Cowardly acts with a cowardly PC

Started by Disgruntled Kank, June 19, 2004, 02:10:03 AM

Sorry for posting this here, as it won't change anything but my buddy isn't home so I can't call and rage on about this.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I find it very annoying that while I am at the computer moving throughout the lands and come across a PC who instantly runs away but later when he notices that I am afk he decides that all of a sudden he wants a peice of me.

Yeah, I know.. Problem solved; dont go afk. But work comes before games.

I just think its pretty horrid for that type of shit, but I am proud that my PC successfully beat down his attacker with a fuckin' glasshacker while I was away and then made the bastard flee when I pulled out my weapons and started the wounding of Zalanthas.

In short, nice job fucker. You are the weakest link!

:mrgreen: Hey, sun-struck Zalanthians are fair game ain't it?

damn right sun-struck zalanthans are game... But not when you just ran away from me ten minutes ago because I was simply walking around.. But now all of a sudden I leave my computer, you want to come bum-rush me and still get beat down by a glasshacker? I just think thats downright pathetic.

It happens a lot more then people might think.

I've known a few players who will wait to carry out assassination attempts until some people are logged off. Not newbies, but people who have been playing longer then I have.

I was once involved with a plot to kill another person and we had a couple of excellent chances to strike, but our leader held off because an a PC allied with the target was online. The rational behind it was, "I can find the persons mind, so we had better not." and when the time came to make our attempt, it was based on our leader no being able to find the allied persons mind.

I found it irksome, but as I said, it happens a lot more often then people think. It won't change and there is no reasonable way for the admin to police that kind of thing. It's why some people log out to go to the bathroom, rather then go afk in a tavern.

It sucks, it's one of the worst things a player can do imo, but it is a fact of Armageddon life: We have twinks and more often then not those twinks get away with it.

Suck it up and move on, its all you can do.

At least you beat his ass while you were away...maybe that'll teach the culprit not to attack PCs when the player is not around.....if you were around, you could've followed him and killed the person. Man that would be funny.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Mail the account! Let him/her be punished for this.
AFAIK staff's point of view about linkdeads is ignoring them if you can. Correct me if I'm wronged, so I may have a few more preys.  :twisted:
I remember a situation where there was a PC lying unconscious after attacking my AFK char. It was OK, because my weapons were drawn and he emoted as far as he could. (Some mistakes showed that he was possibly a newbie who forgot to use the 'flee' command.)
I made an OOC decision, (sorry RP-polices, but I hate killing newbies) and took him to Vivadu's and wished up for healing him. The imm sent me that he was his first char, he was linkdead, possibly not to come back again.
All I want from people is not to become linkdead before they actually die. There may be still something to play. OK.. sorry for derailing..
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

OOCly motivated IC actions are definatly not okay on this game.  Yes it's not going to change the outcome, if someone attacks you delibertly while you are afk and you die, you're still dead, but that will likely affect the staff's willingness to give said player anything more trust  requiring later on.  I would email the logs to them, just to let them know.

Who knows, maybe the offenders can learn.

If stuff like this isn't mailed in about then of course nothing would get done.

Maybe it's just me, but I would find it much more appropriate to mail in a brief log and a calm explanation of what happened and your concern, then let the staff handle it, rather than come to the boards about it.

That said, I do agree with the overall sentiment expressed; attacking people only because they're AFK or linkdead and can't respond is just wrong.

Yes, please mail the staff about incidents like this, rather than "venting" on the GDB.

-- X