Point luirs_outpost

Started by drunkendwarf, January 30, 2004, 06:25:46 AM

Quote from: "gfair"Nak and 'Luk charging into Luirs, the Nakkis take half of the outpost only to realize that a short distance away isn't the Mantis Horde, but a horde of those foul, stinking, art-loving Tulukis with their scented woods, aromatherapy, and their latest fashions from Gap Tuluk.  :P

Right. And then they split Luir's in two and build a great wall in the middle, which they guard attentively... if you start as a newb in east Luir's you get only 50 sids, but a patch with the sign of Tuluk. You will spend most of your life hoping to take down that damn wall... dont try to contact your friends in west Luir's, the psionics will track you down.

wait, somehow this sounds familiar...  :D

Quote from: "Akaramu"
wait, somehow this sounds familiar...  :D

I thought the "Subject: Cold War" and the first line of the message...

"The Americans and Russians charging into Germany to gobble up as much land as they can..."

... made that more than self-evident. :P

Yes, I'll admit that I let you inspire me, gfair.  :wink:

Let us take Luir back and found "The Great Luir Empire" which lasts 1000 years. Lets declare war at Allanak, Tuluk and the mantis horde. And after 12 years all is gone again....
Do you know what you're doing, man?"
"Why should that stop me?"