Character Ideas. (Odd Urges 2.0)

Started by RogueGunslinger, February 12, 2016, 09:38:56 PM


I want to make a blind wind mage.

"thwap" "Thwack" "Thwop" "Boom" "Crack"

say (looking up as dust drops down from the ceiling once again) We have a blind Whiran, our upstairs neighbor, practicing his flight spells inside his room again.

Quote from: Inklings on March 15, 2016, 12:40:09 AM
sdesc: the lanky, blonde-curled man

Kidnaps young women from around the city, kills them and skins them.
Makes their hides into a full set of clothes, including a mask
Often caught seen dancing in the Gaj dorm  in nothing but a patterned robe, asking if people would f*** him.
But where are you going to get the lotion?
Quote from: AdamBluewear Inix pelvis
You wear a wood-carved inix strap-on on your pelvis.
etwo wood
You reach down and grasp your wood-carved inix strap-on.
kill booty

perhaps this should be in NPQs, but would it be possible to make a dwarf that had fur, using a spec-app?
"Historical analogy is the last refuge of people who can't grasp the current situation."
-Kim Stanley Robinson

Quote from: 650Booger on April 01, 2016, 01:50:37 PM
perhaps this should be in NPQs, but would it be possible to make a dorf that had fur, using a spec-app?
Short answer: yes

Long answer: Yes but no.

Staff doesn't want to change in depth parts of races.
IE: Letting an elf ride a mount, a half giant not being retarded, a Breed not having daddy issues. That sorta thing.
Claws and shit tho are gucci.
Give your dwarf scales fam.

A dwarf who wants to master every weapon skill, rather than be the best hunter or warrior. He ignores retarded shit like tactics, shields and proper gear.

April 09, 2016, 09:44:21 AM #106 Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 10:34:41 AM by Chettaman
human, merchant / linguist
Start a whore house - hire only women and call all the girls treggies.
I'll hire artists to paint them and make them famous for scandalous likelinesses and be the first person to alienate by gender.

- I'll start a trend of alienating women and start a war of the sexes. Soon even the templarate in allanak will begin to feud and sides will no longer be the oppressed and the oppressors. It will be the men against women. After a time someone with real power and intention will become annoyed and make it a point to address both sides, but to no avail... the people will still fight and even the lower templars will find a way to be spiteful to the opposite sex.
I will have changed the world of zalanthas! I would grin knowing that I'd made my mark in the world. I'd close down my house and stop hiring artists and I'd fund certain unreasonable persons from both sides who are willing to martyr themselves for ''their'' cause. heh heh... my cause.
I would do this... just for a laugh. Just for my entertainment. Just how far could I make this go /and/ live?

OOCly, I would feel terrible for making the world I like to play in even worse.

unless... someone were to plot against me. Unless someone knew that I was playing the puppet master... hm. I would have a figurehead. I would have a capable underling who was also as diabolical as me, but ... not enough to overthrow me. In fact... Maybe I would be one of the employees. Brilliant... muahahaha!
This person plotting to stop me from changing the world would write laws or get them written or just flat out kill me - but instead killing my figure head. Or maybe they would just kill the treggies.... hm... I would need protection as well as my figurehead.
At any rate, if I ever got it off the ground it would be too late. Too late! I would of already affected the world with my scandalous likelinesses! Muahaha!

Fear me!
Live like God.
Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors

If I ever play a half-giant I'm going to base them on Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove.

Or maybe I'll just make it a regular human. That would be even funnier.

Oh, and he has to be a master chef.

Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

April 11, 2016, 08:41:34 PM #108 Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 08:44:45 PM by Chettaman
And a half-elf

A half-elf burglar - master chef.

Live like God.
Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors

Quote from: LauraMars on April 11, 2016, 08:32:25 PM
If I ever play a half-giant I'm going to base them on Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove.

Or maybe I'll just make it a regular human. That would be even funnier.

Oh, and he has to be a master chef.

There was a Corporal Kronk IG a bit over a year and a half ago :)

A dwarf who's focus is to take over Allanak with an army of animated stone soldiers or one that wants to take over Tuluk with an army of animated wooden soldiers.

Bonus points for those who can get the reference.
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Barsook on May 24, 2016, 09:54:27 PM
A dwarf who's focus is to take over Allanak with an army of animated stone soldiers or one that wants to take over Tuluk with an army of animated wooden soldiers.

Bonus points for those who can get the reference.

I don't know if this is right, but I used to watch the colorized version at my grandparents house every summer.

I want to make an Edward Teach themed PC, except instead of a ship he has a wagon he goes around Zalanthas' sandy wastes using to rob people with his crew of rejects.
All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground
And my eyes fill with sand, as I scan this wasted land
Trying to find, trying to find where I've been.

Quote from: Vositus on May 24, 2016, 10:03:33 PM
Quote from: Barsook on May 24, 2016, 09:54:27 PM
A dwarf who's focus is to take over Allanak with an army of animated stone soldiers or one that wants to take over Tuluk with an army of animated wooden soldiers.

Bonus points for those who can get the reference.

I don't know if this is right, but I used to watch the colorized version at my grandparents house every summer.

Nope.  It's really a Russian one that only Russian players should get.  But close.
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: LauraMars on April 11, 2016, 08:32:25 PM
If I ever play a half-giant I'm going to base them on Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove.

Or maybe I'll just make it a regular human. That would be even funnier.

Oh, and he has to be a master chef.

Fairly certain I already did this character.  ;)

July 01, 2016, 01:07:53 PM #115 Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 01:11:03 PM by Chettaman
Quote from: Miradus on July 01, 2016, 11:23:22 AM
My time in Arm's low fantasy setting has made me desirous to become a demilich bound for godhood.

This makes me want to stop making mundane, everyday characters and blow some minds.

My next character was supposed to be fun and a dream come true. A guild/subguild combination I've wanted to do since I started playing.
But I'll make that demilich if you don't think it's possible. And I'll do it with ranger/gladiator. It'd make more sense to do it with warrior/enchantment magick, but I like a challenge.

Jumpin' on the lizzie crazy defense of ARM train! (no offense Lizzie)
Live like God.
Love like God.

"Don't let life be your burden."
- Some guy, Twin Warriors

I cannot believe there's never been a person who looked at all the magical power Tektolnes has obtained and the secular and theological authority he wields and said, "I'm a gonna take that shit."

I have a great idea for my next character and I'm going to see if I can pull it off or if someone murders me in the womb.

There has been... but... well, that's a can of worms I won't get into, suffice it to say you hit a glass ceiling with super-powered PCs that ends in sadness and storage.

These days, it's nowhere near possible to achieve the coded heights of power that would be required for epic-level quests. We're a lot more down to earth now.

I'm deeply, deeply saddened by that.

In order to have a lot of fun with that role, you wouldn't even have to start off powerful. Or even in any way succeed with your delusions of grandeur.

Just simply one day, Joe Salter looks up at the walls and says, "Fuck this. I'm going to own that place."

I mean, if you're okay with dying very quickly, that sounds like a lot of fun. I guess I was cautioning against any illusions of success or survival.

Quote from: Delirium on July 01, 2016, 01:46:13 PM
I mean, if you're okay with dying very quickly, that sounds like a lot of fun. I guess I was cautioning against any illusions of success or survival.

Heh. No worries. Neither success nor survival are necessary for *fun*.

I mean, it would be a shame if someone walked back to the bar and said, "I met this crazy hermit out in the salt flats and he said he wanted to kill the Highlord so I killed him. Look at these boots I took off his body. Nice boots, huh?"

But that still makes for a better common story than, "Hey, I found this corpse in the desert. Killed by a raptor, I think. Look at these boots. Nice boots, huh?"

This is a good attitude to have toward the game, and I whole-heartedly agree :D

I'd love to try and play a Nilazi someday. Looks like it's never going to happen with some of the changes that have been made, but something I'd always wanted to try was a lonely nilazi who dragged bodies from the pile back to his apartment late at night, and animated them for company like some sort of demented cat person.

Quote from: yousuff on July 01, 2016, 07:38:24 PM
I'd love to try and play a Nilazi someday. Looks like it's never going to happen with some of the changes that have been made, but something I'd always wanted to try was a lonely nilazi who dragged bodies from the pile back to his apartment late at night, and animated them for company like some sort of demented cat person.
I'd advise you not do necromancy in the highlords city but eh.

The nilazi that tries to save existence with his death, keeping the mentality 'death and life are just part of the same cycle', would be interesting. The holy unholy warrior!

Quote from: yousuff on July 01, 2016, 07:38:24 PM
I'd love to try and play a Nilazi someday. Looks like it's never going to happen with some of the changes that have been made, but something I'd always wanted to try was a lonely nilazi who dragged bodies from the pile back to his apartment late at night, and animated them for company like some sort of demented cat person.

Oh my god I did this. I had a breed who would find corpses, smuggle them into her lair, and have tea parties just for company while she teetered on the edge of (further) mental breakdowns.

Spoiler alert: she eventually broke down further.