Feedback on Fletchery / Crafting

Started by Mills, July 03, 2024, 09:28:08 PM

Touching on how the skill help file for various crafts have beginner recipes/materials mentioned:

With Season 1 being focused on the south, and crafters starting off with southern materials, maybe one example of sling stones can be added to the various items added to the fletchery help file? This would be a big help for newer players, and current players not too knowledgeable about crafting classes/skills that are trying to get fletchery going on their beginning budget.

Quote from: Usiku on July 04, 2024, 12:00:55 PMI have lowered the difficulty of the simpler bone related crafts to be on par with their northern counterparts.

Thanks for adjusting the difficulty!

Some of the difficulty of other related recipes adjacent to Fletchery may also need to be reviewed. The example I experienced is that my Scout has Fletchery now at (apprentice) and Foraging at (novice). The character is able to use the craft command on hand-sized chunks of stone and see that they can make bullets, but when using the craft command on blocky or head-sized pieces of stone, they are told they cannot craft anything from that.

This wasn't intuitive to me oocly since I would think that crafting bullets from a small piece of stone would be harder than breaking larger pieces of stone into smaller pieces. This led me to asking for help in Discord, and it appears that if my character had their Foraging skill at a higher proficiency then the craft command would show the recipes and allow the character to try and break bigger stones down. I haven't tested it, but this scenario may come up with different sizes of bone as well. You can see the recipe for bolts on a short piece of bone, but characters can break long pieces of bone so they don't get useful output when using the crafting command on long pieces.

It would be less confusing if the difficulty of breaking down base raw materiels like bone and stone into smaller pieces was easier and known by all classes/subclasses that know a crafting skill. If my scout could break down stone with only Foraging at (novice), I probably wouldn't of asked for help oocly.

I'll also submit this suggestion as a request.

Quote from: Mills on July 08, 2024, 08:31:21 AMThe example I experienced is that my Scout has Fletchery now at (apprentice) and Foraging at (novice). The character is able to use the craft command on hand-sized chunks of stone and see that they can make bullets, but when using the craft command on blocky or head-sized pieces of stone, they are told they cannot craft anything from that.

I think breaking down stones/bones to smaller useful pieces should require some skills. Assume you have a head-sized stone and want to break into two hand-sized stones. Without the proper skill when you try to break it, you break the stone so badly that you only get useless pieces of stones. This is why one couldn't break stones into smaller pieces with low forage skill.

The problem in fletchery vs forage, which Mills stated, happens to be the case with stonecrafting, toolcrafting, jewelrymaking, instrumentmaking and other crafting skills vs forage. The solution to this problem should not be decreasing the difficulty of forage recipes. I think creating new recipes for fletchery would be a better solution. Let's say, the new fletchery recipes could be a single bullet at 10 skill level, two bullets at 20 skill level and four bullets at 30 skill level from a head-sized stone.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

You think:
"No! Please leave me be whoever you are."

You sense a foreign presence withdraw from your mind.

Keep in mind, you can also forage for keywords, too.

forage stone for hand

You begin searching the area intently.

You pick up a hand-sized chunk of dark stone.

Does work, and it'll auto-discard anything that doesn't fit that keyword. I think, in-general, the crafting system probably need a bit of a revamp overall, but that's probably an enormous amount of work for an uncertain level of payoff.