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General Discussion / Re: Spec-app idea---midlife cr...
Last post by Dresan - Today at 01:49:54 PM
Quote from: Robespierre on August 29, 2024, 10:40:56 PMI think I saw a post about having more use for large amounts of coin in the later game. That might be a better way to breathe life into old characters

The issue with coins is an old problem that has been masked over the years by the fact the game was rather gank-happy in the past, so fewer people got to see a mid to late game. Its been known for a long time at some point most people will have nothing better to do with their coins other than to junk them. When this happens a lot of the content the game offers becomes meaningless to do, with most people just waiting for 'big' and 'interesting' thing to happen.

As an example, there would be a lot of benefits in allowing players to buy a single skill gain for a large amount of coins (20k+) without impacting benefits of finding opportunity or working with other players. Stories happens as people are out just doing mundane stuff, so making sure they always have good reason to do something is important.

Allowing players to evolve their character through a transparent policy would add another layer of content on top of all that, something players can look forward with some level of fairness even if all skills are maxed as long as they continue playing actively. 

Again due to people being murdered left and right in the past, these sort of ideas were less necessary before. And while I could go into more detail on the benefits of keeping existing content meaningful and rewarding time-played, it is perhaps a conversation for the future when the season gets closer to ending.
Staff Announcements / Re: A Little Gangster, A Littl...
Last post by Valkyrja - September 19, 2024, 12:07:36 AM
This is cloooosed! THANKS. Will get back to you all soon.
World and Roleplaying Discussion / Re: Green skin
Last post by creeper386 - September 18, 2024, 04:26:14 PM
I think some of this is the idea of some naturally occuring effects of wearing copper, pushing in game trends. Similar to Kadius and who else in the past getting important people to wear this or that to try and direct trends in fashion.

I think it would be a great idea to have had introduced and any trends occurred naturally from in game activities, but with it being discussed on the boards already, would feel contrived to me. Having the tattoo artists do fake skin staining is great, but without initial staining from actual copper being represented would not make sense to me.

Though I would love to see some mastercrafted fake copper-painted bone bangles and shit start showing up in the game after things get going.
Staff Announcements / Re: A Little Gangster, A Littl...
Last post by Valkyrja - September 18, 2024, 10:32:23 AM
This closes tonight!
Code Discussion / Re: Camping
Last post by Riev - September 17, 2024, 05:23:58 PM
Small barricades can be made by anyone.

Tougher barricades require a bit of skill.
World and Roleplaying Discussion / Re: Green skin
Last post by Halaster - September 17, 2024, 12:25:28 PM
Quote from: shadeoux on September 13, 2024, 12:08:04 AMLike a Tattoo, allow whomever wants it, to get it at char creation.

Or pay one of those new fancypants Tattoo Artists to do it for you...
Code Discussion / Re: Camping
Last post by ABoredLion - September 17, 2024, 12:15:22 PM
Quote from: Markku on September 16, 2024, 11:11:52 PM*cough* barricades *cough*

Don't they require a specific separate skill that doesn't come naturally to all of the things which get camping? Or the intended route is for the barricades to be narrowed down to stone working? Something like that, I thought. So that's why I don't think this is a very good response to the conundrum of wildlife just running in and instantly breaking tents.

If barricades were going to permanently stay fixed to cooking or whatever, and could be put up with minimal work, then I'd think that's a much more viable way to address this, but the underlying issues still seem to be there and will get worse when barricades are restricted down to just stoneworking.
Code Discussion / Re: Camping
Last post by Markku - September 16, 2024, 11:11:52 PM
*cough* barricades *cough*
Code Discussion / Re: Camping
Last post by ABoredLion - September 16, 2024, 08:19:49 PM
The fact that wildlife in general destroys tents has always been a very strange and slightly unreasonable thing for a lot of them in my opinion. I'm guessing the idea was that you shouldn't just be able to go and get in a tent and nothing will come get you, so they made it so they'd attack tents, but it's far more reasonable for aggressive wildlife to want to go 'inside' of tents, as sources of shade would be something they actively seek to survive Zalanthan conditions.

I think something about the camp skill being specifically so that it wards off wildlife at least virtually (similar to how some tribes utilize thorns for instance, gathered around their resting places or livestock to keep lions out) makes a lot of sense to me. In different conditions, you would absolutely try to prepare your camp in a way that mitigates wildlife threats at least SOME.
Code Discussion / Re: Camping
Last post by Veselka - September 16, 2024, 05:08:18 PM
Could make the room NO_NPC for the duration of the camp being there, or maybe the rooms adjacent to it?

That would keep non-aggressive NPCs from wandering into those rooms, but IIRC, aggressive NPCs override that and will not pay attention to NO_NPC, or 'stay zone' or any other deterrents.