How long can you last...

Started by lilmynx, April 18, 2018, 04:38:34 PM

I stored my first character as it seemed unlikely anything would ever kill me.  this was largely because I didn't know how to become involved in plots, and spent all my time crafting madly by myself in a crafting hall.
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

My first character was at like 15 days playtime or something, had 10 large in the bank, and was working with an Indie Hunting group that was doing very well for myself.  I had felt like I had got to the peak of the character... I stored him.  Man I wish I knew then what I know now and what I could have done with that character. 

You can make any character live long, but there is always the chance of death anywhere.  If someone wants your character dead, they will figure out a way... trust me.  There is a way for anyone to die anywhere.  It's apart of this game.  Dying IS apart of this game.  When the risk of death is so low, to me the game isn't what it should be, that risk of death should always be apparent.

One of the biggest mistakes long-lived characters make is to stop taking risks.

Risk-averse play leads to stagnation and boredom.

Quote from: Delirium on June 01, 2018, 02:45:16 PM
One of the biggest mistakes long-lived characters make is to stop taking risks.

Risk-averse play leads to stagnation and boredom.

In the 2-3 years I've been playing:

144 characters. 14 of them stored.

The rest of you are pikers. Play Armageddon the rogue-like. Antagonize other people. See what's 4 rooms off the road. Whisper your assassination plots instead of Waying them. STIR UP CONFLICT.

As many problems as this game has, if I want to live a long time, I've got non-permadeath muds I can go play for that. If I want pure storytelling and drama, then I've got to come back to Arm despite having quit several times. But if I focused on longevity, I'd be bored shitless.

I've seen the depths of the Grey Forest. I've been tortured to death by the Soh. Murdered when I manifested my secret magick in front of superstitious tribals. I've seen a Templar wipe a tear from her eye. I've killed for money, for spite, and for fun, and been killed for money, spite, and for fun.

My BIGGEST pet peeve of the game is not karma or any other shit. It's people who don't risk their cushy positions. They hoard the few positions of power for RL years, logging on only in their safe spots for 15 minutes at a time or for parties.

Play the game. Take risks. Or go play something else with a SAVE GAME function.

Quote from: Miradus on June 04, 2018, 05:47:08 PM
My BIGGEST pet peeve of the game is not karma or any other shit. It's people who don't risk their cushy positions. They hoard the few positions of power for RL years, logging on only in their safe spots for 15 minutes at a time or for parties.

In fairness, there is documentation in place now that characters in powerful leadership positions HAVE to be around for RL years in order to "progress". You certainly CAN be the quick-flame Templar who gets on people's nerves and ends up dead, but its not really supported lore-wise. You spent years in an Academy, learned to wield the awesome power of the Sorceror King, only to die in a month because you're actually some crazy psychopath? Government Spooks should've caught that well beforehand. And if you want to join the Ministries, you have to be around for a RL year. That's a lot of longevity.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

If you need pointers to living a long time just let me know. 8)
"Bring out the gorgensplat!"