Walk in His Shadow...

Started by Usiku, September 30, 2021, 08:53:18 AM

It's that time again! Applications will close 23:59 ST on 7th October.

Mostly.. Shamelessly stolen:

Dallying around is for Northron scum and False Templars. The Highlord's time is precious. Are you prepared to take up the mantel? Are you prepared to remind the Known what the Highlord's might really feels like? Will you spread His Shadow far and wide by sword, coin or pen? All shall carry the hefty burden of His Will upon their shoulder but will you be rewarded with the cries of His enemies and the glory of His expanding Empire within your future? You may find your 'peers' just as ambitious and deadly as the enemies within and beyond His walls. It may take all your cunning and ruthlessness in order to survive the responsibilities set before you. The rewards are many but seen by so precious few..


  • High playtimes AN ABSOLUTE MUST.
  • A willingness to report reliably and consistently. Weekly reports to start!
  • A solid grasp of Allanaki politics, from the highest silk to the lowest ratsucker. Know the social hierarchy? Yeah. Live by it.
  • An ability and willingness to play a Leadership position.  You must be able to lead patrols, arrange RPTs without staff assistance, deal with all manner of folk, and report swiftly when Allanak is in need.
  • Be ready for the long-haul, to take the highs with the lows and the fast with the slows.
  • Send in a full application with background, throw some goals in there, and an idea of the character's psyche.
  • Ability to commonly play from a computer, or laptop.  Please no phone-heavy players, no offence, but the response times for emotes and combat from a phone is an obvious impact to other players in a scene.  Part of being top notch is that ability to instantly react and keep track of multiple things going on at once.

Just a couple more days to get your apps in!

Last call for apps! This closes at midnight tonight.

"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev