This Role Call Has No Gifs, No Frills and No gimmicks.

Started by Renenutet, February 22, 2019, 10:14:10 AM

I need two or three players who can play hard nosed, hard assed characters. This role requires being able to:
A create your own fun during down time
Conform strictly to the thematic limitations of the setting your pc comes from, or at least lives in.
Keep tight lipped about a clan with deliberate low visibility.
Can handle a less populated base of operations.

This is not a combat clan, but combat may ensue. I need a commitment to carrying out the mission of the role you take. I have some clear expectations and I need people who feel comfortable conforming the the expectations of the role.

You can creatively fill in your pc in any way you like, but you have to color within the given lines.

So, if you think you might be interested, call me. Or shoot me a request. You can send it to House Kadius. (This is not associated with House Kadius, but I'll see the request when it comes in.)

There are people already knowledgeable in game.  Find them and kill them so no one has cures and then poison everyone. -Kefka 2018

I've been told that I'm not allowed to post a role call with no visual interest. I am including this under protest.

There are people already knowledgeable in game.  Find them and kill them so no one has cures and then poison everyone. -Kefka 2018

March 07, 2019, 09:25:18 PM #2 Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 09:38:22 PM by Parabellum
This rolecall is still on!
if you've a mind to play a tough, gritty, get things done sort of PC, and you are able to submit an application in the near future, please submit a role request to house kadius!  Interested parties will be directed to the relevant docs to help write up their concept. I would like to begin reviewing character apps one week from today, so speak up if you want to know more!

some great apps so far, but you've still got time!  3 spots open for this badass rolecall.  selections will be made on thursday, so you've still got time to throw your name into the mix.  send your role request to house kadius for more deets!

I've got all the spots filled except for one leadership role!  who wants to lead my mystery group?  I'll wait about 4 more hours before closing up the role call.

This rolecall is now closed!  Thank you to all who showed interest.