N00b influx...

Started by Marauder Moe, October 24, 2003, 08:39:10 PM

Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be a lot of new players both IG and on the boards here?  I'm not sure what my point is, but it just seems remarkable.  Some have been playing well, some not so well (but keep trying, I'm sure most of us have made 'those' mistakes ourselves).  New players are definatly good, though.  Welcome to Zalanthas!  :D

I noticed that too - lots of inquisitive newbies lately, and it's very exciting.  Welcome, all of you!
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Bring your friends is right, and make sure you play on Sunday, November 2nd.  :twisted:
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Anyone who ever wants my opinion on any thing PMail me.

Welcome to Armageddon!!!!!
Trust me yu'll see that alot in a short period of time:]
Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeys
Don't enter the Labyrinth.
They don't call it the Screaming Mantis Tavern to be cute. It's called foreshadowing. First there's screaming, then mantis head.

Yup Hello I'm new heh...well kinda new..I've tried Arma before but I quit because it was too difficult to understand at first...now with a little MUD experience under my belt I'd like to try something with a little more roleplaying.

That was me, all logged in now.

Question: What does RPT and HRPT stand for?

Heh obviously I find out what it stands for as soon as I post about it...Role Playing Time and High Role Playing Time- but maybe someone can explain what they are in more detail?

Recommended Playing Time = RPT

Affects portions of the world

Highly Recommended Playing Time = HRPT

Could affect the ENTIRE KNOWN WORLD!!!!!!!
OMG I can't wait

I hope 'Nak switches leader to someone besides Muk
Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeys
Don't enter the Labyrinth.
They don't call it the Screaming Mantis Tavern to be cute. It's called foreshadowing. First there's screaming, then mantis head.

RPT: Recommended Play Time.

- Generally player or clan run events or activites that involve a smaller group.

- Anything from hunting with friends to a party at the bar or a match at the arena.

HRPT: Highly Recommended Play Time.

- Generally Player spawned but Imm assisted events that involve a large portion of the world.

- Anything from a massive battle between the armies of north and south to some defiler that cast a spell to make everyone blow up.

- Something that anyone would be stupid to miss. These times are huge changes to the world and the history of the game and this is your chance to be in it. And then die  :twisted:
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

:twisted: I just like that.

I hope it doesn't kill me.. i'll have to break into the guard quarters and hide :)
But yeah.. I played Arm a couple years ago(but stopped because I couldn't last 3 hours) when I had no exp.. then i played other muds that really turned me off on the whole "MUD" idea because of repitition after repitition. then One decided to make me pay $50 when I already donated like $100 which really pissed me off... and I was fighting other people for an NPC that popped up everytime the room was empty.. Which is why I came back :)

Emote continues to ramble on about the experiences.
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

Quote from: "sacac"I hope it doesn't kill me.. i'll have to break into the guard quarters and hide

Maybe there is another spot not so dangerous to hide in 'Nak if you are a commoner

-hint hint- the slums or ghetto or 'Nak
Quote from: FiveDisgruntledMonkeys
Don't enter the Labyrinth.
They don't call it the Screaming Mantis Tavern to be cute. It's called foreshadowing. First there's screaming, then mantis head.

Has it just been within the last couple of days, or is this been going on longer?  I wonder if it had anything to do with this top-leve comment on slashdot:


It's what reminded me of Arm and made me come back.

Quoted by the guy on there :) Hecubes (?)
QuoteHeh, I've tried playing Armageddon MUD many a time. Frankly, getting killed by half-giant assasins who suddenly sneak up on you was not my bag. It's really sad because they took my favorite DnD theme world, made a kick ass skill system, and then forced the players into pure elitist roleplaying. WTF is the point of having a skill based game that forces you to sit around in the town square all day engaging in mindless banter with the other schumcks while looking out for elven pick-pockets?

I'm thinking that people looking for permanent death are in the extreme minority. I recall the annoying process of character approval in Armageddon as one of the factors that finally drove me away (besides all the dumbass PK's). Permanent death also makes you avoid risks and seriously slows done the game play, and most people don't have that sort of time to invest. I grew extremely tired of getting quite far in Armageddon, only to be PK'd by some random half giant power gamer (ok, I'm a little bitter). There seemed to be a dual standard in that game.

It just makes me want to play more :) especially that first part :) I have sat in the bars for hours trying to get people to share the information with me :) And that is where RP is the funnest :)
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

I think it was the thread on TMS that called us a sex mud.  ;)  Sex sells.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I have to Agree with AC on that one.. seems the influx also has a bit of a mud sexer smell to em..  :?

Not that I'm judging..at least they're playing.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Yer Average N00b here.
I have come to Armageddon exactly because of the accidental advertising made on Slashdot, and it have attracted me with the mentioning of "dark sun", "excellent skill system" and nevertheless "very elitist roleplaying".

The thread is at http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=83465&cid=7301513  It was started by me.

Recently, whenever I have seen a thread come up about MUDs or MMORPGs, I generally speak my piece then mention ArmageddonMUD.  I truly and completely believe that Armageddon is the best there is when it comes to a good RP environment.  It is the perfect mix of RP and code in my opinion.  I imagine there are many others out there who would agree if they just knew this place existed.  Getting a thread that just mentions Armageddon and has a link to the MUD on any page that graces a story Slashdot's top news stories is a few thousand extra hits to Armageddon.  I just make sure that any such comments are insightful and isn't a blatent advertisment.  The comment is the reason why I post and why it gets modded up so that people will see it, but mentioning Armageddon is nice bonus.

If you ever wanted to see something utterly horrifying, simply get Armageddon's link on one of Slashdots top news stories.  Can we say good by server?

Welcome to all of you. Traditionally this mud has had a steep learning curve. We've been trying to even that out somewhat over the past few years, but it is a complex world.

The following links may be of interest to you:
http://www.armageddon.org/intro/helpers.html (player helpers)
http://www.armageddon.org/intro/whatyouknow.html (What your character would know)
http://www.armageddon.org/rp/racial/ (roleplaying the different races)

The newbie help file, which you can access by typing "help newbie"
from within the game, has a lot of useful info, as does the top40 help file, which you can access by typing "help top40"
from within the game.

Some of the players here have been around over a decade, including myself - may your adventures be as interesting and intriguing as ours have been.



Ok, now I've been here on and off for over a decade and I did not know of the top40...grumble, sigh, where is that n00b stamp at.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

A top40 helpfile!? I think thats some new invention Sanvean is trying to pass off as old. I've never heard of it.

Meh :)

21sters Unite!

Creeper: The Perpetual Newb
"We pay for and maintain the GDB for players of ArmageddonMUD, seeing as
how you no longer play we would prefer it if you not post anymore.

-the Shade of Nessalin"


Quote from: "Angela Christine"I think it was the thread on TMS that called us a sex mud.  ;)
Yeah I've STILL not gotten involved in the sex part of this mud. Would you mind making a noble so I can be your pleasure slave AC? I figure that way not only will I get involved, but I'll be so scared I'll stop popping and study for my finals :P

(Only one more test!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Could also have been the RPT. Gotta say, that made me want to log in more. Now if only Halaster could come back for one day then I'd get a REAL HRPT ;)

Quote from: "John"Yeah I've STILL not gotten involved in the sex part of this mud. Would you mind making a noble so I can be your pleasure slave AC?

Only if you can convincingly emote doing this:  www.goatse.cx  :twisted:

Ahem.  Despite my apparently lurid reputation in Australia, I'm not much for the mudsex.  Lets face it, the main parts involved are funny looking and the acts often involve rude noises and akward postures.  Seriously, unless you are into the one handed typing this stuff is only good for comic relief.  Steely manhood, silky love caves, honey pots of pleasure... I can't get through a romance novel without laughing my ass off.  

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Another new player here :) Came after reading the post on TMS about the big roleplaying event (see, advertising *does* work). My third try now I think...first two were months - years ago, think I died to something, but anyway, getting some good ol' RP in now so a happy bunny :)
And tryin' to read through all these help files...gah! my eyes are bleeding. Already got a few funny stares when emoting to wrong person and such and such, but having fun (and seem to be learning) - great place you got here...think I've caught the 'Armageddon bug' I've heard so much about over the years ;)

Quote from: "Angela Christine"Only if you can convincingly emote doing this:  www.goatse.cx  :twisted:
No way are YOU tricking me into going into that site  :shock: I've developed an immunity to being curious about that site *shudders* :P

And welcome Siasha. Great to hear you've got the bug.

I have to say my curiosity got the better of me on that one...that's the grossest friggin' sing I've ever seen.  jesus christ...
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "uberjazz"I have to say my curiosity got the better of me on that one...that's the grossest friggin' sing I've ever seen.  

Well, yeah, but that's not the point.  The question was how well one could emote doing it.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

What? thats not even close, I'm not gonna link this, if you wanna look you have to type it, but goatse is tame compared to tubgirl.com
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "uberjazz"I have to say my curiosity got the better of me on that one...that's the grossest friggin' sing I've ever seen.  jesus christ...
AC only tricks us curious sorts once with that website :P

You know, I've always considered myself to have a high tolerance for the disgusting.. But AC, you win. You so very very win... Please, walk away a winner and don't rub it in.

emote turning around and bending over, me reaches back with both hands to stretch open his gaping, juicy, man-hole.

Quote from: "Angela Christine"
Quote from: "uberjazz"I have to say my curiosity got the better of me on that one...that's the grossest friggin' sing I've ever seen.  

Well, yeah, but that's not the point.  The question was how well one could emote doing it.


So something along the lines of...emote squats down before you, his package hanging limply in front, reaches around, sticks two fingers in either side of his arsehole and pulls sideways, revealing several inches of soggy, wet, pink, rippling rectum.

How's that?
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I guess I am one of the noobs here via slashdot.  I have lost one char already and am trying to learn more about the game itself.  I have read tons of the help files.  I have a background on the old hack and slash muds like phantazm.  Anyway with no levels is RP the only point of this mud?  I mean is combat a major component along with getting better equipment from mobs and things?  Or is all eq bought, traded, or stolen?  How are new skills acquired just randomly with playing time?  Is the whole point just surviving and making money?  Any insight would be appreciated.

Well, axjms, the point is roleplay...but combat is a part of the mud.  Ask anyone that has played a guard for any of the noble or merchant houses.  They spar all the time.  The only way to improve any skill is to practice that skill...so they'll spar with clubs, then with swords...one handed, two-handed, dual-wielding...the assassin will practice his backstab by doing so.  Of course, there are RP ways to increase these skills as well.  There is a command 'teach.'  To acquire new skills...you have to get better at the ones your character started with.  That process is called branching.  The ultimate point would be to bring the world alive (for yourself and those around you) and to have fun.  Bythe phrase 'bring the world alive' I am saying that one should interact with the world as well as try to make a change.  Riches are worthless unless you do something with them.  It is not all that realistic (except for 70 year old women with a cat for every year of their life) to hoard money in their mattress with no intention of using it for something.  Buy a pleasure slave, hire an assassin to kill someone that pissed your character off, throw some to some poor schmuck that is down on his luck...something, anything!  Figure out what your character would do and do it.  Have fun doing it.  Welcome to the best F'ing mud in the world...make something of it.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "axjms"I guess I am one of the noobs here via slashdot.  I have lost one char already and am trying to learn more about the game itself.  I have read tons of the help files.  I have a background on the old hack and slash muds like phantazm.  Anyway with no levels is RP the only point of this mud?  I mean is combat a major component along with getting better equipment from mobs and things?  Or is all eq bought, traded, or stolen?  How are new skills acquired just randomly with playing time?  Is the whole point just surviving and making money?  Any insight would be appreciated.

Your skills do go up with time and you can get better equipment.  However, equipment is a pretty small component next to skill.  Further, what is good and what is bad equipment is pretty clear.  If it looks like ragged shit, then it probably is.  However, if it is nice and new and looks protective then it is.  There is no uber equipment.  I take that back, there IS uber equipment, just expect it to be fought over.  If there is a delfier sword of doom sitting around somewhere, don't expect for their to be more then one, don't expect to loot it off some random spawn, and don't expect anyone to let you keep it.  I have been involved with fighting over the some magical item in the game.  They are very few and far inbetween, and conflict surrounding them is intense.  Don't expect your average mercenary grunt to ever see one.  Most equipment is bought or created, though you can loot some on occasion from NPC raiders.  Just don't be surprised to find out that raiders wear glorified rags.

As for combat, it is as much of a component as you make it.  You won't be going into dungeons, clearing them out, and rinsing and repeating this until you are uber.  The whole idea of a regular dungeon crawls or simply going out to kill stuff for the sake of killing stuff doesn't happen on Armageddon.  If you happen to go through a dungeon like environment, it is probably a one time deal with a big reward (or death) at the end.  Further, the 'dungeon crawls' I have been on have generally been terrifying and full of unknowns.  If combat is your thing there are mercenary companies that cater strong to it.  When you see combat with these guys it will be going out on paid missions to accomplish a job.

Skills come through branching.  Basically, if for instance you start with archery and you begin to get good at archery, you will eventually branch arrow making.  If your sneaky guy becomes good at sneaking and fighting, he might branch back stabbing.

Armageddon is a cohesive world.  What your goals are will be whatever you set them to be.  Staying alive is a good initial goal.  The game revolves around plots though.  All organizations have plots going on.  Plots crisscross all through the game.  They can be thought up of as quests, only instead of being driven by generic NPCs, they are drive by players and the staff.  Pretty much anything you want to achieve can be achieved.  If you want to start your own band of mercenaries, if you can gather the men and money, you can do it.  In the past people have managed great things.  One player even managed to gather an army and lead an attack on the games largest city that to this day is a pretty legendary event.  He set Allanak under siege for an entire year before it was broken.

If you really want to see what this game is capable of, I HIGHLY suggest logging on Sunday from 2PM EST on.  Sunday there is going to be something we call a Highly Recommended Role Playing Time (HRPT) being held.  HRPTs are massive events the permanently alter the shape of the world.  To give you an example of what an HRPT is like, some of the ones in the past included a city being attacked and destroyed by magik, a city being invaded and taken over, and rebels throwing out an oppressive army in a terrible and bloody battle.  HRPTs generally mean large scale violence and a major plot shift.  Even if the game has not caught your fancy yet, I strongly recommend sticking around for the HRPT.  You will likely see upwards of 120 to 150 players on and will likely see some earth shattering events.

Quote from: "axjms"I guess I am one of the noobs here via slashdot.  I have lost one char already and am trying to learn more about the game itself.  I have read tons of the help files.  I have a background on the old hack and slash muds like phantazm.  Anyway with no levels is RP the only point of this mud?  I mean is combat a major component along with getting better equipment from mobs and things?  Or is all eq bought, traded, or stolen?  How are new skills acquired just randomly with playing time?  Is the whole point just surviving and making money?  Any insight would be appreciated.

Yes, sometimes, depends, no, not exactly.  :twisted:

But seriously.  The point is to live your character's life. Understand them, delve into them, stay true to them.  Let them experience things, let them evolve, watch as their life unfolds before you. Share in their comedy, their tragedy, their boredom, their love and hatred, their innocence and their cynicism. Live out relationships with their boss, their rivals, their friends, their family, their targets.

Beyond that, most people (players) have goals, whether they be to socialize, explore, learn new things about the world.  Feel free to create characters who will do what YOU want to do: create a hardened nomad who will eventually explore (or even map) the Salt Flats.  Or create a sly 'rinther so that you can learn about the seedy criminal underbelly of Allanak. Like I said, feel free to create characters that by their inherent nature and/or background will want to do what you want to have them do, but don't have your characters do things that they wouldn't do, or that is out of character for them.

And of course you can also do these things while your character accomplishes goals of their own, which may not be your (ooc) goals: making lots of 'sid, gaining political power, becoming a formidable fighter, starting a family, fooling your enemies, killing off all ____, cornering the market on _____, creating a clan or organization to accomplish _____, becoming a fear-inspiring magicker, staying stoned/drunk/in bed all day every day....literally anything you or your character can fathom (within the IC constraints of the gameworld).


If you like combat, become a combat-oriented character.  But don't kill random NPCs just because you can (or think you can).  There has to be a reason why your character wants to perform these acts.  Also expect appropriate consequences if you commit a murder in a public place. In other words, don't kill vendors or passers-by on the street for their eq.

Skills are aquired the same way they are in real life: practice makes perfect.  But again be realistic: don't spar for five hours straight.  Don't craft for two days straight.  Don't do anything for the purpose of gaining skill unless there's a reason for your character to do it.  Just because you pick the ranger class and archery is on your skills list, doesn't mean you have to master archery.  If it's something your character would do, do it.  If not, don't.

Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

OK Thanks for the insightful replies everyone.  Your responses are actually pretty encouraging because what made me finally end my previous mud addiction was the endless treadmill of leveling.  But by the same token those levels and sweet eq were the pellets that kept me pushing that lever over and over again so I am not sure if I can fit in here.  It seems like the social element is huge factor here like all succesful muds.  Yet I am a half-elf that is fiercely independent and a loner.  (Note:  I don't think that is crossing the line for ooc discussion because it is straight from the race description.  Sorry if I am wrong.)  

I really like the culture this place exudes though so I will keep trying.  Thanks again

To note, axjms, half-elves do seek approval as well, though.  That might be a way to find your way into some good interaction.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

QuoteThe point is to live your character's life

Quotethe point is roleplay

Boy, do I look stupid and all this time I thought the point was to have fun .... bummer.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

Quote from: "Dirr"
QuoteThe point is to live your character's life

Quotethe point is roleplay

Boy, do I look stupid and all this time I thought the point was to have fun .... bummer.

Not if your idea of fun is, for example, to powergame, to randomly kill PCs or NPCs for their eq, to play your character in a way that makes no sense ICly, etc. etc.

Not that you do any of those things, Dirr, but those are the things that need to be made clear to someone who is trying to understand an RPI, coming from an H'n'S background, i.e. the person who asked.

We all play games to have fun, but some people will not find our type of fun, fun.
Quote from: tapas on December 04, 2017, 01:47:50 AM
I think we might need to change World Discussion to Armchair Zalanthan Anthropology.

Quotebut some people will not find our type of fun, fun

Thus tying back into AC's website post....

Quote from: "Cuttlefish"
Thus tying back into AC's website post....

Don't poke the bear.  I've been placeted by two pleasently revolting emotes, and you don't want to get me riled up again, because there are still plenty of disgusting things out there that I haven't posted.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Yeah, Don't Agitate Christine.

21sters Unite!