Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Savak on October 11, 2004, 09:22:43 PM

Title: Muls.
Post by: Savak on October 11, 2004, 09:22:43 PM
While I believe there is more than adequate documentation regarding the status of muls in the cities, particularly in Tuluk, found here (, just below the bulleted breakdown for noble houses, as well as here (, I wanted to clarify as it has come up recently.

ANY mul in Tuluk is assumed to be a slave and will be treated as such, in the absence of the appropriate medallion &/or paperwork readable by a Templar.  If a mul lacks this proof, they have a VERY HIGH risk of being re-enslaved on the spot, or something else very unpleasant.  If a mul irritates the wrong person (noble or templar), they have a HIGH risk of losing their "freedom," and have their medallion/paperwork mysteriously be misplaced and subsequently re-enslaved, or something else very unpleasant.  This may very well make the character effectively unplayable, depending on whether a suitable & willing master can be found or the templar invents an alternative solution.

If it comes to this, whoever is playing the mul has a choice between doing the best they can with the situation, or asking staff for a resolution.  That will most likely mean retirement or death, as you've been well forewarned of the risks.  Playing a non-enslaved mul means a constant risk of recapture; that risk only increases the closer they get to major centers of civilization.

Note also that muls who start in Allanak or Tuluk need to contact staff to be set up as a slave (ideally well beforehand, with a pre-arranged PC master); if the character is not a slave, they should be starting somewhere OTHER than Allanak or Tuluk.  Muls who start outside of Allanak or Tuluk are (or should be) "wanted" in both Allanak & Tuluk, as they are "wild" muls, and soldiers would readily recognize this.
