Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: sjanimal on October 16, 2004, 12:50:13 PM

Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: sjanimal on October 16, 2004, 12:50:13 PM
I've kind of reached a point in my gaming where:

--about 1/3 of my characters are dying by learning new things about the game world.
Example:  (completely hypothetical) If you don't feed your sun-lizard at least once every few days, it will get hungry and eat you.  (actually, I made that up, but you get my point).  I don't mind dying this way, because with each death I learn something new.  And I like learning.  I HOPE that I occaisionally continue to die this way.

--about 1/3 of my characters die from getting pk'd.  I like dying this way as well.  For me, I feel like I've supplied someone else with entertainment, and no doubt some day the great cosmic wheel will spin around I'll end up pk'ing one of their characters.  It's all in good fun, and I certainly don't mind being PK'd.

--about 1/3 of my characters die from loss of link or through collapse of the ARM game server.  While I don't get bent out of shape when this happens, (I am an adult, after all) I don't walk away from the computer feeling incredibly fulfilled.  After all, my character's death has served no useful purpose, and any plots that I was involved in just get left dangling.

What is YOUR favorite way for your character to die?
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Larrath on October 16, 2004, 01:00:48 PM
Long played out PKs where you are never quite sure if you'll be able to walk out or not or if you can get away.

Best way to die, period.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on October 16, 2004, 01:52:29 PM
Never been PKed, but that'd be my preferred way of going. Anything else just feels like a mistake.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Tamarin on October 16, 2004, 01:56:47 PM
My most favorite death involved me trying to work out a deal with a guilder half giant, who eventually help me up by the throat and let his d-elf friend chop me to death.

Best RP ever.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Cavus on October 16, 2004, 01:58:53 PM
My characters live so so long (yhey are fighter types). I did not get taste of different styles of dying. But, I have some ideas:

1- I hate being killed by a PC if it is not IC for them. Of course, you cannot know generally whether it is IC, or not.

2- HRPT is wonderful way of death if I have any affect on the plot.

3- It can be great to die because of poison or magick.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: jhunter on October 16, 2004, 02:03:54 PM
QuoteNever been PKed, but that'd be my preferred way of going. Anything else just feels like a mistake.

Sigh, unfortunately the same for me.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: drasik on October 16, 2004, 02:06:08 PM
I have no favorite causes of death, because well, they all sucked, but my least favorite has to be dying to Tal Zen. :evil:
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Cenghiz on October 16, 2004, 02:16:36 PM
Err... My all chars try some complex ways of making connections to both underground organizations, magickers, tribals etc but also local militias, merchants and such. It takes about 5 or 6 days of playing time. Then I try fun things, not with my skills, but with the connections I have. I have fun, play for hours non-stop, make a plot for myself.. I become sleepy and slow reacting. Then suddenly a silt horror/badass warrior/uber assassin/defiler/'met arrives from north and claws/slashes/stabs/casts on/gnaws me.

Nah! I don't like any kind of death.. Sorry.

Note: 4.5 days of playing time.. Please let me stay awake this time...
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Savak on October 16, 2004, 02:18:16 PM
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Nidhogg on October 16, 2004, 02:48:02 PM
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Ktavialt on October 16, 2004, 03:39:22 PM
Quote from: "Savak"Wezers.

Oh yeah, the wezer's death - lost a gith pc a looong time ago to that one.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Tamarin on October 16, 2004, 03:44:37 PM
Quote from: "Savak"Wezers.

Also, going out in a blaze of glory in an arena match during which you are sentenced to death, but manage to take down three or four gladiators in the process is a hoot.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2004, 04:06:56 PM
Suicide.. I had a very long lived character who was doing very well, stuff happened to him IC and it pushed him to killing himself. I really enjoyed seeing everyones reaction to it through my next char eyes.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Majikal on October 16, 2004, 04:08:39 PM
Forgot to log in..  :evil:
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Delirium on October 16, 2004, 04:33:39 PM
Quote from: "Savak"Wezers.

Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Angela Christine on October 16, 2004, 08:52:45 PM
At least 50% of my characters have died to aggro NPCs.  About 3% have been PKed.  Perhaps 5% have died to a fall, directly or indirectly.  About 10% have died during RPTs (but never a HRPT).  And roughly 75% have died after midnight, when I really should have been sleeping.  Yes, I know that is more than 100% sometimes more than one applies, one time I was killed by an aggro NPC, during on a RPT, when I was sleepy....

I don't think I have a favorite way to die.  Death bad.  Given a choice, it is nicer to die with lots of PCs around, because then maybe they'll remember my character.

Angela Christine
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: wizturbo on October 16, 2004, 08:56:23 PM
Getting assassinated is fun, if the player roleplays it out.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Adhira on October 16, 2004, 11:55:04 PM

Ok, so I am just saying that because the router has killed my connection to arm but.. same thing!
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: sacac on October 17, 2004, 12:16:25 AM
The best way to die is being tortured to death by a past templar. Starts with a K.
Next best way to die is being tortured to death.
My least Favorite, getting pk'ed for the sole of pk'ing.
Post by: Karianna on October 17, 2004, 06:49:58 PM
My favorite way to die is when I login and get the following (not exact message, but you will get the point):

Halaster the Shroud of Death boots you to the head!
/*Karianna has perished from a boot to the head by Halaster/*

But then.....I get...

Halaster the Shroud of Death boots you to the head!
/*Karianna has perished from a boot to the head by Halaster/*
Halaster the Shroud of Death boots you to the head!
/*Karianna has perished from a boot to the head by Halaster/*
Halaster the Shroud of Death boots you to the head!
/*Karianna has perished from a boot to the head by Halaster/*
Halaster the Shroud of Death boots you to the head!
/*Karianna has perished from a boot to the head by Halaster/*

I try to type something, and I get about ten more before I can even respond. It then ends with:

Halaster, the Shroud of Death, says to you in Sirihish:
"Hello, Special K"

Halaster the Shroud of Death boots you to the head!
/*Karianna has perished from a boot to the head by Halaster/*

It's good to be me :)
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Hicksville Hoochie on October 17, 2004, 07:00:09 PM
Death by massive meetings of several PC and NPC at once has been so far THE way to die!

By far the worst, is trying to roleplay out an injury due to a battle, and having a superior say 'go fight and destroy this large thing of things, with  one other person, and a brand new warrior, even though with this injury you carry around, you'll be completely useless.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: drasik on October 17, 2004, 07:12:58 PM
I still think dying to Tal Zen is the worst way ever to die :(
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Tamarin on October 17, 2004, 07:23:28 PM
Quote from: "drasik"I still think dying to Tal Zen is the worst way ever to die :(

I've never actually died to that...just been severely fucked up.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: drasik on October 17, 2004, 07:26:28 PM
Had a PC die to it in a sandstorm.  :lol:
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: tortall on October 17, 2004, 11:37:19 PM
Absolute favorite:
WALKING past two HG Naki militia guards, while I had a baby in each arm, into their nice little camp.
What was running through ym head: There's kank's just sitting there. That's so weird, what if someone steals them? enter camp

Welcome to Armageddon!

Oh, and then there's the bigger noble house killing your noble because they think you're insane because you have a golden-kank friend that no one else can see. That was awesome.

-Tortall, who misses her golden-kank
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: JollyGreenGiant on October 18, 2004, 10:18:29 AM
Ed Gruberman, approach that you may learn Tae Kwon Leep.

Boot to the head!
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: sarahjc on October 18, 2004, 12:55:15 PM
My favorite way to go is PK or HRPT. Cause you get to live out the scene..

My favorite way to kill someone, is by taking out a bounty and having them hunted.. I have done this twice.. and it was fun for me both times.. I hope it was fun for the two people who bit it.

Assassination I would also think is a ton of fun.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Krath on October 18, 2004, 12:56:59 PM
Best way to die HRPTs.

Best way to Kill someone? Get their loved ones to do it  :twisted:
Title: k
Post by: WhiteRanger on October 19, 2004, 01:40:08 PM
Protecting one of your characters loved ones...especially if your characters death actually succeeded in saving that special someones life.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: DustMight on October 19, 2004, 02:46:49 PM
the shield wall
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Kill4Free on October 19, 2004, 02:58:45 PM
The shield wall isnt too hard to avoid, all you need to do, is stay two spaces away from it if you are in a fight.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: DustMight on October 19, 2004, 03:30:35 PM
so you say, but back in the day it was possible to just type "n" and fall to your death....ask any bynner. ;-)
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Kill4Free on October 19, 2004, 05:33:31 PM
I never came close to falling before, as I was always careful around the wall.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Ralin on October 19, 2004, 06:13:50 PM
My favorite death so far was with my first PC, when I decided to investigate the 'rinth, without knowing what it was. A nice axe weilder taught me a quick and permanent lesson.  :D

Worst death was looking good on one outing, then immediately going on another to whacked by two uber gith without being rescued by the two better fighters that were with me. Ugh.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Bogre on October 19, 2004, 08:22:36 PM
You hear the hissing sound of a blade being drawn as someone steps behind you.

*Backstab death message*

*beep* Welcome to Armageddon. Never been killed this way...but being unknowningly assassinated with an emote would rule. I've never died in a HRPT, even though by all rights with one of my characters, I should have died about 40 times. (I was a 2d warrior...and yet I survived. With a lot of hp, while giants and magickers and clanned sergeants died around me. Whoo.)

Worst: Someone with no IC reason to kill you. Something like- (in your clan barracks) So and so draws a sword. *beep*
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: lukie on October 21, 2004, 10:24:23 PM
Best way:

You walk off the edge of a really big cliff.

You fall.

You keep falling.

You're still falling.


The air
You're falling in midair. Sucks for you.
An enormous steel longsword is falling here.

>take sword
You fall some more.

You see no sword here.

You land.

It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

>think What's a grue?
You think: "What's a grue?"

A grue eats you. Told you so.

Welcome to Armageddon!

Note: None of the above actually happened to me. Ever.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Kill4Free on October 21, 2004, 10:48:12 PM
Whats a grue?
Title: url]
Post by: Agent_137 on October 21, 2004, 10:51:10 PM

Title: Grues
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2004, 12:08:37 AM
Quote from: "Kill4Free"Whats a grue?

Classic Infocom (think Zork). See here:
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Kill4Free on October 22, 2004, 12:19:28 AM
Agent already beat you to it :P
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Geekfreak on October 23, 2004, 11:22:52 AM
I'd just like to thank the two rascals who lead my previous character to a place then robbed him of all he was worth, including life. It was my first death by pkilling and probably the best. To the two ingenious pkillers out there, cheers!
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: moab on October 23, 2004, 11:34:19 AM
Ah, that damn templarate up to no good again, hrm?
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Grey Area on October 24, 2004, 04:48:14 AM
It's been long enough that I can post this one without too much shame. By no means my favorite death, but far and away the funniest.


Riding between the two cities with a relatively non-combat character. Been back and forth a number times with no danger whatsoever, and I was feeling pretty desert savvy by now.

So, I see a Jozhal off the road. "Aha!" I think, "Jozhal = easy prey. They run away from me all the time. I can get some throwing practice in!"

I fling a knife at the unfortunate creature - wham! A hit! I'm just readying another knife when the jozhal enters, looking pretty pissed off. It drags me off my mount and proceeds to maul me horribly. I'm kinda shocked here, it's like being mutilated by that baby you were snatching candy from. After a few minutes of inconclusive fighting which leaves me at about 10hp, I take the hint and head for the hills. I ride to Allanak in a hurry but - shit, the gates are closed! No matter. Should be safe enough here, I'll just rest for a bit.

A little before dawn, my HP still haven't regenerated at all, but I'm not worried... Until the jozhal arrives, a psychotic gleam in its glowing cybernetic eye. This was some kinda rabid terminator jozhal from hell. It doesn't seem to see me, but it's tracked me all the way from the salt flats. This is a jozhal on a mission. The mess of tracks around the gate has it confused, though! It's not sure who to maim!

So, while its busy searching for my tracks, the gate finally opens. I'm saved! I stand up from resting, ready to leap onto my kank and ride triumphantly into the city.

And... The jozhal looks up.

A split second before I hit 'east', my throat is torn right the fuck out by the rampaging jozhal. My character dies the most ignoble death imaginable, inches from safety, slaughtered by the lowliest creature in the desert. I can only hope nobody was watching this from inside the gates.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Agent_137 on October 24, 2004, 04:52:53 AM
wow grey. That's the best.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: sjanimal on October 24, 2004, 01:54:24 PM

Yeah, that was really good.
Title: Favorite (and first) death
Post by: proxie on October 25, 2004, 12:15:37 PM
Okay okay... I just remembered my first death.

It was the type of death that sparked a furious rage and the desire to make my next pc to be one that killed everything (tm). Funny thing is, she didn't... but her kid did.

Anyway... I'm a new player and a friend took me under his wing, inducting me into Oash as a guard. We're out hunting one day, and for some reason I got separated from him. (This was waaaay back when, btw, in the Lawrence days.)

I'm trying to make it back to the wagon, yes, we took the wagon out to hunt. When four or five elves show up. I snarl bravely, of course, because I was taught that Oash don't like elves. Blackwing elves even... ooooooh... ultra evil hatred goodness. So, my day old warrier with no movement and really shiny new Oash armbands...

Yeah... You can pretty much figure out how it went from there.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Comrade Canadia on October 25, 2004, 01:49:57 PM

This was a number of years ago, but is a fairly detailed story.  I'm leaving things intentionally vague here, but if an imm feels this is a little too IC - please, delete.

Also, there is a lot of background to this, and the way this death was cool is actually more ooc than IC, although ICly it was a pretty cool death anyways.

The Background:

For the better part of a year, I was the head of a clan that was, shall we say, in trouble.  This clan was LARGE, and player run... my clan head answered to no npcs above him.  Rampant out of character mongering dominated the proceedings of this clan.  PLots and goals were made with ooc friends, and my clan head also protected a PC he should have by all rights killed - said PC was played by an ooc friend.  Needless to say, when I wasn't playing I was writing COUNTLESS EMAILS to the armag imms in an attempt to keep the clan PC-run, as well as keep said troublesome character alive.  

This went on for a while, but eventually - it came to the end.  In aftermath, I can see pretty damn clearly how bad we were..

The imms finally stepped in, instituted an NPC head of the clan, and troublesome character was killed.  In a snit, I retired my char, and the clan closed.  ICly, it continued to exist... just not as an open clan.

The Death:

A while later, I am playing another character of some power.  This is the first HRPT.  Since then I liek to think I had repaired my ooc mongering ways, and was having fun at the mud and doing well.  This one character was rather mediocre in my opinion - but that all changed that day.

In one day (again being vague here) I'm able to see a rival killed, various enemies vanquished, and great favour is bestowed to him from above.  Then, we head off on a huge military campaign.  Everything is going as well as PHYSICALLY possible.  After a long and exhausted day of rping, this huge campaign comes down to one final battle.  My PC is asked to lead the final charge of this huge HRPT.  

And so, brimming with pride and thinking of the glory ahead, my PC charges against the gates of the clan I had spent the better part of a year trying to save from extinction.  As a huge melee ensues - I spy the current clan head.

This was the immrun NPC who had ICly come in and more or less spelled the end of that stupid, ooc mongering clan I loved so well.  And so, my military leader, with no IC reason, attacks the NPC because I think all of his guards are occupied.  This was, again, a totally out of character action - I wanted a bit of vengeance.

This was a mistake.

My character is MOWED down by all of the clan's npcs, and the killing blow, I believe, was landed by the cook.

And so my character falls valiantly in battle at the climax of the HRPT - ooc, I'm laughing my -head- off.  My character died because of an ooc action, when he was -wiping a clan of off of the face of the mud- BECAUSE of the ooc mongering I was a great part of in that very same clan.  

The moral of the story, kids?


Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Mr.Camel on October 25, 2004, 07:22:40 PM
Favourite death so far was to my favourite character, at a recent and quite popular mostly player-arranged event. Sure, it was too chaotic for me to have made any sense out of it, but that made for a suitable enviroment.
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2004, 11:44:16 PM
Getting castrated!

Go Clegane!
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: Dreamcatcher on October 26, 2004, 01:02:03 AM
Getting eaten by a Bahamet in one bite.  :twisted:
Title: Favorite Causes of Death
Post by: SewerRat_inTheOpen on October 27, 2004, 01:51:39 PM
I played for around a month and have 5 characters so far.
First one, I fought a jozhal, lost, flee, tried to hitch my kank. I typed ' hi kank ' and I got what i wanted, and died for it.  
Second death, i literally rode my erdlu to death [my death, not his] , not realising it wasn't the best of a mount to ride.
Third death I was riding an inix, went hunting happily. A marksmen on all counts, i met this lizard. I mistyped shoot lizard, missing the direction and hit enter. My inix hit me three times and I died, unable to react in any record time.
how many people get killed by their mounts 3 times in a row?
I'm a loser... but was fun though.