Roleplaying having 'scan' vs not having it

Started by Harmless, March 15, 2016, 02:22:08 AM

Armaddict, this was years ago, I used it as an example, that blew into a whole, 'well give the sneak the benefit of the doubt, code lolz, you can't be all aware', when using said example was not the intention. My intention, was to state - there are ways that a pc, not having scan, can be codedly abused in a roleplay aspect by other pc's.

Ah.  I got lost in the segue, then.

Trimmed down, my position is that not having scan does indeed make you more susceptible to those people who depend on stealth when they are in their element and in their role.  There is a certain amount of responsibility on the part of users of code to make measured decisions on how it's used, always...but in cases where there is obvious treatment in that way, we should indeed make sure it's addressed.  I do think that the 'I was roleplaying this, which should have nullified this' leads down a somewhat endless path of arbitration.  I guess that's the case with everything though.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

yes indeed, unfortunately. As you said, and I agree, it all goes back to desertmans post a little while back - it's all left to opinion.

Someone bellows in your ear, then runs in circles around you, giggling madly!

I don't think we're missing anything at all. Your post--before Desertman's contribution--revived the discussion and sparked this off.

The key question is, did the other player emote to you that your character was blind and senseless? Did the other player emote that your character was blind? Or was he just popping in and out of stealth (and using non-stealth breaking commands like whisper on you while hidden), and this is just your interpretation of the scene? Because if staff chewed you out for blowing up about it, I'm guessing it was the latter.

The point is, in stealth scenarios, by their very nature, you don't have all of the information, and it's not fair to assume the worst. I can easily imagine how that player was spinning out beautiful semotes about how he was dancing around you, keeping out of your sight, in ways that would have creative license, perhaps, but not be literally impossible and abusive. I can also easily imagine that he didn't emote at all, or in his mind's eye he really was just standing in front of you and you couldn't see him. The point is that's not for you to decide within the game--if you suspect the player was doing the latter, he's guilty of OOC abuse, but it's staff that needs to investigate and deal with it.

It's theoretically possible to remain hidden while doing cartwheels on top of the bar and singing Amos Left Town, though anyone caught doing so should be looked at with the heaviest of suspicion and be slapped with a gem.

Quote from: Delirium on April 26, 2016, 04:25:13 PM
It's theoretically possible to remain hidden while doing cartwheels on top of the bar and singing Amos Left Town, though anyone caught doing so should be looked at with the heaviest of suspicion and be slapped with a gem.

Unless there's another group of people doing cartwheels on the bar and singing Amos Left Town.

Edit: Another -sizable- group. XD
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

April 26, 2016, 10:52:25 PM #57 Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 10:56:44 PM by Inks
You made your bed when you chose one of the only 2 classes without scan.

There are many areas where it is impossible to hide in.

If you emote being alert and keenly scanning the surrounds without the scan skill, you should not suddenly spot hidden folks in the room.

Use watch.

Player complaint if there is an actual incident of abuse, as Armaddict said. Trying to make sneakies guilty for using their coded skills is like trying to make warriors guilty for sparring. Of course some people will abuse code, but I feel we have a very mature player base, overall.