Celven Agorophobia

Started by Dar, October 10, 2018, 07:05:24 PM

Quote from: Brokkr on October 16, 2018, 12:14:29 PM
I've never found them to be much of a coded challenge, as long as they stayed in a city?

At least vs any other character that just stayed in a city.  It was more RP challenges in not being able to join clans, etc.  This reinforces them staying in their nice comfortable city environment where they can be shifty, and not trying to live out in the wastes were they are, indeed, shitty.

While this is no longer relevent to the topic, but Brokkr. You ever tried climbing around the rooftops as a Celf with 80 hp max? Celves have a 'lot' of challenges, but that's why I think of them as hardmode and play them relentlessly, arent I.

Yes. I've typically had no fail climb, or close, before I starting messing around at the tops of buildings though.

I like c-elves as they are. Let people accept the challenge.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

c-elves would be fine as they are, with all their challenges, if they could represent a tribe, which their documentation is basically steeped in.

As is you play elf if you want to play a loner that will be despised and get shit levels of interaction. That isn't a challenge. You can overcome a challenge. This is more like a gigantic wall of restriction, with no ways  around or over, no ways to overcome such a hurdle.

Quote from: RogueGunslinger on October 17, 2018, 05:28:51 AM
c-elves would be fine as they are, with all their challenges, if they could represent a tribe, which their documentation is basically steeped in.

As is you play elf if you want to play a loner that will be despised and get shit levels of interaction. That isn't a challenge. You can overcome a challenge. This is more like a gigantic wall of restriction, with no ways  around or over, no ways to overcome such a hurdle.

Do a family rolecall with elves. It's much more fun, you can aspire to create a coded tribe which is what I tried. Turns out the particular niche I tried though is incompatible with the new celven docs, but if you're to try a displaced Tuluki tribe or something you might have more luck.

The fact that a single elf tribe or two or three elf tribes haven't risen to levels of significant prominence in Allanak (besides Jaxa Pah who, surprisingly, go against elf documentation in some ways) is an oversight.

Quote from: Brokkr on October 16, 2018, 01:44:19 PM
Yes. I've typically had no fail climb, or close, before I starting messing around at the tops of buildings though.

I don't believe in no fail climb. I've fallen with AI agility and advanced climb with "no problem" weight carried while holding two ropes.

What's helped me was learning where the cutoffs were for damage upon impacting Miner's Road from what height and making sure I stay at a z-level below that which will kill me. Inside Allanak there's a lot of 2 room climbs but most of the 3 room climbs have better ways down (from 3rd level to 2nd level down to 1 level) instead of just jumping out over a gulf that leads 3 rooms down and hoping you don't fail.

Quote from: Miradus on October 17, 2018, 03:16:38 PM
I don't believe in no fail climb. I've fallen with AI agility and advanced climb with "no problem" weight carried while holding two ropes.

Advanced is a pretty big range, if you were at the low end of it, you still weren't capped yet even in the above situation.

I had a desert elf who was at high advanced climb and exceptional agility, and never - never failed climb - for months (so the skill never went higher).  Then I had a birthday and my agility went down because I was no longer the elven equivalent of a teenager, and I started failing climb.  Failed a few times, all within a day or two, and the skill went from advanced to master.  Then I never failed again for the rest of that PC's (long) life.

Something I hadn't considered. :(

I don't have any way of knowing where I was on the advanced range. I was probably still failing more than I liked, but I didn't keep good track of it.

I've also noticed that not all climbs are equal. Some are easier than others. Are you willing to confirm or deny that the climb itself has a range in the skill check? (And is there any way a player can tell before attempting it?)

Quote from: Miradus on October 17, 2018, 03:16:38 PM
I don't believe in no fail climb. I've fallen with AI agility and advanced climb with "no problem" weight carried while holding two ropes.

If it makes you feel better, I've also had a HG with no fail climb, years ago. It's not just elves.  But elves have the best chance of getting to that point.

I still advocate that elves who pick guilds/subguilds that grant them ride/pilot should have the ability to exchange those skills for climb.

I find that maddeningly funny for some reason. :)

In sort of the same way I internally snicker whenever I see a half-giant try and sneak out of the room.

Quote from: Dar on October 17, 2018, 06:25:44 PM
I still advocate that elves who pick guilds/subguilds that grant them ride/pilot should have the ability to exchange those skills for climb.
Ride has an alternative use that elves are allowed to make use of.

I think pilot should be replaced though.

What use is that for a celf? Who should not be going into wilderness regularly. Taming rats?

City elves can't pick a class that gets ride.  Only subclasses.

Oh. Bah. My bad. Been playing a merchant for years with it's annoying ride/pilot skill :D.

Well, Artisan still gives you pilot. Which is of course, entirely unuseable by an elf.

I've never understood the skimmer thing, which I've talked about with staff through email.

You see--- to me--- elves can't be ashamed of using a skimmer because you'd have to be a freakin' witch not to have to use a skimmer in the silt. I mean--- are they ashamed because they aren't witches? What's up with that one? Piloting, I can kind of get, because you're still riding when you could be walking.

Being part of a huge elven nation in the city would be great. I didn't get the chance to play Akai in Tuluk, although all my elves there were offered work by them. Being large enough to garner some small modicum of respect with pointed ears would be a unique experience.
gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded

Who cares about skimmers?

The Silt Sea is just a stupid death trap.

I mean, honestly...how long do you think you're going to sail around when there are silt horrors around blind corners and fleeing isn't an option?
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on October 19, 2018, 11:59:33 PM
Who cares about skimmers?

The Silt Sea is just a stupid death trap.

I mean, honestly...how long do you think you're going to sail around when there are silt horrors around blind corners and fleeing isn't an option?

QFT. Silt Sea is awesome in Dark Sun as a PNP adventure, but in Armageddon?
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.

--Immanuel Kant

Quote from: Cind on October 19, 2018, 11:34:47 PM
Being large enough to garner some small modicum of respect with pointed ears would be a unique experience.

If you can get squeeze respect out of the goofy round-ears with their funny little stubby legs, then you're doing it wrong.

Quote from: yousuff on October 17, 2018, 08:27:12 AM
Do a family rolecall with elves.

Not really playing, atm, but wanted to comment.

Can confirm, it is much more enjoyable, than loner-for-life elf.

A lot of the worst aspects of being an elf, are eliminated by having a few pcs to interact with, in a true-to-elf tribal setting. It does, indeed, feel like that is how they were originally intended to be played, as the coded negatives are compensated for, by having tribe members you can depend on.

It also causes most players, to do a complete turn around, when they realize, they're not dealing with some solo rogue, with garbage stats. The "I-kill-all-elves-come-at-me-bro" BS, which is just, unimaginably, unrealistically rampant, disappears right away, when two or three of your tribe walk in, ready and willing to do just that.

If you are on the fence, about trying elves? Do an elf rollcall. It's a whole different experience, and not to be missed.
"Mortals do drown so."

Fujikoma spotted.

Acquiring target...

Confirmed: not an nineteen year old female - irrelevant to current topic.


Error: Pointy boi too fast. Execution terminated. Awaiting further instruction.

In all seriousness though, Fujikoma is right. Elves are a thrill to play even if they seem to attract the more PK hungry crowd.

Unfortunately there's not much we can do about people blaming the pointy boi for everything other than encourage people to RP as their character. Which in this case? Elves are usually the ones to blame for most things despite being a huge percentage of the population.

Embrace it.

"Yeah, I stole your shit. You didn't see me do it then and you won't see me the next time. Want it to stop? Here's my list of demands. Oh, don't want to comply? Enjoy buying a new mount every time you come to town."

The Jade Saber's are (as required by plot law) absolutely ineffective at stopping crime. They're only ever going to be able to catch a criminal who brazenly sits down at the Gaj after a heist. And what self-respecting criminal is going to do that? Drink northside with the real OG. Or bribe the hell out of the Jade to ignore all complaints from the unaffiliated mensch. How effective do you think a real-life police force would be if they didn't get paid and were fed only burnt tubers? When you see a Jade soldier walk by decked out in a lot of digital bling-gear ... that's the fucker to make friends with.

I personally always considered it a show of respect when I walked into a room and everyone started closing packs and bags. I considered it my just due when I looked at anyone and saw "Richie Rich is watching you."

Lol, that's beautiful. I love elves like that.

As a squishy human my first instinct when an elf calls me over with dice is to get out, but I let them ply me with a con. I was probably the first person to give them an ear all day, and kudos to them if its not a stupid enough one to make any sane person run off.

gorgio: someone who is not romani, not a gypsy.
kumpania: a family of story tellers.
vardo: a horse-drawn wagon used by British Romani as their home. always well-crafted, often painted and gilded