Half-giants wranglers (group subdue attempts)

Started by MeTekillot, July 12, 2022, 10:01:32 PM

Change subdue to begin a wrestling match that has approximately the same time period as foraging. Multiple people can target one person this way. Add functionality where half-giants or other large beings can be subdued by a large and strong enough group if enough people attempt it within a close time.

The first person who attempted the subdue in this window will be the one who directs any attempt by the group to move. Alternatively, let any of the holders direct the group, with the intended chaos of undisciplined groups attempting to subdue a single person.

Correct me if I am not understanding: This would mean a failed subdue has the same effect as a sucessful one, though, no? If it holds the HG still for the timer delay? I am all for anything that messes with unstoppable HGs though. I probably wouldn't use it as I wouldn't want to be clinging unarmed to a HG's shins.

I am now envisioning two half-giant sumo wrestlers trying to subdue each other to the ground.

Also the term is "tok-pile" a this point.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.