Critical strike suggestion

Started by Jihelu, February 28, 2016, 05:42:06 PM

"Get rid of "stabbing" subset. Allow Backstab from any weapon except clubs. After all, any weapon can kill in a single blow. "
This statement got me thinking, but not about allowing other weapons to backstab.
This skill is a generic term for 'critical strikes' against an opponent. This is what the helpfile says.
With that in mind, why does the stealthy class that deals around in the shadows only have the ability but warriors don't?

Heres what I propose.

New skill for Warriors and possibly ranger
Critical strike. Can be used in combat from the start and failure means allowing your self to get hit, like how failing a bash lets you fall. The hit can be anywhere from a solid hit to the X, on critical failure (This hit is also an extra attack by the opponent and is guaranteed based off of your failure, not their attack but their strength would probably effect damage) to a glancing blow, to nothing if you manage to catch your self after failing.
Warriors would have a humanoid component of this, rangers would have an animal version of this.
It would be usable by all one handed/some spears possibly.
Would level up like any other combat skill.
Would be a powerful way for warriors and rangers to re-establish their alpha dominance as fighter 2015

"But what about backstab"
Seeing as how backstab was only usable by a select group of weapons, weapons that you would normally stab people in the back with, I think we should rename backstab to...backstab.
And leave it as an actual backstab/spinal stab and say so in the helpfile.
I've only seen it like once but I'm pretty sure the emote off of it even mentions you popping up behind them assassin style and shanking them.
There wouldn't be a change to backstab with this.

I like the concept but I feel like it could get stupid with warriors just critting everything down.
It probably wouldn't be usable with bludgeoning as if you wanted to 'critical' with that you just sap.
It would also let warriors with advanced weaponry dominate even harder with there "You don't know how to block this attack, also I'm critically hitting you"
Whatcha think?
Bad idea?
Good idea?

If you have only seen backstab used once maybe you should pursue more experience with it before proposing ideas in relation to it.

Warriors already get critical strikes.

It's called <weapon> (master).

Every time they slam you to the head or neck, that's a critical strike, and warriors are much better at stringing those together than any other class.

The last thing warriors need is a way to inflict more damage, more quickly.  The skill-up system might need to be tinkered with a bit so that more warriors can actually get to that god-tier DPS, but that's not a problem with warriors, per se.

Aside:  there are multiple output messages for backstab.

All that being said:  I think it would be -awesome- if assassins got all the primary weapon skills to advanced, and could backstab with any weapon type.  That would destroy a whole lot of guild-sniffing.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on February 28, 2016, 06:59:06 PM
Warriors already get critical strikes.

It's called <weapon> (master).

Every time they slam you to the head or neck, that's a critical strike, and warriors are much better at stringing those together than any other class.

The last thing warriors need is a way to inflict more damage, more quickly.  The skill-up system might need to be tinkered with a bit so that more warriors can actually get to that god-tier DPS, but that's not a problem with warriors, per se.

Aside:  there are multiple output messages for backstab.

All that being said:  I think it would be -awesome- if assassins got all the primary weapon skills to advanced, and could backstab with any weapon type.  That would destroy a whole lot of guild-sniffing.

I agree with this about assassins, as shown by my post the other day below, but I think their skillcaps should be different to add another element of variety and so as not to accidentally nerf warriors. Really, if you want to be an axemaster, that sounds like warrior territory to me. Being competent though is another issue.

Quote from: Harmless on February 25, 2016, 03:43:27 PM
...Assassins have terrible weaknesses in combat from needlessly restrictive weapon skills (really, assassins should be able to get to at least jman in swords, chopping maybe apprentice.) ...

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If you set one weapon type higher than the others, almost everyone will use that weapon type, because of the way parry synergizes with weapon skills.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: Synthesis on February 28, 2016, 07:16:36 PM
If you set one weapon type higher than the others, almost everyone will use that weapon type, because of the way parry synergizes with weapon skills.

Are you kidding? I've NEVER, EVER seen a weapon go to (advanced) once, so I wouldn't notice the difference, and I usually land 20+ days played on a PC like an assassin, but okay.
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It's a pretty huge difference, especially for assassins, who will rely on parry much more at top-tier, because their base D doesn't get anywhere near as good as a warrior's.

When I branched the advanced weapon skills and started using them (going from master to novice), I went from nigh-untouchable to "whoops, scrabs can hit me again."
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.