Whatever happened to...?

Started by mirk_o_loio, July 28, 2016, 05:16:41 PM

I think I started Durik about the same time as Tori started, maybe a bit after.
i love being a nobles health points

I really super extremely miss Larrath. I'd love to hear more about some of those end of the world plots, because they were interesting! How much longer do you think they'll be secret for?

:( No one misses my chars.

Seriously though, the comments made about chars who were loved or reviled have given me a lot to think about in terms of how to improve my rp and plottiness.
Quote from: Miradus on January 26, 2017, 11:36:32 AM
I'm just looking for a general consensus. Or Moe's opinion. Either one generally can be accepted as canon.

Quote from: Raptor_Dan on August 15, 2016, 07:36:02 PM
:( No one misses my chars.

Seriously though, the comments made about chars who were loved or reviled have given me a lot to think about in terms of how to improve my rp and plottiness.


Quote from: Raptor_Dan on August 15, 2016, 07:36:02 PM
:( No one misses my chars.

Seriously though, the comments made about chars who were loved or reviled have given me a lot to think about in terms of how to improve my rp and plottiness.

Were you "Dan" on a previous GDB account? If so, I remember one of your stumps in particular, back when I played Irminia Kadius. He was one of the best on her crew, and he had a focus of finding the people who killed his parents I think. I don't remember his name though.
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

What happened to Qoriya, anyway?

I loved insulting her in my thinks as Ashad Lyrun and I'm still puzzled how come she never did get around to killing me. She helped me develop my character so well.

Ashad Lyrun: loyal elf

Qoriya says some joke that puts Akai Sjir's stone shaping ability in doubt.

Ashad Lyrun:Fierce Enemy.

I miss Sanvean. I know she is off being successful and kicking ass, but ahe was always very kind too me, even when she had reason not to be.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

I wonder what happened to Moonless Night.

And Virren Sekh. 
I had to tell her that her lover died.  It was a nice moment, all things considered, but I think that was the last time I saw her. 
I always wondered if I just never managed to track her down again, or if the grief was too much for her to deal with.

While I'm wondering, I'm curious what exactly did happen to Virren's lover after all.

Ashad.. I remember him as quite a nuisance, but he was involved in stuff and also got things done, in ways that were sometimes useful to the Templarate. I suppose he was gradually working his way up the long list of people to be disappeared, but the Deluge got to him first. It's been a long time now, almost seven years, heh.

I don't know what happened to Virren. Probably storage? I remember the PC went missing a while and then came back a month or so later, only to disappear again sometime in late 2013.

Faithful Lady Templar Qoriya Tenneshi, the White Hammer, went on to serve the Sun King for a long time, eventually retiring from public duty mid-2014 at the age of 75. She was promoted to High Templar and given the task of training the new Negean Faithful in the unified templarate. There's a lot to say about Qoriya, though much of it will always be too IC-sensitive to discuss.

Quote from: Lizzie on August 15, 2016, 07:56:48 PM
Quote from: Raptor_Dan on August 15, 2016, 07:36:02 PM
:( No one misses my chars.

Seriously though, the comments made about chars who were loved or reviled have given me a lot to think about in terms of how to improve my rp and plottiness.

Were you "Dan" on a previous GDB account? If so, I remember one of your stumps in particular, back when I played Irminia Kadius. He was one of the best on her crew, and he had a focus of finding the people who killed his parents I think. I don't remember his name though.

Quote from: Miradus on January 26, 2017, 11:36:32 AM
I'm just looking for a general consensus. Or Moe's opinion. Either one generally can be accepted as canon.

What happened to Merchant Ita of Salarr?
i love being a nobles health points

That was me. These were -all- me. Everyone is me.


Who the heck played Qudsiyah? I was Anathema.
Quote from: Miradus on January 26, 2017, 11:36:32 AM
I'm just looking for a general consensus. Or Moe's opinion. Either one generally can be accepted as canon.

August 17, 2016, 12:10:16 AM #112 Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 12:26:45 AM by ale six
Quote from: SuchDragonWow on July 30, 2016, 09:46:23 PM
I always wondered what happened to Torihan.  I never got to kill you and bury you next to your daddy like I promised I would.

Torihan was probably my favorite character ever (yes, ever). Unfortunately her story didn't get as climactic an end as I would have liked, but it's still so amazing. I decided to share it here, because it's been long enough, I think? But uh, March 2014 spoilers below, for the cautious.

Torihan began as a nobody who got a job in Tuluk working for Salarr as a weaponcrafter in order to feed her sick NPC father. Her daddy was a true Tuluki patriot and always pushed his daughter to be as good a little citizen as she could be, but Tori had a restless streak to her and resisted him. Her mother disappeared when she was young and her father would never speak of it. I'm sure you guys can see where this is going.

For a little over an IC year, Tori had a mostly normal and unremarkable life. She stressed about her job, she fell in love, she smoked spice when she could beg it off of someone rich enough to buy it for her. She bought a dingy hovel in the Warrens where she lived with vnpc dad. I kept her as poor as I could on purpose, because I wanted her story to be about struggle and loss, and it's hard to do that if you're flouncing around in silk. I probably got more deep into solo RP with Tori than I'd ever gone on any previous PC.

If people had been watching very very carefully, they may have noticed some things off about Tori. She was never, ever out of breath. Her hair would blow in the wind on days when there wasn't so much as a breeze. She wasn't a performer, yet had a pitch-perfect voice the few times she sang along to songs in taverns. Even Tori didn't notice this about herself at first, and then it kept happening, and she tried her hardest to just ignore it.

Then one day in the Firestorm, Tori witnessed Kradj-da Kurac get brutally murdered by an angry half-giant. The shock of the bloody scene gave her an overpowering need to flee. The Faithful showing up soon after didn't calm her at all, in fact it only strengthened the urge. For some reason, she started hearing the words of a lullabye in her mind, one her mother had used to sing to her. She couldn't get it out of her head. She went home, and smoked all the spice she could afford. It only helped to calm her a little. So she went up on the roof of her tenement building and started singing the lullabye to herself. She started floating. At first she thought it was just the spice, but it wasn't.

Tori was in a constant state of terror after that. She kept her mind walled as much as she could. She tried desperately to pretend nothing was wrong, that she was normal, to resist the magick she had awoken inside her. But of course, she couldn't hold it back. Every so often, she would sneak up onto the roof of that tenement in the warrens in the dead of night and whisper her evil spells.

Around this time, Torihan went along on a Salarri business trip to Allanak. Being a Tuluki in Allanak, she got the expected amount of harassment, and somehow even managed to attract the ire of Ellandris (Lana) Borsail, who would continually harass her via the Way thereafter. This becomes relevant in just a sec.

I can't exactly relate the circumstances of how on the GDB, but one night in her tenement, Torihan lost control of her powers and killed her father. (Taijan actually created an NPC father for me to kill, which was so absolutely amazing - I'd intended it to just be a solo RP scene.) After murdering her father, Tori was in a total panic, so she asked her lover (a fellow named Jak, played by a relative Arm newbie as I recall) to come over and save her. I basically was resolved to put my character's fate in Jak's hands at that point; if he had killed her, it would have been a more than fitting Tuluki end. But instead the power of love prevailed. Jak and Tori buried her father's body in the tenement room itself, since it had a dirt floor. From then on I left really incrimidating HEY THERE IS PROBABLY A BODY BURIED IN HERE ldescs in my apartment, but nobody ever broke in while Tori was still living there to my knowledge.

As one might expect, this whole thing basically turned Tori into a self-loathing, terrified, suicidal twisted mess of a person. My goal all along was to hit the emotional payload of being a Tuluki mage who experienced actual loss as a consequence of manifesting, and man, I hit it in spades. Tuluk was actually really scary to play in OOCly while knowing at any point I could be arrested and killed just for being a mage, but the conspiracy and murder angles of the story were just as fun to play. I kept Tori there because she had nowhere else to go, from an IC perspective, and also because I wanted to play out a scary and suspenseful story rather than go run to safety somewhere less threatening.

There was actually one point after all of this where Torihan was a witness to a death in the Sanctuary (some guy came in and attacked someone and was then pulverized by soldiers). Witnessing this actually got her a closed-room interview with not one but THREE Faithful Lords. I was pretty sure she was going to be discovered and die during this, but somehow she survived. Just a bit later one Faithful Lord Theron tracked her down in the Tooth with more questions, which Tori answered as truthfully as she could while leaving out the interesting parts, like how she murdered her own father, or how her mother was disappeared. Luckily, Faithful Lord Theron didn't press her hard - in fact, he seemed more interested in Tori's short trip to Allanak and her encounters with Lana Borsail. Apparently Lana had been telling the northern templars that Torihan was a southern spy as part of her vendetta.

Tori was strong enough by now that murdering a southern noble was a possibility, and she was crazy enough to do it, and had nothing much left to live for anyway. She believed Lana was the reason she'd attracted the Faithful's attention, and if she could just take her out, she could live in peace afterward. The first Ocotillo Festival was happening right around this time, so Tori began making plans to attack during that.

Inexplicably to me, the very next day Theron got into Torihan's head and told her something along the lines of "Hey, come meet me at the Heart. I know you're a magicker". Needless to say she was gone from Tuluk faster than you could say NOPE. I have no idea how Theron learned about her (but there were plenty of ways she could have slipped up by then, so it wasn't that surprising), and I also have no idea why he gave her such warning. It felt kind of like Theron wanted her to escape?

So, Tori fled Tuluk for good. At this point the only person she could speak to, ironically, was Theron himself (she was too afraid to speak to any of her old friends and acquaintances, as she didn't want them being killed for associating with her). She made her attempt on Ellandris Borsail's life, and failed (somebody nerf templars pls omg). At this point I was running out of things for Tori to do... she was lonely and isolated, afraid of both major cities, and unable to find anyone to connect with in Luir's or Storm or elsewhere.

I did think hard about having Tori return to Tuluk and let herself be executed, and it's possible that may have eventually happened.  But, for RL reasons, I ended up having to store the character. So I guess, to answer the question, Torihan just sort of faded away into the wind somewhere. I still miss her.

Hopefully somebody else enjoyed reading this, but even if not, I really enjoyed writing it.  :P

Quote from: Barsook on August 16, 2016, 09:15:03 PM
What happened to Merchant Ita of Salarr?

I don't have the full facts on it, but I have a little bit of the circumstances.

My understanding is that Salarr wanted to transfer Ita to Allanak for the foreseeable future. She donated a massive amount of coins to Poet's Circle (she was an Apprentice bard, I want to say Irofel), gave her Arabetti owl away for a friend to watch, and wasn't seen again for a very long time. It was sort of assumed then that she had stored.

However, that was not the case, as a very long while later she appeared again. If I recall (I could be wrong), she was no longer a Merchant at that point, having been demoted in Salarr (I believe part of the reason being a lack of activity). I also believe that the Circle wouldn't let her reclaim her Apprentice status, either, unless she proved herself to them. They had doubts to her loyalty (remember, that time she was away, she was virtually in the south). She wasn't happy with the situation.

I think she stored shortly after that, but I don't know that for sure.

As of February 2017, I no longer play Armageddon.

Quote from: palomar on August 16, 2016, 11:02:50 AM
Ashad.. I remember him as quite a nuisance, but he was involved in stuff and also got things done, in ways that were sometimes useful to the Templarate. I suppose he was gradually working his way up the long list of people to be disappeared, but the Deluge got to him first. It's been a long time now, almost seven years, heh.

I don't know what happened to Virren. Probably storage? I remember the PC went missing a while and then came back a month or so later, only to disappear again sometime in late 2013.

Faithful Lady Templar Qoriya Tenneshi, the White Hammer, went on to serve the Sun King for a long time, eventually retiring from public duty mid-2014 at the age of 75. She was promoted to High Templar and given the task of training the new Negean Faithful in the unified templarate. There's a lot to say about Qoriya, though much of it will always be too IC-sensitive to discuss.

I remember this scene as Red, the youngster trickster extraordinaire, when somehow he told Qoriya that he saw some speshul physician's toolset that was mastercrafted by Ashad Lyrun, my own long past character. I remember Qoriya got all twisted up about someone else owning that toolset, violence in her eyes and everything. Knowing the background story was super fun.

August 17, 2016, 12:32:47 AM #115 Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 12:35:24 AM by SuchDragonWow
Re: ale six

I played Theron and although most of that characters life was a disappointment, and largely my own fault, I think one of the more interesting parts of his life was his interaction with Torihan.  You're an amazing roleplayer, I must say.  If I didn't kudos you, I will now.

You're also correct.  I wanted you to escape and kill Ellandris, so we could pin it on a certain sorcerer.  It didn't work out that way, as Arm rarely does, but it was a fun time.
Where it will go

re: ale six

I read Lana's journal entries on my noble about the attempted kidnapping. Cool.
Quote from: Fathi on March 08, 2018, 06:40:45 PMAnd then I sat there going "really? that was it? that's so stupid."

I still think the best closure you get in Armageddon is just moving on to the next character.

Ale six, it's nice to know that someone who plays this game puts that much thought and heart into their characters. And that sometimes, there really is a whole living breathing character with reasons behind certain acts.

I played a friend (?) of Ellandris Borsail, who knew about her kidnapping. It's cool to know there was a whole fleshed out character on the other end of it. Thanks.
It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end.
- the Mumonkan

Ellandris' kidnapping and rescue was a pretty crazy scene. Good times.

re: ale six

This is a textbook example of how great this game can be when all the stars align. I played Ellandris, and to her, persecuting Tori was just a thing she did because she was bored (and because I think nobles should be horrible sometimes. Also because I thought you were an awesome roleplayer and needed an excuse.) It's really cool to read about the backstory behind everything that happened on Tori's end. Thanks for playing along and behaving in such a realistic, thought out manner.  If you had managed to kill me I wouldn't have even been mad!
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Re: ale six

Torihan was seriously great. I tried very hard not to guild sniff her as Kevak, even with all the clues, hah.

But I'm glad she got to do some cool things, and scary things.

D'awwww. Thanks guys.  :-[ I was surprised when I heard Torihan was even mentioned in this thread. Who knew a crazy whiran who's most notable achievement was a foiled assassination attempt would be remembered two plus years later?

Honestly I'm glad I failed to kill Lana, OOCly -- it probably ended up being a better story than had I succeeded and then had to store shortly after anyway. Luckily despite racking up lots and lots of kills on my templar back in the day, I still sucked at PvP.

(SuchDragonWow -- the Theron/Tori interaction was definitely awesome. It was great to see a Faithful react to me in a way that wasn't "filthy abomination, I shall kill you in the most one-sided and expedient way possible!" Though of course if you had done that it would have been fine too.)

I know, I need to quiet down, but what happened to that Kadian crafter who became an apprentice bard in one of the circles back in late 2010?
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Barsook on August 17, 2016, 02:36:34 AM
I know, I need to quiet down, but what happened to that Kadian crafter who became an apprentice bard in one of the circles back in late 2010?

Got a name?

Quote from: ale six on August 17, 2016, 12:10:16 AM
I can't exactly relate the circumstances of how on the GDB, but one night in her tenement, Torihan lost control of her powers and killed her father. (Taijan actually created an NPC father for me to kill, which was so absolutely amazing - I'd intended it to just be a solo RP scene.) After murdering her father, Tori was in a total panic, so she asked her lover (a fellow named Jak, played by a relative Arm newbie as I recall) to come over and save her. I basically was resolved to put my character's fate in Jak's hands at that point; if he had killed her, it would have been a more than fitting Tuluki end. But instead the power of love prevailed. Jak and Tori buried her father's body in the tenement room itself, since it had a dirt floor. From then on I left really incrimidating HEY THERE IS PROBABLY A BODY BURIED IN HERE ldescs in my apartment, but nobody ever broke in while Tori was still living there to my knowledge.

A certain Faithful with a glorious beard and hat found this and began to try to find WTF happened. Nothing really came of it.

QuoteA female voice says, in sirihish:
     "] yer a wizard, oashi"