Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Harmless on May 19, 2020, 01:40:18 AM

Title: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: Harmless on May 19, 2020, 01:40:18 AM
There should be a penalty incurred when training, sparring, or otherwise incurring injuries.

Training hurts. It's not easy to handle pain. Handling pain requires a lot of discipline, focus, and will to get through the awful rigors of combat. Right now, that's all virtual, and people can choose whether or not their character experiences it. You can rest up to full health, or experience healing to restore health, and once your health is full, you are basically as good as new, codedly. You can spar for hours and hours, or days in a row even, with minimal break, and your character will still win round after round if they have the skill to.

The capability of using sparring to train should be somewhat limited by how much pain your character can endure.

Wounds also should hurt from real combat or bites etc. The pain should last long after the wound is treated and initial recovery finished (i.e., once hp restored, via sleep, bandaging, other means. It makes sense that a treated wound no longer lowers your hp -- you no longer have the risk of dying from that wound, so it no longer lowers you from your max hp -- but, I wish the wound still mattered for a longer time after, from the pain it left behind. While it's healing, that pain warns you not to overexert that part of your body or else the healing has to start over. The pain lasts and should inhibit you somehow.

I would like there to be some feedback visible to the player that their pain is affecting them.

Pain could help training and also prevent it. If you exceed a certain pain level you lose focus and you aren't learning anymore, you're just suffering. Some pain though and your new disability trains you to use your body differently. Your opponent struck your wrist hard -- the bruise was bandaged, but now it hurts to use that hand -- you learn to fight more with your dominant hand alone. In the process you miss more, because the pain distracts you, but you also discover a new way to maneuver your blade to catch the opponent's just right.

There's a lot more possibility for how pain will add a new element, a new resource. If you exhaust yourself, your muscles will ache, and you can also incur pain. If you use the Way too much, you can actually gain coded headaches, and suffer pain. If you overcraft, your hands ache, and you incur pain.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training exertion limitation.
Post by: Harmless on May 19, 2020, 01:40:37 AM
meant as a new thread in code discussion, but alas, it was in general. A helper is free to move it for me :)
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: BadSkeelz on May 20, 2020, 06:04:24 PM
Only if magick gets a chance to miscast and hurt the caster. I've lost more HP skilling up ride than I have on branching magick.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: triste on May 20, 2020, 10:21:02 PM
Quote from: BadSkeelz on May 20, 2020, 06:04:24 PM
Only if magick gets a chance to miscast and hurt the caster. I've lost more HP skilling up ride than I have on branching magick.

100% agree, it would also make practicing magick in secret more conspicuous and make it more likely for people to get caught [which is good for roleplay imo].
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: th3kaiser on May 21, 2020, 09:14:02 AM
Fun idea, but from a playability standpoint I'm against it. I barely have enough time to play as is and am not in favor of something making me sit around emote in pain during the few scant moments I can escape from real life.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: Riev on May 21, 2020, 09:57:54 AM
I always felt that hunger/thirst/other timers should be affected by needing to regen HP/Stam/Stun.

If you're waying a lot, regening stun, maybe you're getting hungry faster.

If you're training a lot, regenerating stun and hp, you're going to need to eat/drink more often. etc etc.

I agree with the sentiment that I don't want to spend 30minutes of my 2 hour window of play having to RP injuries from the morning.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: 9001 on May 21, 2020, 01:52:03 PM
I think this is something better left up to RP. With the new(ish) injury indications you can see with assess -v, you have all the information you need to make decisions about how injured and in pain your PC is in. Locking that sort of thing into the code is going to strip out a ton of nuance and context for the circumstances of those injuries and that PC. There is already feedback, it's just up to us to respond to it appropriately and find a balance with playability and convenience.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: Halcyon on May 21, 2020, 02:05:05 PM
I see your point, and probably agree with the problem you are trying to solve.   That said, you'd be surprised how fast regular martial training in armor builds a certain tolerance to shock.   It doesnt take a 16th century plate suit, either.   Cloth padding and hardened leather is good enough for 90% of the force humans can generate.

I would suggest there is an ugly, yet still valid parallel point with crafting and sweatshops or the industry specific villages that were common in medieval Europe.

I like your response, 9001.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: Shaydee on May 21, 2020, 06:32:43 PM
I like this idea, but in saying that - I have the time to do that, whereas I know some don't. There is always change tdesc to incorporate that you have a fresh/old/healing wound, and then role-play it out. I feel like change tdesc is highly underrated and even I don't use it nearly enough.

If this becomes a thing though I think it also should be changed that you heal, at least partially when logged off. If I don't play for a few real life days, I shouldn't have fresh wounds from a fight I was in three or four in game weeks ago when I log back in, especially if I didn't have time to rest/heal up before I had to log off.. But I'm not a coder and I have no idea if that is even a possibility.. Or if others have already brought it up.
Title: Re: Idea: Pain, fighting and training and other exertion
Post by: Harmless on May 23, 2020, 12:39:42 PM
Well okay!

Take out all of the coded penalties. Just make echoes to remind you of your injuries.

You still feel them.

That's all. Let the RP decide... BUT!

New idea: Add an optional role play-facilitating command to voluntarily lower your effective skill in things. Give yourself penalties to combat abilities, crafting abilities. If you fail due to the voluntary loss, it won't count as a usual failure and you won't learn or advance in the skill from those fails, but it will let you play out the effects that your injuries have. Since it's just a roleplaying tool you as the player can decide when it's on or off.