Season 1, Update 15: Strength and Honor

Started by Valkyrja, August 23, 2024, 12:08:36 PM


Read on for details of the upcoming gladiator games, a Tor announcement and a bit of an overview of the open clans, the kind of things they get up so you can figure out where your concepts might fit in!

The Gladiator Games Have Returned!

The King's Age Festival will be a celebration unlike any other! Come see the gladiator games put on by the City Ministry and House Fale, guaranteed to get your blood pumping. Rumors have it that one gladiator shall be made a commoner and given a wish by the Great Lady at the end of the tournament saga.

Events began bi-weekly on Friday at 7pm EDT! (server time). Click that you're interested in the event on our discord to get a reminder when they begin!

The first event was a proper spectacle! Our six heroes swiftly cut through the rag tag prisoners, followed by a walk in the park fight against the gith. But the true highlight was the final event: a wounded roc burst into the Arena, quickly leading to the tournament's first death as Gaffar attempted to strike it down but was rather struck himself. Chaos ensued as the half-elf Alxiron was torn apart and Shaitul met a grisly end, his neck snapped by the roc's desperate attempts to fly. The crowd roared as the remaining three gladiators, Nikae, Dillian, and Menosax, finally overpowered the beast. The survivors celebrated at the Shady Oasis, before Lady Zhoira Fale escorted them back to their pens, safe and sound, if a little bit drunk.

Don't miss the next event, things are heating up and two new Gladiators will be joining the fray. Who will you be betting on?

Upcoming events:

August 23rd 7pm EDT (server)  - This is tonight! Be there or be square!

September 6th 7pm EDT (server)

September 7th 12pm EDT

Kings Festival - Finale! (Exact date TBD)

The Tor Academy Opens!

Come see the newly renovated Tor Academy and enjoy hamming it up with the City's finest officer candidates. The Gemmed are now permitted members of the Tor Scorpions - will they prove their worth or blow up the Academy in some magickal catastrophe?

Lecture times after the initial opening will be worked out via the Tor Academy GDB subforum. If you'd like to join the Tor Scorpions as a Cadet, seek out the leadership in game! If you'd like to join the Tor Academy as a student for a year (and then return to your organization post-graduation), you'll need to receive a sponsorship in character from a person with the status to reserve your place.

Open Established Clans:

These are the groups with active PC leadership that you can collaborate with, compete against, or even seek employment from. Contact details are usually available on the in-game tavern boards. (See: HELP BOARD in game)

Military and Martial Training Focused:
  • The Arm of the Dragon - The formidable militia of the Sorcerer King Tektolnes, defending his realm with definitely unwavering loyalty and no corruption ever, not at all. Upstanding, combat focused, well to do humans only!
  • The T'zai Byn - Mercenaries for hire, often the training ground for soldiers, hunters, and guards across the land. Combat focused, will take any rag tag muck.

Noble Houses of Power and Intrigue
  • House Fale - The scrappy debt collectors and party animals. Human aides and assistants only, bards always welcome. No Gemmed!
  • House Oash - Knowledge hoarders, researchers, and creators of fine wine. High class, well trained aides and Gemmed.
  • House Tor - The Honorable Premier House, running a military officer Academy and a specialized small army of zealous warriors. Upstanding humans, dwarves and even Gemmed. The best of the best.

The Great Merchant Houses: Trading, Crafting, and the Race for Copper:
  • Kuraci Mobile Operations - Harnessing House Kurac's desert expertise and vast network to control the world's most scarce resources. Lovers of adventure and challenge. No Gemmed.
  • Kuraci Trade Operations - Master crafters and sellers of the finest desert ware and supplies in the Known World. Wheelers and dealers.
  • Salarri Expansion Division - The premier supplier of arms and armor, seeking dominance over global resources through sheer strength. Lovers of adventure and challenge, Salarri style.

Hospitality & Entertainment:
  • The Shady Oasis Tavern - The go-to spot for food, booze, and entertainment. It even boasts a fighting pit where you can prove your mettle or challenge someone to a sanctioned duel! Bards, hosts & cooks please apply!

  • Two Moons - A resourceful desert tribe, trading essential goods with the grebbers and hunters of the Southern Desert. (2 karma required, apply through the request tool)
  • Zeif Akir - Affectionately known as the "Bug Elves," this city-based tribe weaves spidersilk and crafts chitin goods from their rooftop dwellings in Allanak, offering support and networking for lonefoot elves and those from smaller tribes. (1 karma required, apply through the request tool)

  • The Guild - I have no idea what you are talking about. (Find out in game)

A late addition to the party:
It has been rumored that one of the Perjun Trading Company partners Vaun is in search of an aide and might be looking to recruit anyone who likes to work outside the city's walls.