So city elves can now ride skimmer/wagons?

Started by Dresan, June 04, 2024, 03:09:41 PM

June 04, 2024, 03:09:41 PM Last Edit: June 04, 2024, 06:28:00 PM by Dresan
QuoteTraveling on wagons or skimmers is similarly rare, but less so than riding mounts; many elves find themselves in vocations or situations where this is necessary to achieve goals unrelated to travel. An example might be working for an employer that requires keeping a time schedule that doesn't permit pausing for an elf to rest. It is fundamental to elves that traveling be done on their own two feet unless it cannot be avoided.

I feel like this is going to be another animal backstab moment... where no two staff members will agree on correct roleplay and or the reasons to do it, so the act will be ignored or heavily penalized depending on who is watching. Before people chime in on their interpretation of correct roleplay unless its a suggestion to specific change the documentation, the opinion does nothing but make the waters murkier.

Additionally, while the announcement states elves will no longer be stereotypes as theives. The documentation states that they are still viewed as thieves and it looks like the code will continue to support it.

Lastly, Bejeweled hand was terrible for the game for number of reasons, particularly how biased and strong armed a certain person on staff clearly was in order for this group to carve a place in tuluk. The elven market seems much more interesting in concept, truely not the route i was wishing for but at least still hoping they won't make playing unaffiliated indie elves jarring.

So far as the "different storytellers see it differently", I get that. Game has been going 30+ years and you can never find two staffers to agree with a third. But so far as "riding"? I've never heard differing opinions.

It sounds more like this is just saying that if you're an elf serving as a Kuraci Outrider, its OKAY that you ride in the argosy during an RPT. Its NOT OKAY if you're just doing it because its 'safer' and there is ample opportunity to run alongside it. Before, there was a blurred line where some felt NO ARGOSIES EVER, and it seems its being lightened up a bit and making it more of a case-by-case basis. Maybe thats okay, with staff spending more time watching?
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Do I have to play a Byn Sarge with the rule elves on argosy escorts have to ride on the argosy for people to understand this?

Probably. And then its up to the individual elf to decide if they really WANT to do lower themselves to riding on the argosy or if they'd rather not get any coin or fame from ducking out.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

June 04, 2024, 11:09:28 PM #4 Last Edit: June 05, 2024, 10:59:46 AM by Dresan

Ultimately i dont feel the main issues with city elves have been addressed but enough crumbs have been given out to perhaps avoid a need for any revamp to the race. Instead of elves being given the coded support to participate in cool shit, they gotta justify doing it the human way. Fun. But it is a quick way to allow elf players into enjoy rpts and clan events I suppose.

The most important change though is the ability to run on roads outside of cities. It should have probably been the top of the announcements in combination with the new road in the game. Assuming it all works as advertised, all the rest of the stuff is realy minor in comparison. I really want to see the impact of this change myself.  :)