Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Blue_Static on February 19, 2005, 02:26:51 AM

Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: Blue_Static on February 19, 2005, 02:26:51 AM
Damn it I just can't seem to keep my characters alive longer then a couple of days playing time. anyone have any feedback.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: fearwig on February 19, 2005, 02:35:41 AM
That seems like one of those 'general problems'. Usually you can't answer general problems with anything but a general answer. E.g.: "Maybe you should stop dying." If you want something better, you might need to give specific questions and information, and that is probably best done by emailing the helpers.

That said, "Maybe you should stop dying" is probably better advice than it sounds. Don't do something stupid. If you're dying because you attack NPCs or PCs wantonly or steal from shopkeepers without turning on nosave or run off into the desert like a feckwit, well, maybe "Maybe you should stop dying" is an awfully good solution. If you simply hunger or thirst to death, you should probably come up with a stable source of income, like a house guard position until you learn the ropes of the game, or you should learn how to greb with the rest of the commoners.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: Mook on February 19, 2005, 02:37:04 AM
Eh, not meaning to repeat old posts, but characters with realistic hesitance to put themselves in dangerous situations can live a rediculous, boringly long time...  

This isn't restricted to citygate-restricted characters, as some hunters who know their family would starve without the coin they bring in might choose to never go near anything bigger than a scrab/jozhal/tandu, and to always have a friend or two along to indimidate raiders or such.

Edit: Heh, condescending, aren't we? >.<
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: Vanth on February 19, 2005, 02:46:06 AM
To more concretely echo the suggestions of others: try a city-based character.  Not that outdoors characters aren't viable, but they do take a certain amount of cunning.

Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: fearwig on February 19, 2005, 03:49:20 AM
Quote from: "Mook"
Edit: Heh, condescending, aren't we? >.<

Some questions demand some amount of condescention, I guess. Don't feel too bad. :)
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: Kalden on February 19, 2005, 04:24:18 AM
I sent you a PM...

City-based character outside of the 'rinth is a good idea. I can stay alive for a long time if I want to, even with an outside character, but I like exploring. Or at least I used to.

It's really difficult to just run off and hunt from the get-go, though. I suggest getting decent in a House somewhere and then going it alone.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: SewerRat_inTheOpen on February 19, 2005, 10:04:36 AM
Just die. Best time to die? Saturdays. I always have this feeling that with a whole lot of imms coming together, applications that are well enough get through very fast. But don't let it be too coincidental.

I died and died to learn the whole world. And learn patience IG. The most important lesson is that of learning time is not of matter, in a sense. To accomplish something, work at it slowly, a chip a day, someday, that wall is going down.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: fearwig on February 19, 2005, 10:13:45 AM
But, if you don't want to die, there is always the retirement option. A little more realistic, and well, a lot less corpses lying around.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: Halaster on February 19, 2005, 11:08:15 AM
One of the quickest ways to die is to try doing everything alone.  Clans are a great way to have a bit of a safety net, especially clans like the T'Zai Byn or House Kadius or House Salarr or House Kurac.  They still go out and do things to keep the excitement going, but there are other people with you to make it more survivable (and fun).

This coming from one of the Imms for the Unclanned characters, heh.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: Cuusardo on February 19, 2005, 01:11:29 PM
Keep in mind that not doing everything alone doesn't mean finding some random schmuck to go hunting with you.  You don't know this person, so why would you trust this person?  I wish I had a dollar or ten for every post some unhappy person has made on the GDB because they were upset that their "hunting partner" or what have you killed them once they got outside the city.  Joining a clan means that you can trust the people you work with not to do that.
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: drasik on February 19, 2005, 01:15:00 PM
And another good thing is to not kiss Halaster during an RPT. ;)
Title: Well so much for that character
Post by: SpyGuy on February 19, 2005, 01:18:54 PM
There is a weird divide I see in players dying.  Just to start it off, I'm one of those players that tends to die alot.  But as I see it, new characters that you're just pumped up to explore with and get rich tends to die -very- quickly.  Those characters who wait and patiently expand themselves (in both what they hunt and in the lands they hunt in) tend to live alot longer.  And those players who join a clan and wait until their character is 20 days old and has uber-skills tend to live the longest and can take care of themselves if they're played smart.  So in order to live longer until you start having tons of fun.  Because being stupid and trying to break the mold is amazingly entertaining but also extraordinarily dangerous.

That said, also mix it up more if you haven't already.  If you play in the south, try the north.  I know for the longest amount of time one of my longest lived characters was the first true 'rinther I ever played.  And the 'rinth btw is an amazing experience, it's the only area of the game that combines the safety of being "home" with the fear that at any moment someone or something is going to try to mangle you.  Try and find an area that will continually keep your interest without driving you to run out into the desert to see if you can kill a beetle yet.

But anyways, sometimes your character is going to die.  They got into a mess, whether on their own or through their clan, that the chances they come out of it alive are pretty slim.  Most important point of this rambling post, learn something from each death and try to remember not to do it again.

Edit: because I should have previewed it before I hit submit