Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Solas on September 24, 2004, 02:51:13 PM

Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Solas on September 24, 2004, 02:51:13 PM
Why doesn't Tektolnes care about Redstorm village?  :D
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on September 24, 2004, 03:12:15 PM
Who said he doesn't?
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: DustMight on September 24, 2004, 03:54:02 PM
Last I heard, that's where he keeps his mother-in-law.
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Tamarin on September 24, 2004, 05:33:37 PM
The Sandlord = Tektolnes = Muk Utep = The Mantis Hive = The Dragon = The Lord of Storms =....what else is there?
Title: Re: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on September 24, 2004, 06:15:30 PM
Quote from: "Solas"Why doesn't Tektolnes care about Redstorm village?  :D

Ask Him.
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Raesanos on September 24, 2004, 07:10:25 PM
Quote from: "[url= History Page[/url]"]     1367
   The village of Red Storm East is formed by a collection of rebellious Allanaki farmers. Surprisingly, no reaction from the Allanaki templarate takes place, so it is assumed the action of the farmers is sanctioned.

That is all that is publically known about this. That doesn't really answer your question, but I wanted to point it out for people who may not have noticed this.
Title: Hrm.
Post by: Gargath on September 24, 2004, 07:41:05 PM
Deleted a couple of posts because this started to become a religious chat, which is way off topic.
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Angela Christine on September 25, 2004, 04:24:41 AM
I don't know, but I'm willing to speculate.  ;)

1. They aren't a threat.
2. They are valuable as is.
3. The spice must flow.

I'm not going to search for the exact numbers right now, but I think there are less than 10000 people in Red Storm Village and Red Storm East combined.  Allanak and it's outlying villages have about 500000 people (including slaves).  Even if every single man, woman, child, and escaped mul in Red Storm took up arms, there would still be less of them than there are proffessional soldiers in the Highlord's standing army.  And most of those people are farmers, not soldiers.  Maybe the Sandlord is a mindbender who convinced Tek not to care, but it is more likely that Red Storm has very little supernatural resources to call on.  They aren't as magiphobic as Tuluk, but they no where near as mage "friendly" as Allanak.  Red Storm is a pair of tiny villages that can't possibly hurt the Allanak Empire.

Red Storm and Red Storm East produce a huge amount of food for their size.  Seriously, find an excuse to visit Red Storm East some day, because it is worth seeing.  They sell most of that food to Allanak.  There are a few tribals and independant merchants wandering around, but I bet at least 95% of their non-spice trade is with Allanak.  Why go anywhere else?  It certainly wouldn't be worth trying to trade grain with Tuluk, there is no way you could make a profit considering the costs of transport because Tuluk has plenty of food so demand for exotic southern grain would be low.  Luir's would have a little more demand, but they can probably get food cheaper from Tuluk than from Red Storm East, because it is a bit closer and the roads are better.  

So Allanak gets plenty of food from Red Storm.  I assume they pay for it, but they don't have the costs of protecting the villages with soldiers and Templars, or the costs of subduing the populace.  It is almost like Red Storm is paying a tribute or tax to be left alone.  
The fact that the villages are so far from the main city and have no overt association with the Allanak Empire means that they are not drawn into politics or subjected to the attacks that the Allanaki villages periodically suffer through.  Enemies might burn Allanak's fields, but they'll probably ignore the Red Storm farms.  Red Storm is seen as nuetral.  That means that when a catastrophic famine strikes Allanak they will still be able to import enough food from Red Storm to keep the Armies and nobles happy.  Sweet.

The fact that Red Storm harbors escaped slaves and other undesirables is a plus.  Many of them end up working as soldiers or farmers so they are still indirectly serving the Empire, even if they aren't directly serving the particular masters that were foolish enough to let them escape. Better than having them become bandits or rinth-dwelling criminals.

3. Allanak doesn't want spice, but they don't mind if their enemies have spice.  If you really believe that spice is bad for people, then you -want- your enemies to have it, right?  Having the Sandlord nominally in control of the spiceland is better then letting those tretcherous Kuraci control it.  Instead of a "war" on drugs, Allanak has a simple not-in-my-neighbourhood policy.

That's my theory, anyway.

Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Gilvar on September 25, 2004, 01:12:03 PM
And since its a mysterious topic, both ingame and out, your welcome to have your characters (if appropriate) propogate their own theories as to why your beloved Sandlord (or your beloved Tektolnes) allows the other to exist.

Maybe the sandlord is actually the Sandlady, and she and Tek were once married and now divorced... and the Sandlady got the two red-headed step-children (red storm and red storm east) and they just dont want to interact because it hurts too much. Never know.
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Krath on September 25, 2004, 03:34:01 PM
Quote from: "Gilvar"And since its a mysterious topic, both ingame and out, your welcome to have your characters (if appropriate) propogate their own theories as to why your beloved Sandlord (or your beloved Tektolnes) allows the other to exist.

Maybe the sandlord is actually the Sandlady, and she and Tek were once married and now divorced... and the Sandlady got the two red-headed step-children (red storm and red storm east) and they just dont want to interact because it hurts too much. Never know.

LOL. Two Thumbs up for Gilvar
Title: Allanak vs. Redstorm?
Post by: Savak on September 25, 2004, 04:54:17 PM
And I'd prefer to leave this at that, for now.  What limited public information there is, IS limited and has been referred to.  The rest is conjecture best left to the game itself.  Ergo, I'm locking the thread.