Learn--Different class weapon skill limits

Started by Dresan, July 04, 2024, 08:56:09 AM

July 04, 2024, 08:56:09 AM Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 11:56:31 AM by Dresan
At the moment, weapon skills tend to plateau in roughly the same points for everyone unless they are met with rare fortunate circumstances. This means that for most people it doesn't matter if your weapon skills caps at advance or master, everyone is mostly stuck at low to mid-journeyman. This is currently exasperated by the learn feature giving everyone the same weapon limits caps.

I want to recommend that weapon skill learn limits should be different for different class categories, specifically heavy combat, light combat and mixed.

If staff want mid journeyman to be the cap, then only heavy combat classes should get this, while light combat classes(and subclasses) should get low journeyman cap and mixed and classes should get high apprentice cap.

Quote from: Dresan on July 04, 2024, 08:56:09 AMAt the moment, weapon skills tend to plateau in roughly the same points for everyone unless they are met with rare fortunate circumstances.

Not everyone.

I would rather see steps taken to ease the plateau than lower the ceiling. There are things (not rare, very easy things) people can do to not plateau, but I agree it shouldn't be so necessary. I try to share this knowledge IG, but most people are very resistant to it. I think it should be public knowledge, but I also want to see information shared IG rather than OOC.

If someone is having a hard time training weapons skills, I would like them to seek out someone who isn't and learn from them.

July 04, 2024, 02:57:58 PM #2 Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 03:00:51 PM by Ursun
Quote from: Dresan on July 04, 2024, 08:56:09 AMI want to recommend that weapon skill learn limits should be different for different class categories, specifically heavy combat, light combat and mixed.

Not a bad idea, but I think it's overcomplicated for now. Right now Learn is giving you something like one extra play session per RL week. That's big if you're only playing a few times a week, and it's a little better for light combat than for heavy because the lightweights don't gain combat skill as quickly in normal play. But it's not making anyone a combat monster fast.

If we ever make Learn a bigger part of the game (on par with high-playtime training) we'll probably have to take stuff like this into account.
"I wasn't afraid," said Pooh, said he,
"I'm never afraid with you."

Everything Cnemus said.
Quote from: roughneck on October 13, 2018, 10:06:26 AM
Armageddon is best when it's actually harsh and brutal, not when we're only pretending that it is.

July 04, 2024, 04:06:08 PM #4 Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 04:35:58 PM by Dresan
Quote from: Ursun on July 04, 2024, 02:57:58 PMNot a bad idea, but I think it's overcomplicated for now.

With most normal skills this is true.

However, there are a couple of exceptions that have large impact even on players with high play time. There are skills which almost never fail or have a high requirement for failure that cannot be every met by certain characters for any number of reasons. That doesn't really change if you are logged in 24/7, unless you are inclined to cheat or play in a questionable manner for your character, or use obscure knowledge which may potentially need nerfing(remember drunk/overweight fighting?).

Weapons skills unfortunately fall under this category. This is problematic, mostly because I believe that with exception of a few notable skills, some which do not fully respect hidden offense/defense skills, the game is somewhat close to being balanced at max visible skill caps.

While I can understand that the staff maybe had different intents for adding the learn feature, it seems to me like its working as originally advertised years ago on discord one random day by a staff member. And I for that I am truly glad, even if it is potentially months to increase a skill notably its better than nothing. :)

All that said, I digress, since upon further reflection I agree with you. This is overcomplicating things for now. Though it may someday warrant a larger in depth conversation in the future.