How long is too long?

Started by Newbie Spice Addict, March 12, 2004, 04:36:42 AM

I've been affected by spice over an hour now. That's two thirds of a day. Is this normal with real life drugs?

Depends how much you use and what you use.  I'm no drug addict but I've smoked my share of weed and have been high all night in some cases.

Also, keep in mind that things last longer ingame then in RL.  You can go IC days without getting hungry after just eating a few travel cakes or some stew.  If you were coming down from your high after 10 minutes then you'd constantly be needing a new fix or be in withdrawals.

You'll come down though, trust me.

Also a Zalanthian day is roughly half as long as a RL day.

Drugs can affect you for days after physically. I'd say 3-4 days if you go hard.