Basic Roles Role Call

Started by titansfan, June 12, 2023, 03:25:47 PM

I just want to hear thoughts and ideas on how a role call for basic mundane rolls would work?

Would it allow people to better judge what to play? Fill out cities better? Create a well represented population in set areas?

Share away!
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, I would LOVE THIS!!

Imagine, an opportunity to post on the GDB what mundane roles are needed in whatever location.

An aide is needed for a noble house (or two) in the west
A hunter is needed in the north for a GMH
Militia members are needing in the middle
Your Mom needs... nevermind.  I'll be nice!!
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

My Mom!!!?
My characters are mean not me!

June 12, 2023, 03:54:06 PM #3 Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 03:57:08 PM by FantasyWriter
Quote from: Twilight on January 22, 2013, 08:17:47 PMGreb - To scavenge, forage, and if Whira is with you, loot the dead.
Grebber - One who grebs.

Quote from: titansfan on June 12, 2023, 03:25:47 PM
I just want to hear thoughts and ideas on how a role call for basic mundane rolls would work?

Would it allow people to better judge what to play? Fill out cities better? Create a well represented population in set areas?

Share away!

Walk to nearest IG Rumor Board.
Post "Hello. <Clan> is looking for someone to fill <Role>. Expectations are <item1, item 2, ... >. Please contact Leader or 2nd-in-command, usually available during OOC Time or 'early/middle/late week'. Gemmed need not apply.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Quote from: Riev on June 12, 2023, 04:00:53 PM
Quote from: titansfan on June 12, 2023, 03:25:47 PM
I just want to hear thoughts and ideas on how a role call for basic mundane rolls would work?

Would it allow people to better judge what to play? Fill out cities better? Create a well represented population in set areas?

Share away!

Walk to nearest IG Rumor Board.
Post "Hello. <Clan> is looking for someone to fill <Role>. Expectations are <item1, item 2, ... >. Please contact Leader or 2nd-in-command, usually available during OOC Time or 'early/middle/late week'. Gemmed need not apply.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought the intent was for an OOC way to know what the rumour boards are asking for.

This way, when I die to scrab #482, I can look at the GDB and go, Oh!  I'll roll an aide for Lady Lacy Things!
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


the two relevant rules to think about are
Quote6. Sharing or discussing relevant in-game information via out-of-character means is discouraged. Relevant information includes but is not limited to information from within the last year, involving living characters, or involving game mechanics. The rule of thumb is: if it is not in a publicly- available helpfile or document, it should not be discussed out-of-game. This goes for use of the OOC command in game as well as any out-of-game communication. If we find that you are sharing or discussing in-game information, punishment can range from a warning, to karma reduction, to storage of your character, to temporary or permanent bans.
Quote7. Coordinating in-game actions or player groups via out-of-character means is discouraged. The only two exceptions to this are arranging playtimes and setting up an approved family or tribal role. If we find evidence that an in-game act was coordinated outside of the game, punishment will be dependent on the severity of the coordination, ranging from a warning, to karma reduction, to storage of your character, to temporary or permanent bans.
From rule 6 it is obvious that sharing information is generally discouraged but it seems to me this rule is meant to prevent sharing very specific information.
From rule 7 we see that coordinating in-game actions for the purpose of arranging playtimes is acceptable.

I think players should absolutely be allowed to post public craigslist style posts about what kinds of characters they are looking to roleplay with, and where to find them. They can easily make a fresh GDB alt for each craigslist post to avoid being targeted.

I would love to see 'basic roles' and 'direct-to-game character generation' married to produce:

needed mundane roles that someone can app into the game directly and play.

i'd probably allow new players to do this with some 'where did you find us' stuff and small tutorial requirements

and let current players request to be allowed to app directly into those roles after agreeing again to follow rules.
Fallow Maks For New Elf Sorc ERP:
some of y'all have cringy as fuck signatures to your forum posts

I meant for this to totally be controlled by imms to spark an area into a better player interactive state. Not players requesting anything.  It'd be based off what staff think would 'fill out an area'.
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.

June 12, 2023, 11:36:59 PM #9 Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 11:48:44 PM by Classclown
What I had in mind when I mentioned it on Discord, is a staff style role call or special app roles that can be apped in, if the quota isn't full, like DE, but for employment positions instead of tribe capacity. We'd only know the name of the House/role, no ig information until accepted, but maybe before chargen. So there'd be basic categories, aide, crafter, hunter, etc, you'd send in a request to ask if whatever role you're interested is full. These would be like the Trooper spec app, but with other roles, with skill boosts and not having to go through recruit year for the 100th time.

So, Full Crafter/Merchant Trainee, Full Aide (with the Noble house, not a specific noble, so any noble death wouldn't affect the employment status, (outside of MCB of course)), Experienced Grebber, Experienced Hunter, Apothecary, Physician. Make it 1 Karma, not spent, but just to show you have some experience. Bigger limits for indies than GMH or Noble aides.

ETA: The karma part isn't to limit people because I don't want newbies to have the roles, just to keep it so there isn't a new player who isn't familiar to the game giving wrong information ig. You can app one above your karma, so new players who can demonstrate they can handle roleplaying an experienced crafter or aide should definitely be able to play one.

What if the noble doesn't like the aide? Aides are interviewed and chosen, and are usually someone who works well with the noble's personality IC, has certain talents or skillsets Or aptitudes the noble might want, and OOCly, has significant overlap with the Noble's playtimes.
Steadfast support for a unified regime,
Is how humankind will reign supreme.

I always thought some of the fun of rerolling after a character was reading the boards in the new location. I'm a dinosaur now though.

June 13, 2023, 11:28:01 AM #12 Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 11:39:41 AM by Classclown
You wouldn't have to submit a special app if you didn't want to, this would be for people who want to play a role that's needed and/or not go through another rookie year.

Also, it could be Atrium graduate, rather than an aide for a specific House, with access to the Atrium, like all graduates. That would still leave room for the interview process, but give you a leg up on the competish.

Yes, I just quoted School of Rock. ⚡️🤘🏽🎸

Quote from: Classclown on June 13, 2023, 11:28:01 AM
You wouldn't have to submit a special app if you didn't want to, this would be for people who want to play a role that's needed and/or not go through another rookie year.

Also, it could be Atrium graduate, rather than an aide for a specific House, with access to the Atrium, like all graduates. That would still leave room for the interview process, but give you a leg up on the competish.

Yes, I just quoted School of Rock. ⚡️🤘🏽🎸

I like the atrium graduate idea.
Steadfast support for a unified regime,
Is how humankind will reign supreme.

It could work that way with anything.  Fill the area with skilled folks who can go try to get jobs or make player clans. It'd just be a way to get a jump start for forming the economy of players with a little guidance from the top down view via staff.
Respect. Responsibility. Compassion.

June 13, 2023, 06:41:22 PM #15 Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 06:43:02 PM by Classclown
Maybe a one time mega city supporting cast role call for immediate vacancies now and then go to the special app route from there.

how would players know what an atrium graduate would know?
Fallow Maks For New Elf Sorc ERP:
some of y'all have cringy as fuck signatures to your forum posts

Quote from: LindseyBalboa on June 13, 2023, 07:58:06 PM
how would players know what an atrium graduate would know?

One way might be having played someone who'd been through Atrium training before, which a number of players have.

In my own personal experience none of the lessons were... anywhere near enough to motivate me to want to go through six weeks of "training" through it a seventh or eighth time, but would love being a graduate who had access to it. (and yes, I've had six or seven different pcs go through atrium training to one degree or another over the years, if not more, before I bailed on cities for the most part)

June 14, 2023, 12:35:13 AM #18 Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 12:36:47 AM by LidlessEye
Quote from: LindseyBalboa on June 13, 2023, 07:58:06 PM
how would players know what an atrium graduate would know?

The Tor academy has some of its past lectures posted on its gdb. Perhaps the Atrium could do the same. Graduates could get access to their gdb page and access said lessons.
Steadfast support for a unified regime,
Is how humankind will reign supreme.

Neither the Academy nor the Atrium ACTUALLY do anything but add connections to your 'resume' though.

Great, you have a pin that says you probably won't shit the bed if 22 gith show up.
Great, you can serve a jallal pie the correct way with the correct form and probably not get crumbs on Lady Borsail's pie slave.

Primarily, at least "going through the Atrium" means there's someone's ass to chew out when your Atrum Graduate is a piece of shit that keeps clinking the ceramics when pouring tea and giving you a migraine.

"saying" you graduated the Atrium and actually being held responsible is like apping a character that "used to be a Byn Trooper" but can't kill a chalton and has 'no living Byn Office to vouch for their time".
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

Agreed that the atrium isn't about learning docs. It's about making useful connections. And learning the political lay of the land. That's not something you can app into.
Try to be the gem in each other's shit.

June 14, 2023, 11:52:40 AM #22 Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 11:56:56 AM by dumbstruck
Quote from: zealus on June 14, 2023, 11:43:14 AM
Agreed that the atrium isn't about learning docs. It's about making useful connections. And learning the political lay of the land. That's not something you can app into.

On the one hand I get what you're saying. On the other hand, I would almost contend that having access to the Atrium and spending time there and not being forced to spend it doing virtual lesson shit for the fifteen millionth time actually frees you up to make those connections a bit more easily because your time is your own until you have an employer rather than being obligated to endless virtual lessons during the majority of your log in time and then having random free time on 'off days' subsumed into some random player telling you for the fifteenth time how to pour tea because hey that was the day that one day in three IC weeks where you and the 'host' are on at the same time and they weren't too busy for whatever rp with your char on an actual ICly appropriate day for it, etc. But then, I have very low patience for having my escapism be buried in that for six RL weeks in the HOPES that something cooler happens later, when... before people made it "more or less required" for your aide to be an atrium graduate for you to play an aide without both you and the player of the noble being kinda looked down upon about it if you knew and understood the role you could just play the damn role.

Quote from: dumbstruck on June 14, 2023, 11:52:40 AM
Quote from: zealus on June 14, 2023, 11:43:14 AM
Agreed that the atrium isn't about learning docs. It's about making useful connections. And learning the political lay of the land. That's not something you can app into.

On the one hand I get what you're saying. On the other hand, I would almost contend that having access to the Atrium and spending time there and not being forced to spend it doing virtual lesson shit for the fifteen millionth time actually frees you up to make those connections a bit more easily because your time is your own until you have an employer rather than being obligated to endless virtual lessons during the majority of your log in time and then having random free time on 'off days' subsumed into some random player telling you for the fifteenth time how to pour tea because hey that was the day that one day in three IC weeks where you and the 'host' are on at the same time and they weren't too busy for whatever rp with your char on an actual ICly appropriate day for it, etc. But then, I have very low patience for having my escapism be buried in that for six RL weeks in the HOPES that something cooler happens later, when... before people made it "more or less required" for your aide to be an atrium graduate for you to play an aide without both you and the player of the noble being kinda looked down upon about it if you knew and understood the role you could just play the damn role.

Well, just how I told my AoD recruits: Tavern duty is part of your education.
If the Atrium instructors reprimand you for not being around (when others are not) for virtual lessons, they can usually assume they are done, virtually, imo.
But being chucked together with some people who will be aides later on is useful. Forms those friendships that you can pull favors out of later on.
Try to be the gem in each other's shit.

June 16, 2023, 11:47:02 AM #24 Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 12:02:47 PM by Classclown
Every role is the same thing. A Byn Sergeant role doesn't have anyone to vouch for them either, it's role play. We're here to roleplay. We make stuff up. That's what we're here for. So yes, those graduates would have people to vouch for them and like every role, you should have some knowledge of the role and its requirements before deciding to app in.

You wouldn't try to get a Southern Noble role without having experience/knowledge of Allanakki politics. I don't see how Atrium graduate would be more difficult to play than Noble. You pour tea and serve Nobles, it's not rocket science.

You can make the same connections as a graduate and you would still have access to those students , in fact, you'd probably have more time to make connections. Skill bumps would help for coded skills and you can always do "refresher" lessons to top them off. Same goes for any other role, you just wouldn't have to practice pouring tea for the millionth time or be expected to attend lessons. You might even choose this role if you wanted to become a teacher and not an aide.

All of these roles also help those with limited time to play and who are familiar enough with the game world to roleplay an experienced character. If we want to attract/keep players these types of things would be beneficial.