Random Aggression

Started by Mills, August 17, 2024, 09:57:32 AM

For the times when you just don't care who you lash out at.

Add the capability to randomly target PCs or NPCs that are visible and in range of the aggressor with actions such as kill and shoot.

kill random
shoot random east

Would be nice for Muls.
It's @CalmThyPalm everywhere.

I would use shoot random a lot when playing an outdoorsy menace such as a gith or raider.

August 18, 2024, 12:35:10 PM #3 Last Edit: August 18, 2024, 12:37:50 PM by Mills
It may also be useful for staff animating aggressive npcs. Saves some time not worrying about keyword for pcs and npcs rooms away and the target is chosen by rng not staff specifically.

Why is something like this needed in the first place? So someone can die from random luck after reaching 10 days on a character?

From my perspective, it isn't so much intended to kill someone as it is to lash out without the player having to intentionally choosing a target.  Like... if I am animating a gith archer, I can't just shoot into a group and it roll the dice. I have to intentionally choose a character to attack on an OOC level when my gith archer doesn't give an eff, s/he just wants some BLOOD!

A PC having a mental breakdown and everyone around them telling them to calm the eff down would be an example I can think of from the PC side.

I think it's a weakness of the code, animals that would attack each other if it is just them in the room assist each other against PCs, what Markku is talking about and a few other things.