Subguild Subchoices... Wouldn't it be nice?

Started by Malifaxis, April 28, 2016, 12:36:01 PM

So I had this idea.  And I know y'all are a generally pretty smart bunch of cookies, so I was thinking maybe we could brainstorm on it.

And who knows, if it sounds wanted enough, and cool enough, and well thought out enough... maybe Staff will sit up and take notice during this whole Guild/Subguild redesign.

So there are some subguilds that are pretty set in stone.  Acrobat... for instance.  Not much wiggle room I can think of.

Others, however, have some options that could potentially be chosen during character generation, after you've selected subguild.  Much like selecting your stat choices, or your place of generation, these choices could come up on a list during initial generation (or even, if its easier to code, during the Hall of Kings.)

For instance:  Linguist.
Linguists currently get a few extra languages... Allundean, Mirukkim.  Allundean is useful because elves and breeds, and mirrukim is a highly complex series of grunts that no one ever uses anyfuckingway.  But regardless... what if a linguist could pick what languages, and even maybe an extra accent, that they have access to at generation?  I, personally, think this would be pretty baller.    I mean there are a lot more languages in the world than just desert-accented awesomedean and rock-accented boulderish.  It would also make it so there is a lot more prevalence with some of the other languages.

Master Weaponscrafter:
Allow the picking of 3 skills from the weapons tree that can go to master.  Fletchery, bow making, club making, axe making, swordmaking, knifemaking, whorecraft... whatever the rest of them are.  You get the idea.  Maybe have the rest of them fall back to just Advanced, or not at all?

Get clay working, basket weaving, stone working.  What about tool making, bandage making, wood working or the other "common" style crafting skills?  It would give a lot more value to this sort of thing.

Are there any other subguilds this could pertain to?  Is it a good idea, bad idea?  What are your thoughts, as a playerbase?
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

You can spec app most of your ideas as far as I know.

Yep. I've spent karma/CGP buying an extra language and accent. I've also had approval to have some of my extended-subguild crafting skills swapped for thematic reasons (no swordmaking for tribals).

Some things, like learning Heshrak as a Linguist, are more of a stretch and probably won't get approved. But it doesn't hurt to ask via the special application tool.

Special Apps: More Than Just Skill Bumps!™

I like the Linguist and Master Weaponcrafter ideas, if only because they plug holes in the Subguild skill webs. But really, I think the easiest way to do it (from both a player and coder standpoint) would just be to add a few more subguilds, rather than a whole new sub-process.

I know that Master Archer and Master Club/Axemaker Dude have been suggested. As far as Linguist, you could probably do a Trader Linguist (Cavilish/Bendune/Sirihish) and a Racial Linguist (Sirihish/Allundean/Gruntikkim).

Then we just drop Cavalier in there (Master Ride, Adv Charge, Trample, and Desert Nav) and e'erybody's happy forever and we close the GDB, rite?
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

Side note, Cavalier was going to be a subguild ("Rough Rider", lol) but there was a problem with the way those skills are coded that prevented it from being a subguild.

Probably for the best.

If it had went in, I would've been morally obligated to app:

Name: Roosevelt
Sdesc: the barrel-chested, moustachioed man
Guild : Warrior/Rough Rider
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

Linguist and languages too would be much stronger if only they could randomly branch languages by ear #notshitlinguistics2016