Suggested Edits to Half-Elf Website Notes

Started by Hashi, October 18, 2016, 04:19:09 PM

"Half-elves, or breeds as they are derogatorily known, are the scum of Zalanthan society and everyone spits on them.  We don't recommend playing this race until you are emotionally ready for the abuse that you WILL receive from all other races."

Quote from: Hashi on October 18, 2016, 04:19:09 PM
"Half-elves, or breeds as they are derogatorily known, are the scum of Zalanthan society and everyone spits on them unless they're bangable.  We don't recommend playing this race until you are emotionally ready for the abuse that you WILL receive from all other races, unless you put out."

This is probably a good idea.  Anyone who has played knows why the docs strongly recommend new players to pick humans...but strongly recommending humans to a new player isn't the same as explaining -why- other races might be a bad choice.

And for the love of God, can the documentation finally spell out that using 'kick' in a tavern brawl is not what you want to be doing?  The help file for 'hit', for those who do read it before getting into a brawl in the tavern, is pretty vague and unclear.

I have made the mistake of using kick in a tavern.

Thankfully staff was there to save my ass.

like all those other times.
No not that time
but yes that one.

TBH anything non human shouldn't be allowed for first characters.

Uh... I read the docs when I first started. I had no misgivings about who stood where on the social totem pole. I don't understand the complaint. It's an RPI, doing some research for the setting isn't asking for much.

Quote from: The Warshaper on October 18, 2016, 04:54:17 PM
Uh... I read the docs when I first started. I had no misgivings about who stood where on the social totem pole. I don't understand the complaint. It's an RPI, doing some research for the setting isn't asking for much.
Some people are like me and see 'Highly recommended' and think 'It should be fine if I do something else'.

Then you play pickpocket your first character and want to kill your self.

Not so long ago or in a galaxy so far away...

Quote from: whitt on August 15, 2016, 05:37:33 PM
Quote from: Talia on August 14, 2016, 11:30:46 AM
It's not my impression that staff in general really wants to limit first PCs more than we've already done so, but maybe it would be helpful for the help files to be more helpful and to be re-written with very new players in mind? Y'all could take a stab at that here with whatever other info you think new players would need to really get a good start in the game.

How's this for half-elves?  Also removed the direct reference to rape.

Born of mixed elven and human parentage, half-elves share many of the traits of both races. Tall, roughly between 70 to 82 inches in height, and possessed of deeply etched features, half-elves can resemble their elven parents strongly. On the other hand, half-elves are bulkier and somewhat more hardy than elves, and so can resemble their human parents. Regardless of these attributes, however, half-elves can virtually always pass for either humans or elves, and share the skin tones and hair-and-eye colors of both parents.

A half-elf is an even mixture of elven and human abilities: they are stronger than elves but less so than humans; possess more endurance than elves (except for the elven ability to run long distances), but less than humans; and inherit elven wisdom and agility, but not to the extent which elves have these things.
Half-elves are somewhat solitary types, and many spend most of their time out in the desert. They are rumored to have a special rapport with beasts of all kinds, but whether this is true or not, or if it is due to something innate in their nature or simply because they spend a lot of time with their mounts, is a matter of light debate.

Often left on the outskirts of civilization, half-elves (or breeds) are not accepted by either humans or elves.  They will frequently being reviled as filth even by the families of their parents, if not by their parents themselves as very few half-elves are the product of a loving, consensual pairing between an elven and human parent. 

Likewise, half-elves will find it hard to find employment.  Few outside of the most accepting or the most desperate will offer employment to those of mixed blood.  Perhaps as a result, half-elves tend to be extremely self-reliant, and they pride themselves on this trait. Half-elves try to do everything for themselves, such as hunting for their own meals and camping well apart from others they are with.

Despite this, half-elves typically try to gain acceptance by elves or humans and will go out of their way toward that end. In many ways, half-elves are on a continual journey to establish their personal identity while also trying to fit into the very society that rejects.  Some half-elves even go so far as to try and hide their breeding to pass themselves off as human or elf.

If you are new to Armageddon MUD, you should be aware that all half-elves are discriminated against -- even among the lower classes of Zalanthas.  As a result they will not have very many social or employment opportunities.  Please bear this additional challenge in mind should you choose to start play as a half-elf.

Quote from: BadSkeelz
Ah well you should just kill those PCs. They're not worth the time of plotting creatively against.

October 18, 2016, 06:06:45 PM #7 Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 06:14:34 PM by wizturbo
I would prefer limiting new players to only be able to play Humans for their first character.  A large percentage of new players don't read all the documentation anyway, and even if they did, there's a sub segment that's always going to believe that  recommendations don't apply to them because they're experienced in MUDS.

If it were only half-elves that were a problem I would say just limit those, but realistically elves are just as challenging if not more so, and Dwarven focuses are tricky to get a grasp on for new players.

Limiting new players to human would increase the rate at which new players convert to long term players.

Quote from: Jihelu on October 18, 2016, 04:59:27 PM
Quote from: The Warshaper on October 18, 2016, 04:54:17 PM
Uh... I read the docs when I first started. I had no misgivings about who stood where on the social totem pole. I don't understand the complaint. It's an RPI, doing some research for the setting isn't asking for much.
Some people are like me and see 'Highly recommended' and think 'It should be fine if I do something else'.

Then you play pickpocket your first character and want to kill your self.

Did this.

Don't regret it.

Though I do agree it might be good to make it more spelled out for new players why playing a half-elf as a first char may be hard. Limiting first time players to Human imo, is def a good option - I like how wizturbo explains it.
I only didn't do it because the helper on the chat said mean things about breeds :(

I'm not against any of this, but I think the documentation is pretty clear as it is as well.

Mostly, I attribute more of it being the new player generally not realizing they are entering a world like this.  There are plenty of places that describe their world in rigid rules, but once you get in game, it's all much softer and lighter and more friendly.  So I don't think people expect this to be that hard when they read about Zalanthan harshness.  I know I didn't.  It's all laid out, but games aren't generally so mean to you.

My version of change would be an outright disclaimer on the first character of each account that they may die very quickly and that's okay, and that they should learn as much as they can with each character about how the game world wants to fuck you.  Heh.

Caution:  Zalanthas is hard. Like a big dildo.  And it wants to find you.  Hide from it, but be aware that some players are also dildos.  Everyone gets fucked in the beginning.  Welcome, freshmeat, to hardmode.  Start making more character concepts now.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: Rokal on October 18, 2016, 06:13:07 PM
Quote from: Jihelu on October 18, 2016, 04:59:27 PM
Quote from: The Warshaper on October 18, 2016, 04:54:17 PM
Uh... I read the docs when I first started. I had no misgivings about who stood where on the social totem pole. I don't understand the complaint. It's an RPI, doing some research for the setting isn't asking for much.
Some people are like me and see 'Highly recommended' and think 'It should be fine if I do something else'.

Then you play pickpocket your first character and want to kill your self.

Did this.

Don't regret it.

Though I do agree it might be good to make it more spelled out for new players why playing a half-elf as a first char may be hard. Limiting first time players to Human imo, is def a good option - I like how wizturbo explains it.
I only didn't do it because the helper on the chat said mean things about breeds :(

Hehe, my first two or three were breed pickpockets!
as IF you didn't just have them unconscious, naked, and helpless in the street 4 minutes ago

Quote from: wizturbo on October 18, 2016, 06:06:45 PM
I would prefer limiting new players to only be able to play Humans for their first character.  A large percentage of new players don't read all the documentation anyway, and even if they did, there's a sub segment that's always going to believe that  recommendations don't apply to them because they're experienced in MUDS.

If it were only half-elves that were a problem I would say just limit those, but realistically elves are just as challenging if not more so, and Dwarven focuses are tricky to get a grasp on for new players.

Limiting new players to human would increase the rate at which new players convert to long term players.

If I logged on to a mud for the first time and could only play one race or class, I would log off and never come back.  May not be a good example, since most of you probably wish I had.  But that's the problem with making dorfs or breeds karma-gated.

October 18, 2016, 08:10:13 PM #12 Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 08:36:26 PM by wizturbo
Quote from: Hashi on October 18, 2016, 07:40:48 PM
If I logged on to a mud for the first time and could only play one race or class, I would log off and never come back.

I agree we'd lose some people at the front of the funnel by limiting races on first characters, but the early funnel is less important than the end of the funnel.  

Let's be real here, the new player experience is already extremely unfriendly resulting in very low conversion rates.  These aren't bad things about the game, in fact they're what make it great, but also very unfriendly to newbies:

1)  Role-playing enforced game - a turn off for many MUD players in general, and makes it harder to communicate OOCly
2)  Permadeath, in a harsh and unforgiving world
3)  Application based character creation
4)  Karma restricted magick users
5) (proposed) First character must be human

I don't see  #1-4 being okay for a new player, but #5 suddenly being a deal breaker.

And, even if it was, the number of people who try Armageddon and churn out during their first character is immense.  And that kind of churn is the worst, because it's so hard to get someone to truly tryout the game to begin with.  If an uncommitted newbie doesn't bother to make a character because they can't be a half-elf, that's less of an issue than someone who actually tried to climb Mount Armageddon but quit because their first experience was being shit on for being a half-elf and not understanding why.

Quote from: Hashi on October 18, 2016, 07:40:48 PM
But that's the problem with making dorfs or breeds karma-gated.

I didn't say karma-gate them, that's not necessary in my opinion.  Just restrict them so a new account's very first character has to be human.

Quote from: Hashi on October 18, 2016, 07:40:48 PM
May not be a good example, since most of you probably wish I had.  

Most of us have no clue who you are, so it's pretty unlikely any significant number of us wish you weren't playing.  :)

I'm not completely sure about restricting one's first character to a human. I think it's not uncommon for someone experienced with RP to join the game (though I wouldn't know, really), and they'd probably prefer to have other options available. I mean, lots of people would like to have other choices, even those without much previous experience in roleplay. Playing such other races is, arguably, a good way to just dive into the game, as you get to experience just how harsh the world can be. On the other hand, I see the point in how it can drive people from the game, when you're treated like trash right from the get-go.

A warning as mentioned by the OP would be suitable enough, I'd wager. Maybe even put it in bold on the website, and make it obvious during char-gen that choosing a race other than a human can have its difficulties (depending on which race that is).

Maybe even throw in a confirmation when they choose anything other than a human for their first character. Are you sure you wish <name> to be a <race>? Something like that.

Quote from: azuriolinist on October 19, 2016, 12:12:02 AM
A warning as mentioned by the OP would be suitable enough, I'd wager. Maybe even put it in bold on the website, and make it obvious during char-gen that choosing a race other than a human can have its difficulties (depending on which race that is).

Maybe even throw in a confirmation when they choose anything other than a human for their first character. Are you sure you wish <name> to be a <race>? Something like that.

Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

I'm pretty sure a confirmation was already mentioned somewhere related...

Quote from: Lizzie on August 14, 2016, 10:01:31 PM
1 line for each of the above, to explain the specific difficulty in playing it as a first-time player, and a reminder that new players are urged to try human - warrior/ranger/merchant - Allanak.
And then a "Do you still wish to select this option? Y/N" and if they say yes proceed, if they say no return them to that particular option menu.

There. Something like that would be great.

I think, from my first character, which was I believe a breed burglar, turned whore by some random human that was a pimp. I thoroughly enjoyed my first few days of play.

That being said, I did have a history of RP games and was quite used to being the little guy, taken advantage of during the last game I had played, though I am almost certain a good portion of folks who are coming to Arm wont be of the same mind. So I agree at the least put a warning up.

This was a crim-code orgy of violence due to not understanding the brawl code. A bad situation that I am -certain- the other player involved felt very shitty about.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: WarriorPoet on October 19, 2016, 08:20:52 AM
This was a crim-code orgy of violence due to not understanding the brawl code. A bad situation that I am -certain- the other player involved felt very shitty about.

Based on the original experience mentioned in ask the staff, it sounds like this is much more the problem. Sure, being a breed and looked down on was a problem, but they kind of "asked for it" by BEING a breed.

It sounded more like they were pissed that they could be pushed around, and when they tried to use 'kick' in a brawl, they got ganked by soldiers thinking it was other players.

Brawl is super fun, but maybe "help brawl"/"help hit" needs a workover as well. Perhaps a "use of any combative command outside of 'hit', such as kicking or bashing, will result in escalating the brawl into a fight with the intention to kill. If you do not wish to kill the person you are brawling, please only use 'hit'."
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

It does sound like the problem arose way before the brawl though, in terms of player satisfaction with the experience.

I wouldn't make all starting characters humans only, but I'd agree with some confirm/with big disclaimer stuff.  Not that it will stop everyone from thinking the prejudice isn't real.  But maybe it'll catch a couple new people who otherwise would've selected half-elf thinking Elrond is super cool and successful and respected and so I can be too.
Former player as of 2/27/23, sending love.

Quote from: Riev on October 19, 2016, 08:43:03 AMBrawl is super fun, but maybe "help brawl"/"help hit" needs a workover as well. Perhaps a "use of any combative command outside of 'hit', such as kicking or bashing, will result in escalating the brawl into a fight with the intention to kill. If you do not wish to kill the person you are brawling, please only use 'hit'."
Heck, maybe take it one step further and implement a one-time confirmation message when the player tries to use kill/kick/bash in a brawl-activated room.