and steal their shit, stare and point,
giggle like a silly girl, and any other kind of response which would be
perfectly IC for your character to do.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Tamarin on December 05, 2004, 06:29:50 PM
Ok fine, but we've had this conversation a zillion times.  Do we really need yet another of sjanimal's "this is how you fix the game" threads?
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Dracul on December 05, 2004, 06:35:23 PM
Quote from: "Tamarin"Ok fine, but we've had this conversation a zillion times.  Do we really need yet another of sjanimal's "this is how you fix the game" threads?

We dont need to. But he'll still start them.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Steel Leopard on December 05, 2004, 06:46:27 PM
I've not heard the conversation a thousand times. :P  In fact, this is the first post I've seen like this, but then again, I probably miss a lot of posts.

Besides, I don't see anything stating that the game is broken and needs to be fixed in this way.  Don't be crude.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Tamarin on December 05, 2004, 07:01:56 PM
It's really hard, when that's all I see sjanimal posting about.  It really is.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: ShaiHulud on December 05, 2004, 11:20:06 PM
QuoteBorrowed a quote from Men's Health Magazine, whose circulation I recommend to any man as has interest in health, athletics and male gender topics.

Uhm, nope, none of the above...are you really an Arm player?
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: jhunter on December 06, 2004, 03:52:00 AM
QuoteIt's really hard, when that's all I see sjanimal posting about. It really is.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Krath on December 06, 2004, 08:57:54 AM
If you have an interest in health, but the Body For Life book, or get a exercise,
Eat CLEAN, and do not drink.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Cenghiz on December 06, 2004, 09:03:16 AM
Happy beat-up Sjanimal day to you... :)
What's happening? To tell the truth I'm irritated about this "He knows nothing, let him shut up." attitude.. I'm just a 2 year old player.. This means I have to shut up too?
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Bestatte on December 06, 2004, 09:13:23 AM
Quote from: "Cenghiz"Happy beat-up Sjanimal day to you... :)
What's happening? To tell the truth I'm irritated about this "He knows nothing, let him shut up." attitude.. I'm just a 2 year old player.. This means I have to shut up too?

I have no problem with ANYONE attempting to add to discussions, or even bring up new ones.

I -do- have a problem with ANYONE who shows up out of nowhere, telling everyone what is wrong with everyone else's roleplay, and offering condescending, patronizing "Hey cats, check it out" diatribes on how to fix it.

Oh and - I am not a cat, or a peep.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: jhunter on December 06, 2004, 09:27:30 AM
QuoteI have no problem with ANYONE attempting to add to discussions, or even bring up new ones.

I -do- have a problem with ANYONE who shows up out of nowhere, telling everyone what is wrong with everyone else's roleplay, and offering condescending, patronizing "Hey cats, check it out" diatribes on how to fix it.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2004, 09:53:58 AM
When you post a thread toned as if it were a dissertation and conspicuously drop things such as being published into the conversation you better be prepared to deal with the consequences.

I don't care when people post new threads on topics that have been done to death, something new can always come out of it.  

People just don't respond well to posts that are speaking down to its readers when even the staff doesn't do such a thing, it gets a major  :roll:  reaction.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: sarahjc on December 06, 2004, 10:02:40 AM
First Tamarin stop beating on Sjanimal, its not nice and it provokes him. Cause as much as you see him as the condescending prick that hides snide comments and critics of other people in friendly elitist banter, you are becoming the prick that always says "Sjanimal Sucks" and you don't want to be that person. At least put up an argument besides "you haven't been here that long"

Second Sjanimal, Mens health is known as the gay mans magazine. Not that I am against gay men, but I thought that you should know. Most hot blooded heterosexual males will not buy it and will most likely laugh at you. I find that they mostly like mag's like Stuff and Maxium. But perhaps the Hetro males should start checking it out, cause the gay men are all looking really hot these days, so Men's Health must have some good work out info.

Anyway if your point was that people should learn the art of subtle correction such as you often employee and not say "fuck you" to all those that disagree with a post, remember, Insulting with a smile, is still insulting.. You aren't dealing with the "lesser brain" here, most of these people are much smarter than you and in text, such forms of "correction" are just looked at as another form of "Jackassery."

Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Krath on December 06, 2004, 10:22:13 AM
Quote from: "sarahjc"First Tamarin stop beating on Sjanimal, its not nice and it provokes him. Cause as much as you see him as the condescending prick that hides snide comments and critics of other people in friendly elitist banter. You are becoming the prick that always says "Sjanimal Sucks" and you don't want to be that person. At least put up an argument besides "you haven't been here that long"

Second Sjanimal, Mens health is known as the gay mans magazine. Not that I am against gay men, but I thought that you should know, most hot blooded heterosexual males will not buy it and will most likely laugh at you. I find that they mostly like mag's like Stuff and Maxium. But perhaps the Hetro males should start checking it out, and the gay men are all looking really hot these days, so Men's Health must have some good work out info.

Anyway if your point was that people should learn the art of subtle correction such as you often employee and not say "fuck you" to all those that disagree with a post, remember, Insulting with a smile, is still insulting.. You aren't dealing with the "lesser brain" here, most of these people are much smarter than you and in text often such forms of "correction" are just looked at as another form of "Jackassery."


Damn, I subscribe to GQ and Men's Health
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Tamarin on December 06, 2004, 10:22:27 AM
Quote from: "sarahjc"First Tamarin stop beating on Sjanimal, its not nice and it provokes him. Cause as much as you see him as the condescending prick that hides snide comments and critics of other people in friendly elitist banter. You are becoming the prick that always says "Sjanimal Sucks" and you don't want to be that person. At least put up an argument besides "you haven't been here that long"

Point taken.  From now on, I will only address his points with counter-points, as opposed to blatant "no" responses.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: sarahjc on December 06, 2004, 11:19:34 AM
Quote from: "Krath"Damn, I subscribe to GQ and Men's Health

Well, that would explain a lot.  :wink:

Oh and Tamarin.. *thumbs up*
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: jhunter on December 06, 2004, 11:52:56 AM
QuotePoint taken. From now on, I will only address his points with counter-points, as opposed to blatant "no" responses.

I however...will not. And yes...I am a prick.  :evil:
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Dracul on December 06, 2004, 08:53:00 PM
Sjanimal means nice.

But hey...this thread is an exact example of why we need to bring back flaming.

FLAMES...see...flaming is fun...witty...and amusing.

Look  *points* Theres no flames...but some comments that...if taken to heart, could be quite hurtful.

Flaming for 2005!
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Agent_137 on December 07, 2004, 03:00:46 AM

You guys are fantastic.

No sarcasm and much <3 for Cenghiz.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Zharal on December 07, 2004, 10:19:21 AM
Quote from: "jhunter"
QuoteI have no problem with ANYONE attempting to add to discussions, or even bring up new ones.

I -do- have a problem with ANYONE who shows up out of nowhere, telling everyone what is wrong with everyone else's roleplay, and offering condescending, patronizing "Hey cats, check it out" diatribes on how to fix it.

Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: Moofassa on December 07, 2004, 03:54:08 PM
Personally after reading some or most of Sjanimals posts, and playing with some of his characters I just dont feel they're going to be worthwhile, kind of like.. his characters, but anyways. Considering what he talks about on the Gdb. And does iG makes him a large hypocrit.

Just ignore him. Ignoring people doesnt provoke.
Title: Correcting someone's faults with Class
Post by: ashyom on December 07, 2004, 03:58:01 PM
This has gone well off course.  The original poster had good intentions, and this thread has turned into a discussion of why s/he was wrong or right for posting in his chosen topic, whatever, isn't what the GDB is for.
If you don't like the topic being brought up, nobody is forcing you to respond, or even to read it.  If the contents are truly offensive, contact the staff, as opposed to complaining and insulting the poster in a public forum.  
Locking this thread.