worst death?

Started by R.i.p., December 08, 2003, 06:44:40 PM

My OOC firend was smack talking me and when i got back on Arm all of a sudden out of no where like 4 ppl jumped me and I died before i knew what hit me. lol i was funny.
've gone to find myself, if I should return before I get back tell me to get lost.

ok  my only death to date was kinda disapointing.  Now my first char was badly planned.  I  was this totally clueless ranger who had pooly spent his n00b money and was woefully unequiped.  So he was out hunting with virtually no armor and crappy weapons.  He had no real skill except foraging and cooking.  Oddly enough he survived fairly long in places he shouldn't have, survived  attacks by Bahamet and Raptor's both.  

Well to make a long story short, there was some interesting stuff coming up and my character decidied to volunteer to be part of a force.  So there's this stuff coming up and I'm working on getting my wife to play so I have her watch as all this stuff comes down.  So it's getting exciting and about 5 minutes into the play someone notices me standing around like a fool and tells me to get in and rescue others who were in the midst of the fight. So I think ok, sure.  Now mind you the biggest thing I had killed to date was a rat.  So I rush off blindly into the fray to pull someone out, but when I get there I realize I have no clue on how to rescue someone.  So suddenly I'm the  only target in the room.  It lasted about 15 seconds, I typed flee only to see the Mantis head.

I'm staring at the screen thinking crap that was stupid and I said, "Damn I'm dead."  Then I hear my wife behind me say, "thats nice dear."   as she walked off to finish the dishes I dragged her away from

This was pretty recent, and would have never happened if I wasn't a complete idiot.  I had a decent 10 day warrior, went through the HRPT, traveled all over the world, killed just about everything up to dujats, managed to escape from violent nakki templars, etc.  One day, she ran into a pack of kryl.  A lone one ran up, got killed pretty quick, but sprayed her before it died.  It didn't do any damage, but after that I should have ran.  Anyway, I start riding a bit more and 3 walk in.  Rode around a bit, and managed to get one of them 2 rooms away from the rest.  Combat starts, it gets sliced up, then it stings her.  But no, I was still at full health.  So for the next minute or so, I got to use the think command a whole lot before it finally killed me.

Lost a RL 22 month 'rinthi criminal who'd been through some pretty wicked stuff to a bunch of NPCs in the 'rinth who jumped him and knocked him unconscious before my instantly written flee command could take effect. I always felt he had a good chance of making a fine exit - alas it wasn't to be. After all the ways he could've gone out before his final ending turned out to be a pretty ignoble affair. Think I just stared at the screen for a moment and went "Ah... bollocks."
You can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink" Dydactylos' philosophical mix of the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans (Small Gods, Terry Pratchett)

After getting pulled into the plot-webs of several very shady Allanak organizations, my Rinthi spice-runner was jumped and killed... not by assassins or templars, but by a pair of random gith.

I spent 4-5 RL weeks waiting for a special app to be approved, once it did i got PKed 10 mins into playing the PC in the PC's own temple, while trying to figure out how the magick system works. Oh how i loath the current state of the newbie rez thing, naked, sid-less, coinless and in a hole bag of trouble without a gem.

(Sorry, I decided to move this post to a new topic.)

My worst death, or at least the stupidest on my part was playing a Whiran I decided to jump off the tower of whira, just sorta to get down rather than taking the stairs, and the spell that let me do that wore off half way down, and I died instantly.

I was soooo pssed at myself.  I was like What did I do that?  What was wrong with just walking down.

The only other one was I had a Rukkian who was pretty bad-ass who was PKed because I was trying to flee, (not realising that they people attacking him had closed the door) when I could have probably taken them out with a spell or two had I not paniced and tried to flee instead.

The only other one I had and escaped Mul who was trying to join the rebellion, I had made some initial contacts and then bam 4 bahamets jump him.  Didn't take long....

I haven't had a worst death yet, thankfully.  This is my first real character, the others I've had were insignificant.

I do remember this one death that was just sorta funny.
My character picked up some weapons (me being a noob, I had no idea what jade-emblazoned weapons meant) and went to go sell them.  After pretending that he had no idea what they were (since he didn't), the shop keeper yelled for guards.

My char gets subdued and sent to jail.  I get let out after a while, I think.  I realized later what a fool I'd been.  So I went off, skipping down an alley, and my character dies from a stalker.  Great.