10 Point Karma System

Started by Halaster, April 14, 2024, 05:14:51 PM

Karma Introduction

   ArmageddonMUD operates a Karma system designed to open up the more complicated, powerful and RP challenging roles to players. Karma is simply a measure of trust that the staff members have in a given player's:

- Degree of maturity and responsibility as a role-player, as evidenced by playing roles realistically and acting responsibly with the code.
- Knowledge of the game world, and an appreciation of the way in which the various races, guilds, and so on, interact.
- Role-playing skill, as evidenced by role-playing in such a way as to show that they are really involved in the game world, and also enriching the game world for other players.

   Staff base their decisions to award karma on a set of categories. Each category has a list of criteria which players need to meet most of in order to gain a karma point. No more than one karma point can be awarded in any one category area.  Karma is on a 10-point scale.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Karma Criteria

In order for a karma point to be gained, a player should be demonstrating most of the examples listed.

(required to go from 0 to 1 karma)
  • "Has an accumulated playtime on characters of over 48 hours."

RP Novice
(required to go from 0 to 1 karma)
  • Demonstrates a basic understanding and appreciation of the underlying game theme
  • Adheres to and represents those themes within their roleplay
  • Demonstrates an ability to create a basic character suited to the world, adhering to the documentation (e.g. very basic understanding: this is a low tech desert world, there are sorcerer kings and city-states, our races aren't the same as fantasy races and so on)
  • Be able to play and stay in character whilst in game
  • Uses emotes and communicates with other PCs

Fair Play*
(required to go from 1 to 2 karma)
  • Follows the rules of the game and community. Such as consent, PK reports, wishing up before PKs where possible, no cheating, no multi-playing, no inappropriate OOC communication etc.
  • No negative account notes for the last 3 months.

*Is required for any further advancement of Karma, e.g. if they have lost their trust point due to rule breakages, they will need to go another 3 months without any further issues or account notes before they can apply for a review.

The following criteria are required to go above 2 karma, but can be awarded in any order at any level, one point per karma level:

  • Wishes up to notify staff of significant events (pk incoming, attacking groups of npcs, going in to restricted areas)
  • Works with staff on character concepts, families etc that might need oversight
  • Keeps clan/game communications IC.  Does not resort to OOC methods to relay IC or restricted information
  • Communicates both IC and OOC motivations to staff via request tool reports
  • Asks questions of staff regarding any ambiguous actions/ideas and actively seeks staff input, through appropriate channels (request tool, not PM etc).
  • Remains respectful in communications with staff, even when the topics are difficult.

  • Has over 96 hours played time as at least one manifested magick class or subclass (touched included).
  • Has shown an understanding of the concepts of elementalism
  • Has shown an understanding of the prejudices that accompany magick (inter-elemental as well as magicker vs non-magicker)
  • Roleplays appropriately around magickers as a mundane.  (i.e. magick objects are not viewed as everyday objects, magick exhibitions are not seen as commonplace, shows proper caution, evidence of understanding the stigma of magick and magickers.).
  • Exhibits responsibility when playing a magicker, showing restraint and good judgment with power
  • Roleplays learning and exploring magick
  • Has no negative account notes re. magick from the last 3 months
  • Uses emotes along with magick coded commands to portray their magick in the world (including use of cantrips).

This does not extend to limiting creativity and freedom within storytelling. Players may still *occasionally* play PCs that go against social norms, so long as it is abundantly clear that they, as a player, understand what they are doing and are ready to roll with the punches of realistic world response.

RP Journeyman
  • Demonstrating an ability to develop a believable character with strengths and weaknesses and a well rounded background
  • Makes use of the bio tool to flesh out their character and record their character development
  • Player creates nuanced and varied characters with differing goals, personalities, IG routines, and roles within the world.
  • Makes use of think/feel commands
  • Solo RP's, imagining and describing their characters actions and interactions with the world even when no other characters are around
  • Considers and includes the world around them in a general way
  • Does not conflate IC and OOC issues and can keep a separation between themselves as players and their characters, showing a solid understanding of the difference between in-character and out of character motivations.

Culture & Racial
  • Has at least 72 hours played on at least 1 non-human race
  • Has demonstrated a correct understanding of racial documentation and roleplayed non-human race per the documentation
  • Has at least 96 hours played (per region) in at least 1 of: Tuluk, Allanak, Tribal, GMH, Red Storm Village, or Luir's Outpost
  • Has demonstrated a correct understanding of local culture in at least one game locations and the ability to research and then correctly apply lore, including class structure, social norms and behaviour
  • Has no negative account notes re. specific culture or racial play from the last 3 months

This does not extend to limiting creativity and freedom within storytelling. Players may still *occasionally* play PCs that go against social norms, so long as it is abundantly clear that they, as a player, understand what they are doing and are ready to roll with the punches of realistic world response.

  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding of the documentation and lore for the clan they are leading
  • Uses coded clan power responsibly (doesn't use NPCs to PK, doesn't abuse crim code etc)
  • Responsibly undertakes the necessary administrative tasks that are essential for every clan such as handling enrollments and managing recruitment.
  • Puts in regular leadership reports covering the topics and areas requested by their Storytellers.
  • Uses their leadership position to create interest and activities for their clan members and drive plots forwards.

Supporting the game
  • Identifies newer players and helps them to learn the ropes of the game
  • Plays inclusively, figuring out ways to include other players (and their PCs) in interesting plots whilst maintaining their own PCs personality and motivations
  • Remains a good influence on less experienced players by not flouting rules in front of them and nudging them in the right direction if necessary
  • Communicates important issues with staff as they arise, especially by submitting player or staff complaints when necessary
  • Creates and drives plots and/or runs successful RPTs that encourage activity, outside of a leadership role
  • Contributes to clan documentation

RP Advanced
  • Demonstrates an ability to create consistent, multifaceted characters who are designed to live out a story and remain true to their personality even in the face of difficult situations
  • Is able to roll with the punches and take the highs and lows of a character, understanding that Armageddon is not about 'winning' but rather telling a story. Does not store in the face of adversity.
  • Plays well with others, leaving space in scenes for other characters
  • Considers the virtual and NPC world especially when it is challenging and potentially detrimental to their PC.
  • Does not metaplay generally and demonstrates this through their actions when faced with tough situations (e.g. mindbender attacks)*
  • Has played a complex character role, such as a mul, and displayed a good level of documentation understanding and application

  • Demonstrates an ability to be a positive influence on the Armageddon GDB, if the player participates.  This means not having been moderated a lot on the GDB, and generally abides by the rules of the forums.
  • Demonstrates an ability to be a positive influence on the Armageddon Discord server, if the player participates.  This means not having been moderated a lot in Discord, and generally abides by the rules of Discord.
  • Has contributed in some meaningful way to better the Armageddon community.  This could be participating in any of the following: the Player Committee, Player Moderator Team, Player Helper, or Publicity/Advertising Team.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

April 14, 2024, 05:18:15 PM #2 Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 02:36:14 PM by Halaster
Karma Options

0 Karma
  • Playable Race(s)
    • Human
  • Playable Classes
    • All Mundane Classes
  • Playable Subclasses
    • All Mundane Subclasses
1 karma
  • Playable Race(s)
    • Half-elf
    • City Elf
    • Dwarf
  • Can put in Specapps for +4 Karma race/class/subclass.
    Note: Special App Only subclasses require that much karma to apply for.  See bottom chart for details.
2 karma
  • Playable Race(s)
    • Desert Elf
    • Thryzn
  • Playable Subclasses
    • Touched Vivaduan
    • Touched Suk-Krathi
    • Touched Rukkian
    • Touched Whiran
    • Touched Drovian
    • Touched Elkrosian
  • May apply for GMH and Noble rolecalls
3 karma
  • Playable Classes
    • Full Guild Vivaduan
4 karma
  • Playable Classes
    • Full Guild Rukkian
5 karma
  • Playable Classes
    • Full Guild Krathi
  • May apply for Templar rolecalls
6 karma
  • Playable Race(s)
    • Half-giant
  • Playable Classes
    • Full Guild Whiran
7 karma
  • Playable Classes
    • Full Guild Drovian
    • Full Guild Elkrosian
8 karma
  • Playable Race(s)
    • Mul
9 karma
10 karma

Special Applications Requirement
Note: These roles require the Karma Level listed, and cannot be applied for if you have lower Karma. In addition to the karma requirement, these roles require a Special Application be used.
  • 4 Karma Requirement:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Vivadu Healer
  • 5 Karma Requirement:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Vivadu Corruption
      • Vivadu Creation
      • Ruk Creation
      • Ruk Protection
      • Ruk Empowering
  • 6 Karma Requirement:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Suk-Krath Agony
      • Suk-Krath Guile
  • 7 Karma Requirement:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Suk-Krath Devastation
      • Whira Illusion
      • Whira Tempest
      • Whira Travel
  • 8 Karma Requirement:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Shadow Stalker
      • Elkros Vigor
  • 9 Karma Requirement:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Nilaz Anathema
      • Shadow Dancer
      • Elkros Havoc
      • Psionicist (limited availability)
  • 10 Karma Requirements:
    • Playable Subclasses
      • Nilaz Void
      • Sorcerer (limited availability - Rolecall required)

EDIT:  moved sorcerer to the appropriate section to reduce confusion.
EDIT:  moved sorcerer to subclass, and not class, that was a mistake - they are only subclasses
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

April 14, 2024, 05:38:07 PM #3 Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 05:48:16 PM by Halaster
Karma Conversion

All accounts have been converted from the old system to the new 10-point system as follows:

1 karma previously = 2 karma on new system
2 karma previously = 4 karma on new system
3 karma previously = 6 karma on new system

Everyone can request a one-time review of their karma as of implementation of the new system (as of the date of this posting).  Karma reviews moving forward are now allowed once every 3 months.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev


While this scale is new and hasn't matured yet, the following exceptions to the above are in place:

To apply for a sorcerer rolecall, you need 7 karma.
To apply for a templar rolecall, you need 5 karma.

Once this system has been in place for a little while, these will change to the previously posted amounts.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Clarification on the above karma review:

Because we've switched to a new system, everyone is allowed a one-time extra karma review where we will review all the points at once, meaning you can change more than 1 point.  Normal karma reviews after that will only be for 1 point at a time (and every 3 months vs every 6 from the old system).
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

More clarification based on questions received:

Sorcerers still require staff sponsorship and a rolecall as talked about here:  https://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,58568.0.html .  Additionally, they require 10 karma to apply for normally (however, right now they require  7)
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Important note!

The free mult-point karma review for everyone will end on July 15, 2024 (one month from the day we launched).  If you want to partake in this, please submit your karma review by then.

As a reminder, staff can award karma at any time, and you can get a karma review for 1 point at a time every 3 months now.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

The free multi-point karma review is now closed.  If you've put in a karma review before now, but we haven't review it yet, you'll be fine.  As long as it was submitted by today, we'll accept it.  From this point on karma reviews will be for 1 point at a time, and able to be submitted every 3 months.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev