Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Siasha on November 03, 2003, 05:16:45 AM

Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Siasha on November 03, 2003, 05:16:45 AM
Hey wow, first of all, damn great fun yesterday! Really enjoyed myself. Couldn't RP as much as I would have liked after a while cos I was falling asleep at the keyboard, and feeling real burned out, but soaked up all the atmosphere and stuff and had a ball.

Kind of releated to this event...does anyone know of a client with a good mapper? I was told to go to a certain gate, and this town I'm in is *huge*! So it took me almost a rl hour to find it. Then when I started dozing off, I went back to find a quit room...and couldn't find one. After about another 40 minutes I was just too socko and hid away hoping my linkdead body wouldn't get abused. Luckily it didn't *woos*!

Anyhow, I tried making a map on graph paper when I started off in this place I'm at....but then I went off the edge of the paper. So used some sellotape and stuck two peices together...and then it happened again. Eventually I just lost track of where I was and stuff, and this map kept falling apart cos I only had cheap sellotape.

So does anyone have any recommdations for a good client mapper? I use zmud 6.16, but after a bit the mapper just seemed to mess up there. I *know* that if I wander about enough, I will eventually get a feel for the town, and where things lie...but my sense of direction isn't great, and I'm unused to towns of this size, so that could take a while.

Title: Hmmm
Post by: Dakkon Black on November 03, 2003, 05:21:12 AM
Well I dont know any auto mappers but there is a small in game map that gives an idea of where general areas are in the major cities. Nobles quarters, gates, etc. Once in those areas you can ask directions :) Heh other than that there was some discussion I believe about making another map for 'nak and for that other city up north thats a little more noob friendly. I know I wish I had one can remember full well how you feel  :?

Good luck tho, and stick with Arm. Its a ton of fun  :wink:
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Cuttlefish on November 03, 2003, 10:05:57 AM
The latest version of zMUD works rather well.  It was a pain in the ass to get it working right, but if you need any help setting it up feel free to send me a message.
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Alamos on November 03, 2003, 12:36:52 PM
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Tamarin on November 03, 2003, 01:29:50 PM
Hey alamost, you wouldn't happen to have a reg code for this prog eh?
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Cuttlefish on November 03, 2003, 01:34:51 PM
Just want to say one thing about zMUD.  It's $25 and you get free updates for life.  You really can't beat that.  Eat some Ramen for a few days.  If you put away $2-3 a day, you'll be able to pay for it in under a couple of weeks.  It really is shockingly cheap.
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Tamarin on November 03, 2003, 01:41:16 PM
ya but that's 25 -american-....To me, that's like 60 bucks.
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Cuttlefish on November 03, 2003, 01:59:27 PM
From the time I spent in Canada, I really don't understand this whole attitude.  Hasn't the exchange rate been stable long enough that pricing has just about caught up?  I can understand it being a big deal when the exchange rate first moved.

But when I visited Toronto in '02, I did all the exchange rate calculations every time I bought something and the prices were really the same.  There seemed to be this "myth" among people that since I had US dollars I'd have so much more spending power.  But doing the conversions on the prices, that just wasn't true.

In fact, right now the dollar is worth 1.3.  The rate for the past few years has been 1.4-1.5 (with a temporary jump to 1.6 in '02).  That should mean you're getting a BETTER deal.  This is the lowest the exchange rate has been since about '93.
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: mansa on November 03, 2003, 02:09:01 PM
I think it's quite clear, we like to make fun of ourselves.  Us funny canadians that live in igloos and have to shut down the computer every half-hour or else it will melt a hole through the ice.

And talking about maping?

Nothing beats a nice piece of paper and a pencil.
Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Cuttlefish on November 03, 2003, 03:11:33 PM
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Title: Client with a good mapper
Post by: Anonymous on November 03, 2003, 07:37:18 PM
wow you really showed me cuddlefish