Allanaki Gathering - Thursday the 23rd

Started by Suhuy, June 23, 2016, 05:35:48 AM

A gathering of people, not the defiler sort of gathering :D

Set to take place in one of Allanak's popular watering holes on Thursday the 23rd (soon!) around 9:30 pm server time. If your character is the sort to attend a public function in Allanak, it shouldn't be difficult to find.

This is meant primarily as a social RPT, though it's always possible a few defenseless babies will be tossed on the fire for good measure. So don't be shy, stop on by. All walks of life welcome, though the less "desirable" your character is classified, the more likely they'll be in the background of things.

Because there was no rumor, which wateringhole is it in?
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Barsook on June 23, 2016, 09:32:57 PM
Because there was no rumor, which wateringhole is it in?

I heard it was in the Red's Retreat. Bunch of snobby assholes.