What's the Worst Thing You've Ever Done?

Started by Cind, June 06, 2018, 08:45:00 AM

Quote from: daughterofauset on July 28, 2018, 02:05:40 PM
The mother of four who let the different fathers raise them all and is the only character I've ever had pk someone.

Killed a gemmed rukkian who betrayed the tribe she ran with a runaway gemmed.
Then proceeded to kill the runaway gemmed's mate while he killed hers.
They consummated the relationship on the dead body of his dead, pregnant, former mate.
She later left their twins with him after having a baby with a gypsy.

Helped the gypsy (unwittingly) sacrifice the baby by giving him a hundred of the mos powerful spell components in the world to help him summon something which proceeded to then kill the child and, if I recall right, take his eye.

I've had a lot of characters do a lot of messed up things but, none of them compare to that combination of bad.

Holy fuck.

Quote from: MeTekillot on June 08, 2018, 03:05:34 AM
Killed multiple link-dead PCs on Allanak's streets while they were unarmed with weapons on their belt, for their loot. Street rules, babe.
My conscience has matured and I don't do this anymore, by the way.

Quote from: Synthesis on July 28, 2018, 01:03:17 AM
The most cruel thing IC...I dunno...the Staff decided we had to purge certain people from a certain clan, so I had to help orchestrate the really cold-blooded murder of several folks who my PC actually liked and had no other reason to want to kill.

Was this one Cletus?
I used to have a funny signature, but I felt like no one took me seriously, so it's time to put on my serious face.