Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: The7DeadlyVenomz on September 17, 2004, 12:43:20 AM

Title: Rtwo
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on September 17, 2004, 12:43:20 AM
We have:

ep, rp.
es, rs.
etwo, ....

Wait, wait. Something is missing.

Can we get rtwo, please?

Edit: In response to Running Mountain's post below, I might add that remove does not always get the right item, as rp and rs do, and rtwo would. These commands are combat orientated. Taking off your breastplate in such a situation may not be good for your health, and it does look a tad odd.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: RunningMountain on September 17, 2004, 12:49:39 AM
Lazy bastards, can't even type remove.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Agent_137 on September 17, 2004, 02:34:22 AM
Drunken post of the night:

Yay colors.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: wizturbo on September 17, 2004, 02:36:53 AM
I'll support this ONLY if they also implement the "dtwo" command.

Title: Rtwo
Post by: SykotikGith on September 17, 2004, 09:11:30 AM
You know, I don't play fighting characters too often, but this sounds like a good idea. Seeing as we have matching commands for the others, it only makes sense to do an rtwo to compliment the etwo...

Is this a 'vital' enhancement? No, but it would be a nice addition.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Anonymous on September 17, 2004, 09:24:48 AM
it is somehow a vital enhancement since:

remove mean-twohand sword results in
you drop the meanie sword to the ground


rtwo would result int
you remove the meanie sword and have it in your inventory for further use

Title: Rtwo
Post by: flurry on September 17, 2004, 10:09:49 AM
Quote from: "Anonymous"
remove mean-twohand sword results in
you drop the meanie sword to the ground

That may be true for some things (I don't know), but it's definitely not true for all things.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Solas on September 17, 2004, 02:26:55 PM
From my knowledge, removing any item will just place it in your inv. but I wouldn't mind having an rtwo as well, although it would be just for the convenience.  :roll:
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Delirium on September 17, 2004, 02:30:16 PM
I like it.

So I don't remove the weapons on my belt or a piece of clothing when I'm trying to figure out a unique keyword to use for the weapon I've got in both hands.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Dan on September 17, 2004, 03:58:38 PM
Removing any weapon instead of sheathing it in combat drops it to the ground, I believe.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: wizturbo on September 17, 2004, 05:11:36 PM
*drums roll and trumpets flare*

I, the great Wizturbo, will now give all of you all rtwo!

alias rtwo remove <keyword of your big ass two handed weapon>

*cheers from the crowds roar, as women throw their panties and bras up at Wizturbo*

*Wizturbo snaps back into reality and just goes on to another thread*
Title: Rtwo
Post by: X-D on September 17, 2004, 05:56:24 PM
As Dan said, using the remove command in combat for a wielded weapon causes said weapon to land on the ground...I figure wizturbo did not read the post before making his.

rtwo sounds fine to me, though it has been a long time since I dropped anything because of the nice sheath slot on the back for my two-handers, I make sure to have sheath slots for all of my weapons.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Mr.Camel on September 17, 2004, 08:37:25 PM
This can only solve part of the problem, but you can alias rtwo to:

change hands etwo es

As for the bigger items, *shrug*.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Mar on September 18, 2004, 04:09:04 AM
Quote from: "Mr.Camel"This can only solve part of the problem, but you can alias rtwo to:

change hands etwo es

As for the bigger items, *shrug*.

There still stay a problem with things you cannot take in one hand, though.

I like the idea. Really.
Title: Rtwo
Post by: RunningMountain on September 22, 2004, 05:52:07 PM
There might be a reason why you can't rtwo.  If you are wielding something two handed in combat you shouldn't be able to remove it without tossing it to the ground.
Post by: on September 22, 2004, 06:35:18 PM
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Halaster on September 22, 2004, 07:27:46 PM
rtwo dtwo
Title: Rtwo
Post by: Tlaloc on September 22, 2004, 11:20:48 PM
rtwo, rnot...

Or, as Nessalin pointed out: rtwo, istwo!
Title: Rtwo
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on September 24, 2004, 11:13:23 AM
Thanks, Ness.
Title: 7DV's Ringside Coach
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2004, 06:20:10 PM
*massages 7DV's shoulders*

"Alright champ, you won that round. Really great work out there. This round we need you to get NOSAVE split into NOSAVE and NORESIST. You can do it. Keep your chin down, hands up, and show 'em what you're made of. Make us proud."