How would you respond, and why?

Started by JollyGreenGiant, May 05, 2004, 11:09:34 AM

Emoting doesn't have to be what your character is doing.  Sometimes your lack of motion is important to the scene.  Emoting doing nothing can be very important, and when well worded can add a LOT to a scene.  You don't have to be so simple and unimaginative to...

>em does absolutely nothing you suggested.  There are many other ways to go about intrtoducing your lack of reaction or movement or the like.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I said the examples that were given, which I quoted in the same post were the equivalent of doing that.

I DID NOT say that someone should do it.

Read the entire post.

Don't go quoting one part of it and saying that it's the entirety of my post 'Loser.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Okay, you know what, jhunter, now I KNOW you're missing my point.

I read your entire post.  I'm taking one part of it because it was the extreme and saying that it is silly because noone would do it.  I never said that you said someone should do it.  Read MY last post where I said:
Quote from: "spawn2L2L"You didn't tell people to do this
Be creative.  Use your brain.  Figure something out.  Emote.  Don't just sit there like a bump on a log.  Interact.  This is a roleplaying game where you are intended to interact with people, so unless all you want is solo-rp, fucking interact with people.

I'm done, you keep contradicting me and then suggesting exactly what I was suggesting just worded a bit differently.

I'm sorry that I could not get through to you.

Have a nice day.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "Delirium"So show me that you're not reacting visibly.

em makes no indication of noticing ~spazboy, staring blankly off into space.

But show me, OOCly, that you're at the keyboard, paying attention, and not simply playing the ever-so-interesting part of an NPC. That my attempt to involve you in a scene is not fruitless, because it's perfectly fine to be involved in a scene by simply ignoring it... ICly. But ignoring it OOCly is just frustrating for other players, or at least for me and a few other people I've talked to.

Am I getting across what I'm trying to say, here?

Yeah I get it. You want attention, and go crazy if you don't have it.


I never said you had to direct those emotes at me, did I? No, didn't think I did.

Quote from: "Delirium":roll:

I never said you had to direct those emotes at me, did I? No, didn't think I did.

I never said that you said you wanted the emotes directed at you, did I? No I don't think I did.

Avoiding the snippy comments and sticking to the issue itself, the point is simply one of mutual respect and interaction between players ingame. I wil hardly feel insulted if you choose not to roleplay with me. I simply enjoy it much more when players of characters pay attention to and involve themselves in the gameworld around them rather than sitting there appearing not unlike an NPC. Ignore me all you want.. ICly. Hate me all you want.. ICly. That's cool. That's fun to roleplay. But trying to play out a scene with someone that does not respond in any way I can percieve leaves me, the player, with little to no idea how to react to them.

I've already attempted to explain myself numerous times, so if I haven't gotten my point across by now, it'd be the equivalent of beating my head against a brick wall. So I won't bother. :)

[Meh, I give up. Misquote me all you like, DN.]

You gave up. I win!

Filibustering is hardly winning.  It is being the last person to continue arguing when the arguement is dead and buried.

To summarize:

Someone wants people to acknowledge the world around them, especially when it impacts on them.

Sometimes people will miss these things.

Noone is owed anything, but we should all respect the roleplay (if not each other, Carnage) to react when we should.

Sometimes, a reaction could be a lack of reaction, but it is hard to tell a lack of reaction from someone being AFK if they do not emote a lack of reaction in some creative matter how much someone may hate emoting doing nothing.

In conclusion:

Come on, people, this isn't that hard a concept to wrap our heads around.  If someone bumps into you and you act like it never happened, don't expect them to bump into you the next time they are stealing from you.  If you don't give them roleplay, they won't give you roleplay...and then you'll be on the board bitching about twinky thieves/raiders/assassins.  If you want RP out of anyone else, give it in return.

Now, I'm done.  You can argue against me all you want, but I'll just be sitting here, laughing at you for arguing with nothing.

In fact, assume that whoever plays me is typing this in response to any further argument:

> em sits motionlessly reading the rest of the board as ~you argue with the back of his head.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "spawnloser"
Now, I'm done.  You can argue against me all you want, but I'll just be sitting here, laughing at you for arguing with nothing.

Thats one of the lamest things you've said. You jump back into the thread and say if anyone ELSE types anything after me I laugh at you.  Wow, that proves you right.

Anyway, my point is the post that I quoted sounded like the person wanted the reaction for their -OOC- shits and giggles. They said that they wanted to know -OOC-. That's what turned me against it. There is a lot of NPC's and VNPC's who emote nothing as well. Do they ridicule them and demand a response for their OOC satisfaction on the NPC and VNPC discussion board?

While I've enjoyed some of the responses on this thread, the useful responses are rapidly losing ground to the useless responses and the flames.  I'm requesting that this thread be locked.

Quote from: "spawnloser"Come on, people, this isn't that hard a concept to wrap our heads around. If someone bumps into you and you act like it never happened, don't expect them to bump into you the next time they are stealing from you. If you don't give them roleplay, they won't give you roleplay...and then you'll be on the board bitching about twinky thieves/raiders/assassins. If you want RP out of anyone else, give it in return.

I think that quote is probably the perfect one to end this thread on.  If you don't RP with people, you lose all right to whine about people not RP'ing with you.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

While this has been a fun and educational experiment on being jerks
to one another, it has all been done before. Why don't you all head to
IRC to do this? You know, where being an ass on the internet was
