Crimcode: Some ideas

Started by nauta, November 14, 2016, 12:07:12 PM

QuoteWhen half giant soldiers get involved things get messy. I also think half giant soldiers should be removed, and only be present at the gates. As it is, they're fucking everywhere and it's stupid considering they're meant to be rare.

+1 to this. The code isn't sophisticated enough to properly portray the consequences of leaving HGs unattended with the apparent instruction to gank anyone they suspect is a criminal.

Quote from: In Dreams on November 15, 2016, 12:42:04 PM
Re: Ath~

I understand that it's policy on this game not to reveal anything on code information whatsoever. I do! But, if the staff really truly agrees that it's kind of ridiculous right now, considering the immense time investment players put into their PCs on Armageddon I would think it was actually prudent to reveal every bit of the crimcode - or at least where it's such an instantaneous unavoidable death sentence -  so great PCs don't wind up dead in ways that staff themselves, plus everyone else, thinks sucks.

I agree with this 100%. 

Re: crimcode transparencey) Yes, please!  It is a mechanics thing, not a lore thing.

That said, no matter what system we adopt, there will be those who will find ways of exploiting it -- which I think is something that might motivate keeping it opaque. 

It at least is what in part motivates my ideas in the OP of a minimal proactive crimcode and a maximal retroactive crimcode: you can't game the 'wanted' system (as proposed) -- it will get reported and (high-ranked AOD and templar) PCs can decide what to do about it.

At present, having played a rinther and seen my share of dubious things, there are oodles of ways of gaming the coded crimcode responses.

But like I said, even a new system will have ways of exploiting the system.

To get back to the topic -- or the topic I want, namely: what would the ideal crimcode system look like:

I think a minimal automated system would be the ideal.  Shift the response to the PCs via the wanted reports.  If a response is needed from the world, staff could animate via the wish command.

The pros would be: less messy; less chance of strange friendly fire situations; more interaction with PCs.

Would it be less exploitable?  I'm not really sure.

It'd be kind of cool too: criminals would have to find refuge in the wilds or in the rinth if they get flagged, and not be able to return until they bribe an official.

One thing for sure is: crimcode is a complicated beast.
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: Refugee on November 15, 2016, 01:26:33 PM
Quote from: In Dreams on November 15, 2016, 12:42:04 PM
Re: Ath~

I understand that it's policy on this game not to reveal anything on code information whatsoever. I do! But, if the staff really truly agrees that it's kind of ridiculous right now, considering the immense time investment players put into their PCs on Armageddon I would think it was actually prudent to reveal every bit of the crimcode - or at least where it's such an instantaneous unavoidable death sentence -  so great PCs don't wind up dead in ways that staff themselves, plus everyone else, thinks sucks.

I agree with this 100%.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree.  Crimcode works as it is intended, and I am only speaking for myself in most cases.  Does crimcode have some quirks?  Yes, and with those quirks and those that have to deal with them, appropriate warnings are posted in clan forums.  Yes, it can be a bit ruthless, staff does understand this, but we also know that there are those out there that if you post how it all works, others will find holes and then abuse them.

So no, we won't post how it fully works... as this is primarily an RP mud, it works in the manner intended for it.  Either way, most have figured out in one way or another the basics of how it works.  Don't attack someone in public with Soldiers around, they will defend a citizen.  Oh and if you resist arrest, the soldiers will react appropriately.  Not to come across as rude, but many think that it's all sorts of broken, I don't think it is for the harsh world that is Zalanthas.  I just personally think it could be improved upon, but I know what kind of undertaking a project like that would entail and I'd rather see our volunteer coders put their time into items they feel are needed over others.  Feedback is always being taken, so maybe come time a project will be put together to improve crimcode.

Please don't ask for mechanics to be revealed.  It won't happen, as this game is intended to focus on Roleplaying, not mechanics.  Mechanics that are necessary for players are put into the documentation.  Mechanics that are intended to be a mystery and not have full explanation that can be found out in game, are intended just for that... to be found out in game.  Crimcode is one of those facets, your character CAN figure it out in game, if they wish to put in the risk and effort to figure it out.

As always, if something happens with any part of the game that doesn't seem to be intended, please put in a request in the Bug category so it can be investigated.  Please use the Bug Request in cases where it is more detrimental, while you can use the BUG command for minor incidents.
Ourla:  You're like the oil paint on the canvas of evil.

Zalanthan cops are not going to come in and ask for ID.
Zalanthan cops are not going to be concerned with getting the right man.
Zalanthan cops are not even interested in bringing people to jail.

Zalanthan cops are interested in making everything peaceful again with the quickest solution possible so that the nobles aren't bothered and the peasants do not riot.  Usually that peace is made at the end of a blade.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

Crimcode as it is now is awful, says me, but unless you are actively trying to get slaughtered it is fairly easy to survive. Much easier than some of the black-holes from the past. Mad because a soldier killed you after your 4th flee fail? Try staring in horror as a carru reeled you over and over as 30 days played goes squish and there was NOTHING to be done. Good old days!
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: WarriorPoet on November 15, 2016, 02:54:41 PM
Crimcode as it is now is awful, says me, but unless you are actively trying to get slaughtered it is fairly easy to survive. Much easier than some of the black-holes from the past. Mad because a soldier killed you after your 4th flee fail? Try staring in horror as a carru reeled you over and over as 30 days played goes squish and there was NOTHING to be done. Good old days!

I'll be honest here... you should just go to jail. It could lead to a great RP experience.

Quote from: Malifaxis on November 15, 2016, 02:50:50 PM
Zalanthan cops are not going to come in and ask for ID.
Zalanthan cops are not going to be concerned with getting the right man.
Zalanthan cops are not even interested in bringing people to jail.

Zalanthan cops are interested in making everything peaceful again with the quickest solution possible so that the nobles aren't bothered and the peasants do not riot.  Usually that peace is made at the end of a blade.

This is very accurate.  Soldiers could really care less about the person they are dragging in or who is causing an issue... or will end up causing more work for a Templar, that has better shit to worry about.
Ourla:  You're like the oil paint on the canvas of evil.