Another Gladiator Mini-RPT (Training) on May 19th 11:00PM Server

Started by wizturbo, May 18, 2016, 12:45:30 AM

Gladiators, aspirants, and fans are invited to the Arena tomorrow at 11:00PM server for some training time on the sands.  I'm hoping to run these frequently, in addition to the bigger, more official Gladiator combat on the weekends.

Hint:  If you're thinking about playing a real Gladiator PC, now is your chance...shits about to get real.

Similar to the last RPT on Tuesday.  I'll be trying to run these about twice a week for the foreseeable future.

Bump. This will be happening in 30 minutes.
Sometimes, severity is the price we pay for greatness

Running about 15 minutes late.  Will start at 11:15 server