
Started by Seeker, February 20, 2004, 02:41:34 PM

I have been reading over several older posts about Staff and player communications, and so have been thinking about the issue.

Many times, it seems that unrealistic expectations contribute to the feelings of frustration in some of the responses to these topics.

For players the guidelines are fairly clear:

There is a well-defined set of rules and expections for play clearly outlined in the documentation, and the staff takes care to guide and direct the players along these lines.

Staff requests that players e-mail the appropriate immortals about a few key issues when they occur, that players keep the Imms up-to-speed on on-going character-driven plots and plans, and that players in certain roles, particular leaders, provide timely submissions and updates about things that staff -should- be aware of.  This is a request that simply allows the virtual world to function appropriately since it is impossible for staff to monitor everything everywhere all the time.

For staff to staff:

I have seen a document listing some of the rules staff expects staff to abide by, and know that there is a whole hierarchy of rules and guidelines for which type of staff can handle what issues and undertake which type of interactions in the world, and, from the player's perspective, it seems to work pretty well.

For staff from players:

The expectations seem to swing across a much wider range.  I am not interested in a bitch-list, but I -am- interested in hearing what people (IMM, player and other) think are realistic expectations.  Is there even such a thing at all?  

As long as the staff doesn't follow my character around and heckle him, I'm pretty happy.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

I'm not sure that I can honestly say I -expect- all that much from the staff. I don't think I have the right to place too many "requirements" on them. But here's a few, most of which are already givens I would think:

1) That staff respect the player's right to privacy, and that their account name and IP address nor any other personal information about the player not be shared outside the staffdom without the player's express written permission.

2) That staff listen to both compliments and gripes with an open mind, and remember that we as players don't have access to information that would give US the open mind they are able to have. If we see what we -think- is foul play, and we call someone on it, we might easily be wrong. But we have no way, and no reason, to think we're wrong, because we don't know what's on the other end of the scene. So rather than say "You're wrong so stop bugging us with this crap and those accusations," instead, try to understand that we truly believe we are acting in the best interest of the game when we present issues to you. Even if we're being complete dolts by doing so :)

3) That staff would not take what they know through monitoring, and use that information with their PCs. An NPC is an NPC, a PC is a PC, and ne'er the twain should meet when it comes to a staff member with access to both.

4) That the staff LOVE what they're doing. Burnout makes for bad mojo.

5) If a staff member feels the need to back away from the game, that they inform their clan member players, and other staff members, and give a few days for a temporary solution. No staff member should -ever- feel obligated to perform their duties if they just can't deal with it for awhile, for whatever reason. Staffing is a job, sure, but it's a labor of love and should never feel like anything less than that. We players notice when an IMM's in a lousy mood.

I can't think of anything else, really. Those are the only "big deal" things I can think of. Everything else is just detail and not all that significant to me.

Uhh that "guest" thingie was from me. I forgot I wasn't logged in.

Expect might be too strong of a word for it, but I'd really like to know the current policy regarding negative remarks on someone's account.  There are times when things I've done in the past just didn't occur to me as being poor play.  When I first started playing the idea of playing out wounds past recovering all of my HPs was a novel concept to me.

I got slapped with Blood-Loss code and died in the wastes after passing out.  I never was told why I got that code and at the time could have really done with a note from a staffer as to why my play necessitated improvement.

After a certain number of years at least attempting to RP at a high level, things which weren't second nature to you suddenly become that way.  You don't say 'morning' when it's RL morning, you check the In-Game time first.  You walk with a limp for a few days after really taking a beating.  You don't blindly ask any elf to go hunt gith with you, stuff like that.  Even after years of play there will almost certainly be one aspect or another that you just never figured out.  I only recently began to think of dealing with newly-gained spells in a manner other than 'lets' figure out what the symbols are.'

So, if I do something bad, I'd really like to be told.  I understand that sounds great on paper but works different when practiced.  I'm sure a player would view it as an admonishment and might take it personally.

Still, unless I'm made aware what I did, I'm likely to continue doing it until I see someone else handle it in a better way or I'm given a clue by the staff.

Quote1) That staff respect the player's right to privacy, and that their account name and IP address nor any other personal information about the player not be shared outside the staffdom without the player's express written permission.

Sharing such information is against the staff rules and would be grounds for dismissal.

Quote2) That staff listen to both compliments and gripes with an open mind, and remember that we as players don't have access to information that would give US the open mind they are able to have. If we see what we -think- is foul play, and we call someone on it, we might easily be wrong. But we have no way, and no reason, to think we're wrong, because we don't know what's on the other end of the scene. So rather than say "You're wrong so stop bugging us with this crap and those accusations," instead, try to understand that we truly believe we are acting in the best interest of the game when we present issues to you. Even if we're being complete dolts by doing so  

We do understand this - and sometimes we can't explain the entire underpinnings of a situation without giving away too much information so I hope people know that sometimes that all can say is "Yep, received and read your email, and unfortunately you're wrong."

Quote3) That staff would not take what they know through monitoring, and use that information with their PCs. An NPC is an NPC, a PC is a PC, and ne'er the twain should meet when it comes to a staff member with access to both.

I think this is something that we all strive for. Be aware that there are grey areas here - sometimes staff members create PCs purely to drive plots with and if something happens in front of virtual NPCs, those virtual NPCs may pass the information along. You should play understanding that there are often ways people can hear you - that things said aloud in a bar may be repeated elsewhere, etc.

Quote4) That the staff LOVE what they're doing. Burnout makes for bad mojo.

We try!

Quote5) If a staff member feels the need to back away from the game, that they inform their clan member players, and other staff members, and give a few days for a temporary solution. No staff member should -ever- feel obligated to perform their duties if they just can't deal with it for awhile, for whatever reason. Staffing is a job, sure, but it's a labor of love and should never feel like anything less than that. We players notice when an IMM's in a lousy mood.

If there's anywhere we fall short on, it's letting people know what's going on with the stafff but that's beacuase we often don't know what's happening. Sometimes people don't want to admit to themselves or think that they're taking time off and so they don't log in for a few days, and then the days stretch to weeks, and finally the mud account steps in and says "All right! Your new clan imm is Bobo." Unfortunately, this is something that's up to the individual staff member. It is something we've been stressing overall to the staff lately.

As a helper, I receive Messages from more than just newbies. Over the years, I have heard complaints against the staff more than once. While some of these complaints seem valid, it is hard to draw complete conclusions as to what really happened, as it is not likely that I will ever learn what happened from the Staff position. Also, it is simply not my place to get involved.

I myself have had issues at one point with Staff, but I believe that the way I handled it and the way the Staff responded overall was mature and koshure, and I believe that the way I handled it left me in good standing with most, if not all, of the Staff. So, what I'll urge those who have problems with the staff to do is this.

1.) Email the staff, and explain your point of view. Don't let anger over-rule your reason. Many times, they are angry as well, and your anger will do nothing to solve the problem. You are not the only player who annoys them, or tests their patience.

2.) If emailing the Staff does not work, then DO NOT take it to the GBD. It's not our issue, it is your's and the Immortals' issue. Taking it to the board will only add fuel to the flame. What will happen if you simply go on about your life?

Maybe nothing...perhaps what you did is so bad that they will never forgive you. But maybe they'll let bygones be bygones and move on about their business. I know that it is said that the Staff does not hold grudges, but that is almost impossible, because they are human, just as you and I are.

3.) Perhaps the Staff really does treat you unfairly. Perhaps they do something against the rules that they have set up themselves. Provided that this happens (and I've never seen it happen, so I like to believe that it does not), since you cannot look at it from their overall perspective, let it go. Once more, bandying it about on the GBD is childish, and it will do nothing to help your cause.

When dealing with IMMs, whether they have truely made a mistake or not, you may think that they need to appear infallable, and if you think that you can break that illusion of infallabillity, then you are mistaken. We already know that they are not. And they already know that we know.

4.)I would suggest writing in and apologizing for whatever you think you might have done. Maybe they will accept it, and maybe they will not. Maybe they will explain it to you, and maybe they will not. But it is pointless to allow it to fester in your craw. It can do nothing for your mental state and nothing for your relations with the Staff as a whole.

5.)Maybe you are the sort of player who simply believes he is right. You will not 'roll over'. Regardless, making you annoyances public is not the way to go. It makes for disgruntled players, and disgruntled IMMs. Even if the IMMs do not like you, it does not help you any to make them dislike you more.

It's the Internet, folks. Let it go. Move on. Obviously, you love the game, or you'd not put up the fuss that you do, nor express the outrage that you do. If you love the game that much, then move on. Let it go. You'll not enjoy the game any more by posting hate about the folks who put their time and money into it!

If you feel that you must bitch about the staff in some way, Message me. I can be reached here, via PMs, on IRC many times, or through AIM, Yahoo, MSN, or ICQ. I will not speak about it to anyone else, and I will not 'snitch you out'. I'll have an open ear, and you can pour as much hate into it as you like. But please, keep it off the GBD. Perhaps I can change your mind, and perhaps I can't. But I am here to listen.

Personally, I expect nothing of the staff, beyond approving my character and providing the game itself. When I do get something, I am very pleased. But this is not my game. It is theirs, and they are kind enough to allow my mass of electrons to draw energy. That is good enough. If they like my ideas, or my roleplay, it is an added bonus. But frankly, in the end and grand scheme of things, I don't care.

If they don't like my ideas, they lose. Not me.  :D

I'm Venomz. I can't lose.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


The only thing I really care about, is at least some sort of responsible response time to an email. Even if it's just, received the email, looking into it or working on it, or whatever. Preferably within a day or two, but thats mostly because when I am on, I'm on alot so just a few days can be a long time, specially if you don't have any clue if anything is happening, or even if your email got rid.

That's about it really. Everything else I'm sure is already covered by staff guidelines, I'd think. Like the things mentioned above. Or are just niceties.

Creeper doesn't know
21sters Unite!

I agree with Creeper - it's incredible how much a simple "I received your email, but it may take me a several days look into that and answer you" could make a world of difference in some situations.   Perhaps even moreso now with some of the recent email problems.
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." - Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House

All I expect from the staff is that they don't play favorites with the playerbase, regardless of who's a good role-player and who isn't, who is involved in a plot and who isn't, who is in their clan and who isn't, and everything else.

One thing that I fear could happen is me E-mailing a staff member explaining some sort of plan or action that I intended to take and then having some powerful NPC learn of my plan following my E-mail.  I don't care how busy staff members are, I want them to play by the rules like the rest of us.  If a clan has a powerful spymaster, psionicist, or magicker, that NPC should have to learn of me through IC means.  Because sometimes I'm purposely being inconspicuous.
Back from a long retirement

What ERS said.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Need a rag to clean some brown from your nose? Heh.

Quote from: "Dead Newbie"Need a rag to clean some brown from your nose? Heh.

Dead Newbie,

I was kinda hoping that you would have something to contribute to this discussion.  Your other comments in the earlier, similiar threads made it seem that you might have a unique perspective on the topic.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: "Dead Newbie"Need a rag to clean some brown from your nose?
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: "Seeker"
Quote from: "Dead Newbie"Need a rag to clean some brown from your nose? Heh.

Dead Newbie,

I was kinda hoping that you would have something to contribute to this discussion.  Your other comments in the earlier, similiar threads made it seem that you might have a unique perspective on the topic.


My perspective will be considered a flame.