Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Role Call Archives => Topic started by: Shalooonsh on January 30, 2008, 05:47:47 PM

Title: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Shalooonsh on January 30, 2008, 05:47:47 PM
(queue drum roll)

Yep, it's that time again.

??? ??? ???
Come on guys, drum roll!
"But what time is it, Shal?  There's so much going on!  I just don't know anymore!  Show me the light!"

Be calm, my child, for I am here.  I am the way, and the truth, to what you desire.


Alright, screw it, I wanted fireworks and flowers and an awesome presentation but here it is:

We need another Fale.  We need you.

Yep, a noble.  A real, honest-and-for-true Fale persona.  Someone who is interested in the deepest, most seedy plots of Allanak's upper crust.  Someone who wants intrique, someone who wants danger, someone who desires the deepest bauches to ever have been debauched!

What you need to give us:

An application including a name, description, background, interests, hobbies, hatreds, personality quirks, nuances, neuroses, and genital size.

What you get from us:

A yes or a no.

IF YES, you will also receive:
An awesome bedroom.
A totally kickass estate.
Some of the most bomb ass aides to have ever aided.
A totally SWEET menu at the cook.   We aren't talking Byn stew and escru rinds here.  Brandy cakes.  Brandy.  Cakes.
Free booze.
A reason to literally get so drunk in public that you piss yourself, and then have a chance that you pissing yourself becomes a popular trend amongst the masses, who then begin pissing themselves (because it's cheaper than bathing).
A carriage to use whenever you desire.
NPC guards who will, on occasion, make fun of you.
NPC guards who will, on occasion, help you buy new pants.
Oh, did I mention the awesome staff?  Yeah, we're here too.  Not that we're better than the rest of the Armag staff, it's just that we're every bit as awesome as they are.
A noble character within the Fale clan, with the capability to give orders to anyone you want, even if they're not in your clan (no guarantees they'll listen, but you're free to give orders all you want.)

IF we reply with 'no' then you'll get a nice thank you for your efforts, and we'll hope you enjoy your next role even more than the last five put together.
No, you won't get a consolation prize.
Quit crying.


*World not included.

A drum roll sounds from somewhere in the distance, slightly off tune.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on January 30, 2008, 07:03:30 PM
Void where prohibited. Offer of "awesome staff" may or may not include Cavaticus, who does not perform staff duties to players in Idaho, Tibet, or any principalities/colonies/other holdings of the United Kingdom but not including the United Kingdom itself with the exception of Worcestershire. Pie. All applications are subject to being made fun of on immcom channels and all subsequent jokes are the sole property of Armageddon MUD and its staff.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Ammit on January 31, 2008, 12:36:28 AM
Residents of Earth must apply by Saturday. Martians have until Monday, while Saturnians have until Tuesday.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Ammit on February 02, 2008, 06:30:35 PM
I'm afraid we've filled this role, so those Martians and Saturnians who hadn't applied yet are out of luck.

If you didn't get an e-mail from us to let you know if we picked you, please e-mail us ASAP and we'll work out what went wrong.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Ammit on March 31, 2008, 12:54:35 AM
A time has come for many things, including some new blood in House Fale.

Now you won't get anywhere near as cool staff as us. Here are some quotes from some previous players we've worked with.
Quote from: Anonymous PlayerShalooonsh is the greatest, he only had a gortok gnaw off half of my character's leg, instead of all of it. Sure I still died to the blood loss, but that sort of consideration is sorely missing from many of our staff.
Quote from: Another Anonymous PlayerCavaticus is the best Imm we've got. When he loads up random NPCs to kill me, he always makes sure they have cool metal weapons to offer me the hope that I'll be able to get some neat treasure if I survive the encounter.
Quote from: The Greatest Player we've ever hadAmmit is a top-notch staff member. Unlike the other two he won't kill me. Sure he'll send my character into planes of existence that send them mad within mere seconds so they can never speak again or perform any coded actions. But he always lets me have the option of logging in to see what goes around my insane characters, even if they can't interact with the rest of the world.
Quote from: Yet another anonymous playerShaloon really is a good Imm. When he feeds on my brains he always makes sure there's enough so I can perform basic functions necessary to living.
Quote from: An ex-playerWhen Cavaticus kidnapped me I didn't mind. He always made sure I was fed and showered at least once a week. He even let me go after only five years of captivity.
Quote from: A pretty cool playerAnyone would be lucky to have Ammit as their staff member. He's such a joker, and it never gets old when he loads up an NPC to steal from me. Not even when its been the 10th time in the past five minutes.

So to join our wonderful clan, just get that app sent to us at by Saturday.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on March 31, 2008, 12:57:46 AM
That post is shit. I let that dude go after only FOUR years.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Shalooonsh on March 31, 2008, 01:02:18 AM
Please include a list of your favorite spices to be boiled in along with your application.

Thanks for your consideration!
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Ammit on March 31, 2008, 02:26:58 AM
Along with the spices, we'd really appreciate an account name as well. I was going to put it in my initial post, but I had a char limit (its a long story) and would have had to remove one of the glowing references.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on March 31, 2008, 07:00:59 AM
Guys try and remember that since Fale is the best clan in the game, we only accept the most awesome applications. Try to bring at least one of the following to the table:

- An explosion that you are dramatically leaping away from.
- A training montage where you learn martial arts/snowboarding/how to love again.
- A willingness to drive your own plots and a solid understanding of the 'nakki socio-political structure.
- An epic soundtrack.

Fale is serious business, guys. Super serious.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Shalooonsh on March 31, 2008, 02:15:57 PM
If you apply within the next three minutes your character comes with a free Portal Gun, five plasma grenades, and a suit of bio-mechanical armor, complete with love making autonomous vibro-attachments!
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on March 31, 2008, 03:46:02 PM
Those of you who managed to send in your apps during that three-minute window can pick up your new gear at the bottom of the Sarlaac pit we just coded. We'll let you know where that is soonish.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on September 25, 2008, 06:06:11 PM
Oh my god guys.

Oh. My. God.

Did you hear? Did you hear the news?

The new and improved House Fale is taking applications for a single new noble. Did you ever want to be a member of the coolest, hippest, purple...est nobles in Allanak?


Guys. Listen. Don't tell anyone else about this because if word gets out I'm going to have, like, a thousand emails in my inbox. So keep this on the DL. Word.

Look, this is kind of a secret, but I should let you know that nobles in House Fale need to be able to drive plots and have a pretty solid understanding of Allanaki politics. And if you email an application you should have a pretty solid concept in mind and no bad account notes recently and for the LOVE OF GOD include your account name.

Fale is an awesome house, guys. And I promise I won't drive your characters to the edge of sanity until you've had a few days to settle in.

Send applications to, and we'll make a decision by sometime in the middle of next week.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Rahnevyn on September 25, 2008, 08:09:53 PM
Yes, my friends, it is true, Cavaticus is secretly a valley girl.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on October 02, 2008, 10:01:45 AM
My staff is currently organizing the several several dozen hundreds of FOUR MILLION applications we received and I hope to make a decision by the end of the weekend.
Title: Re: Don't Fale To Impress!
Post by: Cavaticus on October 06, 2008, 09:06:32 AM
Hey guys. I fell a bit behind on these but I'll send out emails tonight to all applicants.